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Everything posted by herbacidal

  1. herbacidal


    nope, dock street is no longer up and running.
  2. nothing against italians and italian-descended americanos, but why would i go to little italy when i've got south philly? if philly didn't have a strong italian and related population, i'd consider it. then again, my favorite part of being a tourist is going to visit neighborhoods. ( in NYC trips, still haven't been to top of ESB, or seen the Statue, although I wandered thru part of Rock Center while I was walking by, and did check out the Met some Sunday. but usually, i just wander thru various parts of the city that interest me, wander between places on foot.)
  3. that was quick? but it tastes so much better with live hog. and lest we forget our pioneer roots, a tree trunk makes an ideal chopping surface. if you get the right kind, there's even grooves for the juice to run along.
  4. it is re-opened as a luncheonette, but i don't know if it's serving georgian food.
  5. Okay, I'm planning on visiting a friend in Baltimore tomorrow and Sunday, just inside 695, roughly where Catonsville is. recommendations in the area for: good, relatively cheap food good, really cheap food bar to watch Sunday Eagles game
  6. aw, jeez katie. no, this sucks. sorry, had to break the lovefest. coolio, katie.
  7. hey, that works fine. spare parts---anything people wouldn't normally eat. all the more for us abnormals.
  8. of your list, the only ones i've been to are locanda and martino's. i really liked the osso buco i had at locanda, and martino's is nice as a little romantic little family run place. based on my impression of what you want and etc., i'd go for l'angolo.
  9. really? i was getting ready to interrupt your speech and mention it, but decided not to. I think we would have found you a spot on the grill if you had done that. don't think so. wasn't room on the grill.
  10. Lessee, there's a bunch of places, mostly East Coast US. If I get to Chicago for something or other, Trio. On various New York trips, Oceana, DiFara's, that Thai place in Queens whose name I always spell wrong, some place in Brighton Beach, probably Grand Sichuan Intl, Soba-ya,. DeLorenzo's in Trenton. In DC (if I don't make it before the end of the year) Zatinya, Firefly, Matchbox. When I stay in Philly area, Salt, Lacroix, Striped Bass, Sam Won, Odessa??, This all assumes I am able to increase my weekly income from where it is now. Otherwise, I'll get in what I can.
  11. thanks. that's what i was unsure about. Cantonese don't use cabbage in their dumplings. i made turkey dumplings once, and by no means was that intended to be traditional.
  12. No, chinese rocks. Where are those Chinese rocks? I've never seen them.
  13. you'll have to adhere to the most rigorous eating schedule of your life. start preparing now JJ and Varmint, you don't know me well enough do you? KatieLoeb is the best testament to my eating capabilities. I can eat every 3 hours. Less if I start upping my metabolism a month before by going back to the gym. That being said, if FG and Perlow are accurate, still might not be up to JJ's standards. Varmint, Might you have mis-linked?
  14. ya know, i bought a bottle once. can't remember if i tasted it. pretty sure i gave it away as a gift. too bad i didn't buy 2.
  15. evidently, my lack of use of emoticons has led forum leader to believe i somehow took offense at his comment. let me elaborate: when i bother to spell out things like hrmpf and use words like brethen i tend to be joking/satirical/etc.
  16. hrmpf. how dare you laugh at my brethren. actually it's always annoyed me, but maybe that's just because i'm a chinese american with a very good vocab that spells pretty well.
  17. okay, you've bitten off a lot. not that you shouldn't do it, but just understand that. might be advisable to try making dumplings once with store bought stuff, just to see what they're like. then afterwards, start making filling/wrapper from scratch, then both filling and wrapper from scratch. and as jo-mel said, make plenty of mistakes, and learn from them. that being said, here: cabbage isn't so common, IMO. that's more along the lines of egg rolls, although others can correct me if they've seen otherwise. if you want to use it for a vegetable dumpling though, that's fine. cabbage, pork, and scallion sounds like a fine recipe. dumpling wrappers are traditionally round, and folded in half to make the semi-circle. the edges are sealed with either hands or a fork. to moisten the dough, you can use egg or water.
  18. yea, it's understandable. much better to be an "interesting food + restaurant" writer than the restaurant reviewer. too many particulars associated with reviewing.
  19. Can we safely assume you mean Tuesday, or are you all eating Burgers on Thursday, which is T-day??!! Oh my God. I wrote that in such a rush. My apologies. TUESDAY THE 25TH. TWO days before Thanksgiving. Where the hell is my secretary? she's having an affair with your partner and they ran off to barbados.
  20. cool 'logue. if you want a 'mate for the road trip, assuming i'm available (a big if), i'm volunteering. especially cool since you're somewhat near me. i missed the pig pickn. gotta get my 'cue fix somehow.
  21. really? i was getting ready to interrupt your speech and mention it, but decided not to.
  22. i like the jack's firehouse suggestion and tequila's suggestions. bistro st. tropez. although heard mixed reviews about food and service about them in the past 2 years or so. sotto/upstairs at varalli's. their tuna carpaccio is quite good.
  23. i like americana. i don't hear enough about it. but that's just an asian boy talking.
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