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Everything posted by herbacidal

  1. well, is that any help? sound business advice?
  2. really? see, maybe that's why burger club is more necessary for some than others. i've never had that bad a burger. i've had average, mediocre, dry, whatever. but as bad as i'm getting from you, never that bad. why can't i say that thing in between E and G? It's my favorite letter.
  3. what's a lima? you gonna have minature peruvian capital cities floating in the pot?
  4. so you're saying it's at least worthy of being in the ballpark, therefore somewhere above a zero? way i see it, a burger you can't screw up like you can mess up other things. overcooked, fine. undercooked, fine. bread not warmed, fine. lettuce/tomato/onion too/not sufficient, fine. I can deal with all of those. they take away from the quality of the burger, but aren't zero worthy. If it was overcooked to the hardness of an 8 ball, that's not fine. same if they decided to throw the raw burger from the fridge/coldpan to the bun to you. but with a burger, they're not going to f it up like they might cassoulet or something. given all that, if big mac is the bottom rung, i would still give it at least a 1. personally, i'd give it more, but that's a separate issue.
  5. but how do they compare to Daisy May, which according to my perception of how the wind is blowing in Egullet City, is the current king of the BBQ hill?
  6. glad to hear they're not always booked up. friend of mine said he goes there like once a month. at the time, i had heard that people continually had trouble getting a reservation. I was like, so you're the one making it hard on everyone else!
  7. really? on a scale of 1 to 10, i'd be willing to give it a 1. that sauce ain't too shabby.
  8. There are a few big parking garages around that never seem to be filled. really? well, then maybe my statement is wrong. are the garages public and free/minimal charge? how close is "around"? a shuttle bus wouldn't be necessary, would it?
  9. because the internet doens't have everything. it works best as a complementary resource. best set of appendices, footnotes, suggested reading, etc. available. adds depth and breadth to a book or other reading.
  10. the original, or NYC? if i'm not mistaken, isn't the original supposed to be closed for renovations while most of the staff is opening NYC FL?
  11. probably b/c it would be. how few too many would need to be determined when the office space square footage and sizes of all the other planned uses are determined. i'm no urban planner (even though I might pretend to be b/c I like the field) but thus far, I'd say it's off by at least 300 spaces, even assuming it's near a transit stop or 2.
  12. you saying you don't believe in eating from the pot? i can see it now, a line twenty deep of people waiting to sip/drink/eat from the ladle of stew as it comes out of the pot.
  13. uh, that's basically what i was saying. when the market closes presumably will be when it's too cold. another month or so at the most i'd guess. aim for the smallest decent sized food store you can find that is conveniently located for you. until you can scale anyway. then make sure that store is relatively busy and profitable so you're not wasting time building a relationship that will go away b/c the boss doesn't know how to run a business/adapt to changing environment. don't know what you mean by regional. for producce, meat, and fish, that's valid. not sure relative to baked goods.
  14. squid in chinese restaurants, in my experience and preference, is always chewy.
  15. not spontaneously. it's been building for a while.
  16. lotsa places. ebay has a restaurant equipment site. i'm sure local papers have restaurant equipment auctions. if you google "restaurant equipment auctions" you'll find some more. finding them isn't the problem. finding them in the right situation is. IE transportable, inspectable, reasonable price, etc.
  17. yea, whaddya do during the cold season? you should start diversifying your clientele. Splain? Well, when I'm expecting it to be THAT cold I wear enough clothing for three people. It's just the first day of cold I happened to be standing outside for 7 1/2 hours. Unbelieveably shitty hot chocolate from the diner too. well, i meant selling to different AND more kinds of customers. i also meant selling to them in different ways. smaller boutique shops might be one way. trying to think of another way to reach farmers' market patrons. random other stuff like that.
  18. We just order a side of bacon so we can eat all by itself. Quite frankly, I think the burger would take away from the flavor of the bacon, and we can't have that, now can we? Smart girl. in that case, make sure to have glass of water, to rinse between bites. can't have the sanctity of the burger mixing with the quality of the bacon. although each alone is pure, together their impurities shine thru.
  19. one could say the same about especially stinky cheese tho. not that i understand chitlins. to me they fall under the general heading of "Guts" which is stuff i don't eat. never had to cook 'em. i've been around enough foods of all kinds though. i do enjoy chitlins, should try them southern style sometime tho.
  20. i agree that that travel time is a factor. i just think that initially it isn't as much of a factor in most people's initial perception. although that may be less true in the NYC and DC areas because of traffic issues ongoing. in philly we are relatively blessed by having a commute time that is not quite as bad, at least according to recent article, as many other metro areas. i think it was mid range within 50 metro areas. i suspect both NYC and DC would be higher on that list, but that's just random speculation. i do think that travel time will be an increasingly large part of people's calculations when they consider this, as we continue our sprawl and commute times and etc. get worse. yes, suspicions and generalizations on my part as well. not saying it can't be done. wegmans is doing it very well, from all accounts. just that private company gives additional flexibility sometimes. and that's enough time wasting for me. i got stuff to do and been procrastinating.
  21. that just means the dynamics change. no longer burger club. now it's "let's test room service by ordering all kinds of stuff (including said burger) when we're having a party in this room here for no reason other than we feel like"
  22. that would be nice. not particularly scalable and therefore good for the profit margins, but nice anyway. but it's not like profit margins are necessarily in the dumps, i imagine. ah, the luxuries of being a private company.
  23. well, slow and steady i guess. not sure exactly what is meant by that. i am guessing you're implying that traffic congestion and road layouts will be factors. of that, i agree, but i would say for most people, at least initially they are less of a factor. the distance is initially the key point. not until they are more familiar with the area and such does that become as important. and i guess that depends on how much nyc tri-state residents are familar with that particular exit and the resulting problems. for much of philadelphians, they're minimally aware of what is happening on the outer reaches of the greater philly metro area, or more specifically, the outer reaches that may be on the opposite boundary of the metro area. i'll agree with that. the costco special trip i'm not familar with. the closest to me is king of prussia, and i'm in pennsauken, NJ.
  24. The Elizabeth Ikea (and Jersey Gardens) benefitted from lots of tax incentives to build where they did (on top of the former Elizabeth municipal dump, for the most part) which significantly altered the economics. ah, that's always nice.
  25. apologies. error on my part. didn't know there was a new one in paramus. but woodbridge is farther from princeton than normal supermarkets tend to be from others within the same chain. you just happen to be caught in the middle as far as being equally distant. i would guess your area might be a prime target except for the distance. the higher densities relative to other areas wegmans serves might change things more though. gotta have access to the numbers to make that call.
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