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Everything posted by herbacidal

  1. well, i wuz gonna give them a few more hours but... yea, how was it?
  2. that's interesting. i can't disagree with it. all of those are basic flavors in chinese cuisine, i assume they are for eastern european cuisines as well. it would help explain why i do like eastern european food, what little i've had.
  3. i don't believe so. i do believe so. Chinatowns historically have been in some of the oldest parts of cities, because Chinese started immigrating earlier than many groups, and were quick to form a community where possible. It becamse possible when many of the buildings got older, more affluent people wanted to move to new buildings, newer sections of town, etc. If I'm not mistaken Jews and Chinese started "coming of age" in northeastern American cities around the same time. At first, it may have been something like acknowledgement of each other as the outsiders, similarly different from the rest of America. Ongoing, the lack of dairy used in Chinese cuisine probably also helped Jews keep kosher. The fact they that Jews probably wanted to go out on Christmas when Americans of various other cultural backgrounds were staying home, and lookee here, Chinese restaurant X is open, probably helped cement the relationship. I imagine that right now, as much as anything it's a good excuse for Jews to be able to go out and avoid much of the crowds that may be around most days. On Thanksgiving, Chinese always go out and about, in part because everything is less crowded because many Americans are at home.
  4. herbacidal

    Live vicariously!

    I'm trying to figure out how a person could drink that good Bell's beer and follow it up with PBR. not only student budget, but after enough good beers down the hatch, some people probably wouldn't care/notice the taste difference in the last few, so why not save money?
  5. mighty generous of you, ya-roo, but i'm feeling a little sick. i'm traveling as little as I can. the 3 of you should have fun. i'll take a raincheck on that ticket tho.
  6. lauren's philadelphia compadre wants to hear about the meal.
  7. correct. cantonese just has an additional term. huo guo is used as well. Think huo guo translates to "for wor" in Cantonese. yup. different pronounciation, same words.
  8. correct. cantonese just has an additional term. huo guo is used as well.
  9. I'm sorry, Mr. North Cackalacky. Do you have jurisdiction here? (thanks) tangent: when and how exactly did cackalacky come to be synonomous with carolina? is it a southern term i am unfamiliar with?
  10. herbacidal


    you sure you're not mixing it up with horn and hardart? i remember a H&H at 17th and JFK i think, still there possibly. plus the H&H at 16th and Sansom. i've never heard about a D&D down in philly.
  11. i vote for toliver. don't know if he's from chi-town, but i'd prefer more geographic diversity in our foodbloggers.
  12. just the way my aunt used to. except not sure about the freezing part, and she only did somewhere in high double digits. the ones we eat now are mostly store bought. not the same.
  13. luckily, i haven't happened upon that yet. no.
  14. the lotus leaf packets with sticky rice, called naw mi gai (the bigger one) or jen jhur gai (individual sized) often have chicken sliced chinese style, lap cheung (chinese sausage) as mentioned above. almost threw in peanuts and stuff, then i realized i was thinking about zhong zi.
  15. pho is vietnamese rice noodles. most often eaten with raw beef sliced very thin. usually, just before the order is brought to the table, the broth is poured into the bowl with the noodles, beef, etc. the heat of the broth will cook the beef during the trip to the table.
  16. ya know, if i pretty myself up, maybe have some plastic surgery, liposuction and a new wardrobe, i'm sure i could be a worthy trophy husband.
  17. It keeps the hot stuff hot and the cold stuff cold. i know what a thermos is and what it does. speaking of which, i wonder where my old blue one is. hmm. i don't understand the part about a thermos knowing.
  18. Philadelphia: Let's start with the paper of record or whatever you want to call the main one, Inquirer---respectable to very good sports and urban development focused, tabloid paper: Daily News---okay, less in depth, but covers all the bases alternative newsweeklies Philadelphia Weekly and City Paper---respectable, one does it with less of an enthusiast's point of view and more like Ms. everygirl or a girl representing the main target demographic 18-35 year old Philly urban hipster female the other does it with a more educated analysis with big "SAT" words, and basically covers all the bases, but with more depth than Daily News anyone disagree about Philly papers? I'd be interested in viewpoints.
  19. is there a difference between reddi-whip and cool whip? in taste, texture, foaminess, etc.?
  20. i am much more of a fan of creme fraiche than whipped cream. fraiche has more of a purpose, contrasting with mushrooms or whatever else.
  21. I wouldn't be surprised if you came home to see a bunch of varmints (racoons, squirrels, mice) trying to figure out how to jimmy the lock. i was expecting 'lil Varmints myself.
  22. Off topic but the funniest clean joke ever! i don't get it. guess i'm too young.
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