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Everything posted by MsRamsey

  1. Least helpful: China Moon Cookbook. I finally gave it away. It's necessary to make several subrecipes before making any of the main recipes.
  2. I had a great time in this class, learned a hell of a lot, and would like to do it again. Chef William is a very gracious man and an excellent teacher. I was also really impressed with Kevin, who oversaw service while we ate the fruits of our labor. He chose two amazing wines (I'm sure someone will post the names -- the white was by Mason of Napa; the red I cannot remember). After lunch, we left the restaurant wandered around Pike Place Market. When we went back to Mistral to get the cars, we watched William and his staff play stickball in the parking lot! Can't wait to have dinner there. Kathy
  3. The pizza at Big Time is far better than the swill I have been served at Elysian.
  4. As Mary riffled through her cavernous purse for an aspirin, she was reminded of Greg’s unreasonable demands, how he beseeched her to fish out the gross little white thing in the egg whites before making his fussy omelettes, and how she had sought to tantalize him with her baked goods, made impossible by his insistence on putting the softened butter back into cold storage, along with his heart.
  5. DeLaurenti's (a large gourmet food store at Pike Place Market) has a great cheese department, and there is another (stand-alone) cheese shop at Pike Place Market.
  6. I just talked to Bryan to confirm that it's full, and it is, but he took my number in case someone cancels. Why did I just do that??
  7. But Malarkey and I are talking about the one at the Seattle Center in July, right?
  8. Mmm . . . beer . . . in the morning.
  9. That doesn't really make sense. It's far lower than the national average.
  10. Most Thai restaurants add MSG. I wonder if that might have added to the perception that some of the food was bland. I would use only creamy peanut butter for peanut sauce.
  11. Does anyone know where this term comes from?
  12. MsRamsey


    My husband wants us to compost, so when he's home (about 2 weekends per month), he gathers food scraps in a container in the sink, like coffee grounds, etc. Then when he goes back to California to work, I throw all of the scraps he's lovingly saved straight into the garbage can. Great ideal to strive for, but I don't have the time or inclination.
  13. SARS rumors are also hurting Seattle's International District. There was also a story about it on the radio this morning. http://seattlepi.nwsource.com/business/125...103_sars05.html
  14. It's the end for the Cloud Room. *SOB* http://seattlepi.nwsource.com/business/125...6_camlin05.html
  15. The big complaint is the SERVICE, which is usually terrible.
  16. My friend Rose and I snuck in there one night a few years ago and had a look around. We could hear staff working in the kitchen, but no one caught us.
  17. You must wait until you have a few glasses of 8-pointer under your belt before wearing silly things on your head. I never went to the Herbfarm one (was that Falls City?). I probably hadn't moved here yet. The other one looks good too, but not so convenient for driving home. If only they provided a drunk shuttle between St. Edward State Park and downtown.
  18. Well, that's a span of 25 miles of possibilities there. Carlsbad itself is lovely, as is Del Mar. Most places will be somewhat casual, because that's the coastal way, but ritzy La Jolla probably a bit less so. It's been a while since I lived there, so I recommend taking a look at the restaurant reviews in the San Diego Reader. http://www.sdreader.com/ed/rr/restcaps.html Here's another site put together by a couple who seem to spend a lot of time in North County: http://www.tpguess.com/~guess/restaura.htm Try to stop for coffee and breakfast at the Pannikin in Leucadia (Hwy 101). It's housed in an old train station and holds a very special place in my heart. I always liked Neiman's in Carlsbad, but I don't know what it's like now.
  19. ya know.. isn't there one on Solstice weekend too? the replacement for the Herbfarm one? (*sob* *mourn*) This one is particularly good because its walking distance to my house. well sorta, ALL uphill. I'd be sober by the time I got home. I love beer. Surely there are lots o' beer lovers on this board. I'd be game to attend this. Its been awhile since I've been to a beerfest... I'll go with you! Looks to be less crowded and in a more pleasant space than the Oktoberfest thing in Fremont. Where's the one on Solstice weekend usually held? Who'd want to compete with Fremont Parade weekend?
  20. The 2nd Annual Seattle International Beerfest will be held at Seattle Center (Mural Ampitheater) on July 11 to 13, 2003, and I could get into a lot of trouble. Here's the website: http://www.seattlebeerfest.com/index2.htm
  21. Don't worry. There will be. And it will take over your life!
  22. I've seen Sue Cown, the pastry chef from Earth & Ocean, at The Georgian and 727 Pine.
  23. I shouldn't go, but this (the Communal Dinner) sounds great. Is anyone here going?
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