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Everything posted by herbacidal

  1. does he do the highway? i wasn't aware he was into the backside of things.
  2. is there gonna be bacon along the brim?
  3. okay, i'm gonna hafta start a restaurant soon so i can write off going to this next year.
  4. i think, perhaps stupidly, that ling's diet is not so dependent on outsiders such as us. i think it's primarily a matter of convenience and economy. the powerbars are quick and relatively inexpensive. the recent times when ling's been eating "junk food" has been mostly when she's been at others' houses, except for the cake. In other words, others have paid for it.
  5. you don't like studying at home? forget that, i didn't either. forgot what school was like. maybe you didn't sound like alterna-asian chick. misperception on my part. that running joke about all chinese (not asian, at least here) girls looking the same is similar here.
  6. At the prices they charge, aren't those in the main (plus doctors, etc.) the only people who can afford to go more than once in a blue moon? pretty much. but think of it this way: 90% of the kitchen staff, and probably a decent percentage of the floor staff as well, can't afford to eat there even once in a blue moon.
  7. okay, i was about to say, don't you have coffee shops, but guess bread garden is a coffee shop. doesn't school library stay open late? i expected you to be alterna-asian chick. maybe some dyed blue/purple/red hair, pierced nose, thrift shop clothes, etc. lucky i'm across the continent(Philly), you can't throw anything at me.
  8. yea, i was getting ready to post that. that, to me is the most interesting vodka i've heard of thus far.
  9. This seems completely illogical considering they don't know who made their food in the first place. (where's the perplexed emoticon?) there's *some* logic here, as the people preparing the food are food-handlers by nature. whereas servers are servers and often money handlers. Some people have no idea what goes on in a restaurant kitchen. Bruce well, there is a modicum of reason to every statement thus far. customers want all kinds of weird stuff/make weird requests all the time. traditionally, you just do the best you can to accomodate, and go on. how's that? let's leave it at that.
  10. wow, where are you that the library closes that early? is that the school library? aren't there coffee shops that would be better than restaurants? and you do look cute. based on what you've written so far, not what i expected though.
  11. jeez katie, i hoped you saved some limoncello for those that got left behind.
  12. Can you get it without the sweet chinese bun, provalone, and spicy mayo? If so, I AM IN! This is Burger Club. Not Chefs Fucking with Food Club. well, how about just putting it off until second round? get thru with the basic burger thing evaluations and stuff this time. then, maybe in six months or a year, round 2 is interesting variants and how well they do it.
  13. i can sorta understand the server there. a lot of people have issues with spiciness. many of them, in my experience, don't really feel they do. for many others, they do need to be reminded. you, hon, are the exception.
  14. Where do you stand on sweetie and hon? Unless I'm in a diner in the south, where it's part of the whole feel of the place, I loathe being called sweetie, hon, sugar, darlin', or whatever the endearing term du jour happens to be. I had a former coworker constantly refer to me as honey in semi-social situations (client dinners, company happy hours, etc.) One day I decided to refer to him as gramps. He got the idea. I should do the same with servers. Gramps, kiddo, old hag, whatever term fits the bill. Edit: typos, lots of 'em. aw, honey, c'mere! let gramps give you a hug!
  15. allison, have you tried the patisserie there yet? how is it?
  16. And here it comes at 15th & Walnut. I think I'll wait for Pico de Gallo at 15th & South to open instead. Suddenly I'm not so hepped up about Q-Doba anymore... oh, i meant i was wondering if any jack in the boxes were going to open here, since they were doing qdoba there. is it really that bad? i think i remember stepping inside one briefly in vancouver, but don't really know much about them.
  17. maybe i'm not thinking about it hard enough, but my best drunken meal is my next one.
  18. i also like it, the 10 minutes i managed to catch. the whole vibe and undertone is better than "the restaurant."
  19. Thanks Herb. Coming from you, I'll consider that high praise is that to imply that i am skimpy on the compliments?
  20. what's wrong with that? i follow a whole buncha threads. sometimes for days before posting. in fact, i know i asked somewhere about how to do the upside down exclamation point on the keyboard somewhere, and i know somebody answered me, and i don't remember where i made the comment.
  21. yes, from what i understand, a significant percentage of the applicants put tokyo. maybe it's not quite so bad as i suggest above. but, i would agree chances are against it. i personally would pick yokohama first, because of proximity to tokyo. food and life of yokohama, tokyo short distance away. then kyoto and osaka, because they are centrally located, should i want to travel anywhere else and likely lively cities in their own right.
  22. from what i understand, even if you were to choose tokyo, you wouldn't be likely to get it. as i recall, they look upon those who choose tokyo as amateurs, people who aren't so serious about the program and may not be as dedicated as they should be.
  23. I guess part of my annoyance is that they shouldn't be chewing in the first place. A whole batch of issues -- food cost/sanitation. I'm not terribly impressed by one who is eating food with their fingers then touching my plate that is going to be presented to me, or my guests, to eat just after their little fingers were in their mouths. Also, the server that just helps themself to a french fry from that fresh batch dropped into the stainless serving tray in the under the heat lamp of the window shows little or no respect for the heart of the house management. i agree entirely. mealtime is mealtime. floor staff shouldn't be eating otherwise. with regards to eating outside of that, i'm just saying that if you're gonna break the rules, know how to break them.
  24. herbacidal


    don't like it. too many words. should be simpler than that. shouldn't have to tell people what kinda place you have/are.
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