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Everything posted by herbacidal

  1. i do see there's a thread on rouxel's successor at FL in pastry+baking.
  2. you can understand that, chefette? i understand half of that, and that's only by reading out loud and slow.
  3. while i can imagine better names, I don't think "Per Se" is as bad as some think. I do wonder who's gonna take over for Rouxel at FL.
  4. Socially, the event has been one of the 2 primary "see and be seen" events in the Philadelphia area. The other one would be the Ball on the (Rittenhouse) Square. Other events have started to emerge prominently; whether or not they will attain the same level of prestige, notoriety, and cache is yet to be seen. Food wise, you have to pay for food and drink individually I believe, although a $20 voucher will be built into the $75 ticket price. 2-3 drinks/appetizers, and you have to dig in your pocket to bring out some more moolah. All in all, I'd say not a worthwhile event. It was much better when everything was built into the ticket price. Henri David's Halloween party in the Wyndham Franklin Plaza would probably be a more worthwhile events although I don't know what the costs are, nor do I know anything about tickets.
  5. whaddya mean half? feels more like everyone except me, elyse, and chad.
  6. yup, mine was the same with my liberal use of habanero peppers. also that i decided to fully expose the peppers by cutting them open rather than throwing them in whole. i didn't really mind it per se, because as far as usage, basically i get twice as much, since i have to dilute the habanero infused vodka with regular vodka to spread the flavor out. others, however were insistent on dilution.
  7. i remember i saw town's website once, and the pictures of the rooms alone make me want to go. but i vaguely recall hearing not so nice things about the food, so i've focused on getting drinks there and wandering around. thus, getting drinks there is on my to-do list, but nothing more.
  8. quite frankly, most chinese food that i've come across is at least as disgusting, if not more disgusting, and certainly not as consistent, as fast food. as far as choosing McDonald's or BK over "good hamburgers", well, they aren't really filling the same need. they are different products. don't forget the price factor. although mcdonald's is creepin up there, they're still a few bucks cheaper than burgers anywhere else. i'm thinking diners, local pizza joint, etc.
  9. howja know? good going, for a somewhat awkward assignment.
  10. yea, that is a pretty good representation of mexico. or what i would expect mexico to be like. much moreso than i've seen otherwise.
  11. yup, that's me. don't feel guilty per se. i know i'll learn one of these days.
  12. Wow. I'm impressed. We have impressive parties. Music started about 10:00. It's a music circle jam party, and we get a lot of good people. They stopped playing at about 3:00, and then there was another hour of winding down. Bruce yea, i'm impressed too. sounds like my kinda peeps. tell more, please.
  13. I completely agree with you about starting high profile and then moving into mainstream, though there have been exceptions. But right now since we have Suvir's restaurant as a live example, I'm referring to the variable of Price with respect to effecting a change in no. of covers/billing, and how will diners react to the change. No doubt some will be offended in the process but the objective here is to fill up the restaurant. i'd need to know more about the specific market. i have ideas based on New York and Philadelphia, and some more based on China and Hong Kong. Plus readings about other markets. But wouldn't really suggest anything without knowing more about the local market.
  14. probably b/c it would be. how few too many would need to be determined when the office space square footage and sizes of all the other planned uses are determined. i'm no urban planner (even though I might pretend to be b/c I like the field) but thus far, I'd say it's off by at least 300 spaces, even assuming it's near a transit stop or 2. I'd be curious to know how you came up with your numbers. 1,500 parking spaces sounds like overkill to me, except that it's probably meant to provide surplus parking for other nearby land uses. Office parking peak demand is mid-day, while theater and hotel peak parking demand occurs during the evening. 1,500 spaces is way more than the theater and hotel will need. The magnitude of the office development is not specified, but given height and bulk limits in JLS (not to mention urban design considerations), it is highly unlikely to require 1,500 spaces. As for the Market Hall itself, it's likely to serve mostly workers in the area and others who visit JLS for other purposes. Remember, the SF Ferry Building Market Hall development provided ZILCH parking spaces. I'm also not a urban planner myself, but I am a transport planner, and part of my daily grind includes parking studies. As an aside, I have to wonder what the developers' concept is for the Market Hall, since they solicited Cost Plus and Dreyers for starters. Not exactly Sur la Table and Ciao Bella, but maybe they have something less foofy than the Ferry Building in mind. But what, exactly? the key part there is the height and other restrictions. I wasn't aware there are any. I'm not a transport planner, so that's still a leg up you have on me.
  15. sounds interesting, wouldn't it be too sweet for some people, or is it intended to be that sweet for people that really like that level of sweetness?
  16. i do like raki. had some a few months ago. the mixing with water murky effect was pretty cool.
  17. first, it's always easier to establish yourself upmarket and move down. it's a helluva lot harder to do the reverse. but that may be different than what you're talking about. i'm talking about starting at the high end/luxury/upscale part and moving down to the mainstream, economy end. you may be talking about purely on the basis of prices, w/o reference to what portion of the market, and raising/lowering prices while selling to the same customers. if this is what you're talking about, there's other problems here that can be pursued when i'm not about to go to bed.
  18. whatchu talkin' bout, willis? why, u wanna RSVP? i don't know how much i'll be involved. i'm just killin' time right now. maybe i'll throw out a useful insight or 2. OTOH, i've never had a burger in NYC that I can recall. I imagine i've had a fast food burger sometime. just don't remember it.
  19. i disagree. i like grinders, even tho i'm in the home of the hoagie. (Locally, a grinder is a hoagie (sub or hero for you non Philly folks) stuck in the oven for 5 minutes or so before eating. Come to think of it, haven't had it in a while. CRAVING INITIATED. SLOW BURN UNTIL SATIATED.
  20. so what made it delightful? Why not? Man, stop living in the stone age. You gotta get a new dishwasher. Mine is automatically triggered by the stereo turning on. Usually when I turn the stereo on before I go to the sink to wash the dishes.
  21. the original, or NYC? if i'm not mistaken, isn't the original supposed to be closed for renovations while most of the staff is opening NYC FL? The original resaurant in Napa. The New York restaurant is going to have a different name. (I have no idea why; you'd think they'd want to keep the PR value of the name.) The California restaurant will close in the beginning of the year for renovations, when Keller comes to New York to open his restaurant there. Bruce oh, it's not closing til beginning of year? i had thought NYC was opening before end of year. actually i think they're better off with a different name. there's a little too much hype around FL and Keller. overexpectations can hurt just as much. i don't expect the new place will have trouble filling seats initially. whether that changes is of course up in the air now.
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