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    Liuzhou, Guangxi, China

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  1. liuzhou

    Real Wasabi

    Maybe sometimes. All the farms I've visited, two in Japan and three in China are in mountainous areas and use natural streams. The only 'modification' was some landscaping.
  2. liuzhou

    Real Wasabi

    I'm sorry but in way does a stream, 'modified' or not, become to be between a stream and a pond? Ponds contain still water; streams have running water. I've visited a number of wasabi farms; none were anything like ponds.
  3. Today's haul in the Land That Doesn't Do Dairy: 1-year fermented Manchego and finally, spurred on by the notorious enabler, @Katie Meadow, here. 😂
  4. liuzhou

    Real Wasabi

    I grated some today to use as a garnish on a homemade hamburger. Worked well. I'll do that again. (Can't see McDonald's taking it up, though.)
  5. liuzhou

    Real Wasabi

    No. It grows in or on the banks of fresh running water, usually in mountainous areas.
  6. liuzhou

    Dinner 2024

    Yes, that's it. Looking back at it now, perhaps I overreacted. However, at the time I did find many of the responses to be very negative and the whole experience depressing and largely unhelpful. Obviously there were exceptions which I noted at the time. Water. Bridge.
  7. liuzhou

    Dinner 2024

    I did start such a topic or it may have been more about cooking for one. That was many years ago and all I got was a load of judgemental garbage questioning why I might be living alone and even more saying I should just eat frozen food and leftovers and think myself lucky, despite my having said that was precisely what I didn't want. As I said, it was long ago and most of the participants then are probably no longer still here, figuratively or literally. I forget what it was called and it's best to leave it to rot in peace. The site is, on the whole, a more friendly place today, so if someone were to start such a topic again, I'd willingly take part to the best of my ability.
  8. liuzhou

    Dinner 2024

    My friend, who is something of an expert on fish in her homeland, was baffled by the number of fish she saw in Australia which she didn't recognise, just as I was when I moved from England to China 30 years ago, not that I'm in any way as expert. I do know flake, but it is called dogfish or huss (among other names ) in the UK, but so are many other shark species. . Fish names are notoriously highly mutable. One name can be applied to many different fish and any one fish can have multiple names, even in the same language. In Mandain, shark are all 鲨鱼 (shā yú), the first part being borrowed from English and the second simply meaning 'fish'.
  9. I doubt there is a "right one" as such. It seems tobe like Ras El Hanout in that it may not be the same each time, even when mixed by the same person. If you mean whose does Blementhal use, you'd have to ask him.
  10. From the little I know about Somali chili powder, it is a blend of spices, rather than pure chili powder. If so, like many such blends, there will be many variations. Does that seem likely? I know of Somali stores in London, where there is a small but significant Somali immigrant community. No idea about availability in the US, sorry. Is Devil's Penis another name for Peter Peppers? A search for those may yield results. Not very helpful I realise; good luck!
  11. liuzhou

    Dinner 2024

    Shrimp with garlic, chilli, culantro, Shaoxing wine, Chaoshan fish sauce. Rice. Simple.
  12. liuzhou

    Dinner 2024

    I'm wondering what kind of fish. A lot of the fish species in your part of the world, though, are unknown to me, just as I'm sure many fish I get may be mysterious to you. In fact, many are mysterious to me, too! I have a good Chinese friend who has lived in Melbourne whose family business here in China is as fish and seafood wholesale distributors and remember her saying she was baffled when she first went ot Melbourne as a student. That has to about 20 years ago, now.
  13. Yes, but it's a bit off a rip-off here. There is a very well known type of pasta like ingredient (very similar to the Italian orechiette) known as 'cat ears' (猫耳朵 - māo ěr duo). It is usually made into a dish of the same name, particularly famous in East China, but known everywhere. They are trying to cash in on that. I prefer my Stilton with port. 🍷
  14. The beer delivery people are continuing to throw random snack-type things into my deliveries. Not every time, but about half. I just collect them waiting until some passing friends with kids drop buy. I certainly ain’t eating them. Especially the first. This goes by the name of ‘Yogurt Sandwich’. Even if this wasn’t a ludicrous concept, it still fails as it is no such thing. It is ludicrously sweet blotting paper encasing even sweeter white, white gloop. Truly disgusting. Oddly the Chinese for yogurt, 酸奶 (suān nǎi) translates as ‘sour milk’. It never is. The second was these, described in baby talk which I’m not even going to translate. The ingredients list mentioned ‘chicken meat flavour’, which usually means no chicken involved, and onions then fifteen items with names as long as Great Wall. All industrial effluent. Binned them. Finally, these are Cat’s Ears. Not literally. The reassuringly shorter ingredients list reads wheat flour, palm oil, sugar, salt, sesame, spices (2%), ammonium bicarbonate (preservative). Still landfill.
  15. I noticed in the advertising videos the strength needed to press the blades through the vegetables was what would be a struggle for many people. Also, how would you ever sharpen it?
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