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Everything posted by herbacidal

  1. i've only been once, also i was also there once at its predecessor. based on those one meals each, i liked the predecessor better. can't remember what i had at tropico, but as i recall, my impression was that the quality wasn't as good as i would have liked. but it is only one visit.
  2. i neglected to mention that i don't speak French, so any info would preferably be in English. I suppose I can run French language pages through Google translator, but it's never worked especially well for me.
  3. i'm sure i've seen at least 20 high end ranges in the philly area that were used less than once a month, if that. i used to be a caterer, like gg mora. some of those kitchens i've seen in homes are probably worth more than my house.
  4. probably could. but to me mars bar would just taste better fried than mike and ike would, though.
  5. that does sound really good. just wanted to say i saw schneier being quoted in Wired talking about national ID systems. cool.
  6. didja notice that mamster wrote that?
  7. available at otafuku, @ 236 E 10th. I get them almost every time I go to New York. It's just a little takeout stand that sells takoyaki and okonomiyaki.
  8. in hopes that st. nicholas No, no. You got the wrong guy. http://www.leenite.org/jonisland/hharry/hhintro.wav http://www.leenite.org/jonisland/hharry/hhsong.wav http://www.leenite.org/jonisland/hharry/hh_xmas1.htm being overly presumptous now, aren't you? there's enough non-jews that are true bagel lovers. santa claus is a cultural icon, not religious. wait, you're right, i referenced st. nick, not santa. in that respect, i think we're both wrong, but you're closer to being right.
  9. Are there any recommendations for websites with good information on French cuisine? I suppose I could get a book, which I probably will. I expect that I would be coming back here as well for supplementary information. But are there any good websites that can serve as a primer on French cuisine? TIA. Now I have to go browse through all the threads here.
  10. by the chimney with care in hopes that st. nicholas soon would be there.
  11. all i can say is that my impression from others was that UES was more stuck up. personally, i found both Usides equally as stuck up.
  12. herbacidal

    Tahiti Treat

    definitely. i remember it in some of the poorer urban areas with heavy black and latino populations. although i believe it was tahitian treat.
  13. Maybe a better way of phrasing this is that the lack of dairy in Chinese cuisine probably allowed Jews to think they weren't transgressing quite as much as they might have? But it's true, certainly, that there's nothing kosher about Chinese food unless it's, well, kosher Chinese food. that's an interesting and, to me, plausible explanation, especially given the Jews I know with various levels of adherence to the restrictions on their diet, etc. And the Jewish response is???.... hmm. most Jewish moms were cooking things like meatloaf and the like?
  14. i do think dong jeet is probably bigger in the south than the north. dong jeet is probably "thanksgiving" for the south, more than zhong qiu jeet. zhong qiu jeet would seem to be closer to thanksgiving for the north, based on my vague recollections.
  15. maybe it's just me, or was project's post possibly the longest pure-text post i've seen in some time? probably since cabby. blov-trix, that clears it up fine. didn't mean to make you go into that. i really was just going to assume you were accurate and leave it there. though i do appreciate the educaiton.
  16. so are you saying new #1 has replaced college buffet in that location?
  17. square on square should be a chinese restaurant at 19th and chestnut. a couple of storefronts west of the northwest corner.
  18. what does that mean? stollen as a mid-morning snack? i assume you mean the laundry room is behind you and the camera? ditto everyone else, thanks for the blog.
  19. i would say that most chinese i know probably either tolerate tang yuen or like it. OTOH, i haven't touched the stuff in a decade or so, and am quite happy to keep that streak alive. my cousins were suprised that i didn't like it.
  20. I completely disagree with this thought. Sure, Chinese food has no dairy, but unless you're eating at a kosher Chinese restaurant, we're talking serious treyf -- the beef and chicken are improperly slaughtered and the not kashered (blood drawn out with salt). Plus, you have an abundance of pork, shrimp, and other seafood. None of this remotely assists in the keeping of kashrus. since i barely understand the concept of what you've said here, and have no semblance of understanding the rest, i'll just assume you're correct on that point.
  21. to hunt them down when they forgot to incluee the most miniscule detail in their meal log, right? worthy function, indeed.
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