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Everything posted by herbacidal

  1. yea, i like skin too. also the fatty parts of the fish. never used to like fish as a kid, but it's grown on me. heads and eyes, never been put in front of me, never gone searching for them.
  2. comment from the peanut gallery: as a pastry chef, i can see why phawless can't do the 14th. but wouldn't the 7th also be busy, prepping what she can of the rest of the week's stuff so the rest of the week she can work on v-day stuff? i would imagine between the 7th, 14th, and 21st, the 21st would be best for her. sorry for the intrusion. pulling my nose back out of where it doesn't belong now.
  3. that sounds dammm good. stratospheres above my habanero vodka. sweet. now i got a more complex one to work on next. glad it went well, shannon.
  4. i really wanna hear a Louie blog. i'll be sure to remind whoever is up about your willingness.
  5. herbacidal

    Pork Belly

    just had it last night. they didn't have it taro, so i couldn't have it my favorite way, so we had it with mui choy (pickled vegetable).
  6. i like it nice and simple, stir fried with scallion and garlic. although it's also good with curry, and with salt and pepper.
  7. so where is the photo? didn't see it in the online article. actually, i was thinking litter box.
  8. is the photo only in the print edition?
  9. in that respect, you are basically saying something akin to: It is necessary for Grimes to review four-star and three-star restaurants, because by doing so, not only will he be giving his impression of their food, service, and ambience, but he also will be educating readers as to his own rating criteria, what he values. etc. and giving further insight into the degrees, exactness, etc. of his rating system, and thus give more information on how his reviews are to be valued and judged by the readership. Now, this I can accept and agree with; I just don't think he failed to the degree that I believe you were implying. As I said, I thought he did an acceptable job. That does make me wonder how often critics nationwide review four-star and three star restaurants.
  10. i still don't understand. so it isn't uncle ben's, or some long-grained variant. AFAIK, most rice that chinese use, including jasmine rice from Thailand, sticks together. i would guess this about japanese rice as well, although my limited experience is mostly with sushi. What is different about this particular, short-grain, sticky rice?
  11. This part i am not so sure i am in agreement with FG. You give the impression that you think Grimes had a duty to review these 4-star restaurants, despite not stating that fact. I don't believe so. I think it is Grimes' duty to review as diverse a range of restaurants as possible, and appeal to all parts of the NYT readership. Accepting that Eric Asimov would be basically setting the floor for Grimes by taking those under $25, I would say that Grimes did an acceptable job. Admittedly, this is also coming from someone not as experienced in the New York dining scene as you and many others, someone who I would speculate has tried none of the Grimes-reviewed restaurants.
  12. so it's a rice variety, not a particular way of preparing it? hmm. how's the flavor that much different than other chinese rices? (I think the rice we use is from Thailand)
  13. hmm. we haven't had anybody do one from southern US yet, have we? I was thinking the the same thing..... cool, hope you have your eyes on someone to tag.
  14. sorry, i think i had it there originally. i was actually referring to rice, hawaiian-japanese style. the rest sounds really good.
  15. tell me when ya go. i've gotten an itch myself. you going will give me a good excuse, if you don't mind company.
  16. tell me about that. that does sound good. so does the malasadas. i've never had mochi. tell me about these. are these banh mi? or is this the Hawaii chain that I just found through google? just looked it up. that's just weird. can they be grown anywhere a banana can be grown? TIA
  17. no argument there. Spam is so good, it's spawned imitators. how long have the other spam variants been available? I'm in New Jersey, but I always liked Spam as a kid. Still do. Sorry, don't mean to turn this into a spam thread. Initially checked this thread just to find out more about Hawaiian food.
  18. are you trying to include them, or exclude them? working on babysitters and ride-givers ?
  19. i think philly has good bar food b/c we have a lot of microbrews that have good relations with bars, and the bar owners just figure might as well have good food to go with the beer if people want. that'd be my guess as to why NYC doesn't have as much quality bar food. not enough microbreweries, brewpubs, etc. also maybe not good enough relations between the microbreweries and the bars. don't know how many of the bars i mentioned in my post early in this thread serve after 10pm. i know a few of them do, just not certain which ones. i myself was just at copa too after 10 last night (15th btwn locust and spruce) and had a damm tasty burger.
  20. no problem. it's really just an informal agreement we've come to. ronnie's right, your meal does sound tasty. and you will get the hang of it soon enough. there's a LOT of stuff in here.
  21. just so you know, the foodblogs are currently on a weekly basis. whoever completes one a particular week tags the person doing one the next week.
  22. hmm. we haven't had anybody do one from southern US yet, have we? I was thinking the the same thing..... goody. these blogs are just as they should be: educational info on how people in different areas of the world eat. really cool pictures, Kristin. gotta add, i didn't know movie prices were that high in japan. in hong kong, i remember movie prices were like $90HK, roughly $12 US. $18 US just seems waay out of whack. much like nonnie's southern.
  23. Yes, Scripps TV. But Fine Living is far superior IMHO. And that's why I question why they won't put this excellent show on Food TV. so as not to hurt itself. fine living was probably started to get all the people who don't watch foodtv anymore. I imagine DIY was started to build on HGTV and target people who wanted to move from just watching all the stuff and actually doing more of it.
  24. is that the picture of the mold?
  25. hmm. we haven't had anybody do one from southern US yet, have we?
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