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Everything posted by herbacidal

  1. lemme think about this. take a burger, dump into a blender, make a burger smoothie. squeeze a burger until you get all the good stuff out, make some burger juice. wait, wait, wait for it.... eeeeeeeeeewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!!! that's like soooo gross, dude.
  2. Al dente's coming to Burger Club? Remind me to actually do my hair. K I don't know if I'll ever have a trip up to NYC that coincides with burger club, but if so, you'll have plenty of warning. Oh--my guess is that we could probably arrange a Burger Club meeting to coincide with your visit. Elyse? Sherri? Am I right, or am I right? K didja do your hair for the bobolink shindig, or is it normally that unkempt?
  3. in that case, i can say you won't like most of china, in that respect.
  4. From the same school of pronunciation that brought us The Three ''Rs'' -- Reading, Riting, and Rithmetic. This is entirely different, of course, from The Three Ss. was dat, shittin', skippin', and strippin' ??
  5. that's an interesting interpretation of my statement. i just figured i would be there sometime within that time frame. not that entire time frame.
  6. fine, but what does larnin' mean? larnin' = learning =R= ah yes, so i see said the philly-born one unfamilar with midwestern ways.
  7. hmm, difara's. not a bad idea....how's parking there, in case i drive up? It's street parking and a busy area, but the time we went there we managed to find a space. You might have to circle the area for a few minutes though. how busy is the area on saturdays between 1 and 7pm?
  8. i don't have close to that level of concern about the table top and putting my utensils down on it. i suppose i just trust the restaurant enough. for me, the only exception is diners, where i always put napkins down under utensils. i've never liked the look of the tablecloth with clear glass over it. i've always been like, if you use tablecloths, then use tablecloths and change them every time. if not, use really nice tables and wash them every time in between. the glass thing on top is just stupid. i could care less about the busser also carrying food. by cross contaimination, i imagine you're referring to germs between the diner recently finished and diner just about to start. to me, that's relatively miniscule and overly extreme.
  9. so you're against spitting, or that he spat into the store?
  10. your comments have no value. yer just protectin' yer girl. not that there's anything wrong with that, per se. just not here.
  11. yea, i thought that was a really good thread. when i have more time, wanna go back over it again. have you been to that takeout vegetarian place next to B+B's? heard good thing about that from someone somewhere, but not enough info.
  12. huh?? This is what I wanted when I tagged Shiewie, more about food in SE Asia. Are you in KL or Singapore or somewhere else, Shiewie?
  13. have you read the mexican forums in the past few months? tex-mex is authentic in that it originated from mexicans who moved to texas and, not being able to find their native ingredients, substituted what they could to make food that was as similar as possible to their original tastes. and i believe they actually ate the food as well. authentic to me with regards to food means whether or not the original people created and ate it.
  14. man, only a month old, and already we're forming radical splinter groups.
  15. which BYOB is it that has really nice glasses (Riedel?) that they charge like a $7 corkage fee for?
  16. do you know when they would be doing this? i'll plan and stop by if that's the case.
  17. Nice jewish girl? Nah, that's just an act. didn't know there were any bad jewish girls. cool.
  18. actually, no wait. I'm tagging Shiewie. Half an hour and i'm off. bye all, it's been peaches.
  19. Let me go on record as saying that the odds of William Grimes ever writing a cookbook are roughly equivalent to the odds that he will be tapped to lead the Klingon Empire. well hey, if grimes can't be tapped to lead the High Council, maybe he'll be zsha zshouk. it's fine if he doesn't write a cookbook. if he chooses to write some other food or drink related book, it'll still sell.
  20. this is probably the last of my foodblog. who to tag next? in my mind, it's either my brother in chicago, ronnie suburban, or she who i need to think of a nickname for other than bitch, bergerka. lemme either think about it a little or flip a coin.
  21. okay, food for today. at about 11:30 or 12, i had eight fried dumplings and a fried glutinous rice paste bun filled with pork bits (ham sui gauk). at about 3:30, I had a wing, drumstick, and thigh from popeye's. also some of their fries with ketchup. at about 8 or so, I had dinner, white rice with: stir fried pork belly with soy sauce, hoisin sauce, and sugar stir fried cauliflower, broccoli, carrots and beef roast duck warmed then an apple and a banana.
  22. but his being the NYT food critic helped them sell more copies, if I'm not mistaken. as far as career development, i meant it gives NYT food critics a larger selling base when they decide to write books. in his case, he wrote his cocktail book before, so that is less so. but i would guarantee that's a reason for the re-release of the cocktail book, which i would expect to sell more copies than the first time around. now responding to FG's post: i can't speak to the ability of restaurant reviewers to be cookbook authors. i would say some can and some can't. but even if they can't, just lending their name to one and collaborating even a miniscule percentage would help boost sales of it. i wasn't really thinking about him writing any books while doing the reviews. i was thinking more about his writing the books after he left that post. did claiborne write his book(s?) after his time at NYT or during?
  23. hmm, difara's. not a bad idea. lemme check how that'll fit into everything. are there others that wanna go? how's parking there, in case i drive up?
  24. wow. you can read that in so many different ways. i didn't heat the donut up first, the option really wasn't available to me. no major food plans for sunday, other than passing this foodblog off.
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