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Everything posted by herbacidal

  1. I'd be happy to make the same mold for every potluck type event. My fear is that I'd be expected to top myself with each creation! A real Jello Artist would constantly seek to push the envelope and expand the realm of what is possible in the Jello medium. Next time, we all expect you to recreate one of the designs from the ceilings of the Sistene Chapel in brilliant Jello tones. I am quite certain that Michelangelo would be a Jellist if he lived today. no, no sam, we gotta think 3 dimensions here. that's only 2, well maybe 2 1/3 dimensions once the curvature is worked in. i think we need to expect The Thinker, or David, or Nike of Samothrace.
  2. here's a interesting page on the subject. chinese in cuba http://www.chinesejamaican.com is a site for chinese in jamaica.
  3. Around 70. we did get 70? cool. looked like less when i remember looking around.
  4. Note to self: Must investigate franchise possibilities... need a partner?
  5. except for them shoes. she should have like ten foot heels on instead. nah, can't do that to 'em. but at least nice looking flats. it's pretty dark, but those look like they could be the 3 inch platform type shoes. that works for me. really? i think they're definitely sneakers based on the visual. but psychologically, i can imagine her 3 inch platforms to work.
  6. except for them shoes. she should have like ten foot heels on instead. nah, can't do that to 'em. but at least nice looking flats.
  7. sorry, i consider it my solemn duty to raise the tolerance level of all those around me.
  8. Since when are leftovers a bad thing? If food got tossed, it just means that people didn't 1) eat enough or 2)take enough leftovers home. Yes, but it broke my heart. I HATE to waste food. sorry, i was on a tour of the dairy. when i got back, everything was gone. c'est la vie. gotta keep the wild critters well fed.
  9. yea, there was so much info in table talk this week.
  10. for a second there, i thought you were talking about arms and legs. then i realized you were talking about wooden things falling offa bigger wooden things.
  11. How'd it go? Was it the 36 pricks on the back? I've been through it twice. Iris' back swelled up into one huge welt that stayed there for about 4 days (it was mostly the cats, mold, pollen, and peanuts) while Robert just had a couple of tiny ones (milk, eggs, peanuts) is that what it's called? all i remember is 30 on the back and 9 on each arm. but, yea allergies would be about right, since i used to have 'em.
  12. actually, i usually get cheesesteaks with mayo, ketchup, fried onions, hot peppers. sometimes sweet peppers too. The secret ingredient is tahini. Shhh! Don't tell anyone. you so crazy! (damm, can't do accents and tones online.)
  13. okay, at le bar, i had: the white bean soup. didn't recognize the proscuitto, it was rolled up, and texture wise, i was thinking something more like cuttlefish or octopus. i liked the layering of the salmon dish; marinated mushrooms on bottom, grilled salmon in middle, sliced fingerling potatoes on top. the st. nizier, which was flourless chocolate torte with vanilla ice cream. all superb, as expected. the staff was very good and professional. interesting to watch georges perrier's brother as maitre'd downstairs. there was also an incident downstairs where woman got too drunk/mixed medicine and alcohol/???? and had to lay down in coat room. staff handled it well, although i think they should have waited on sending the lady home in a cab (to West Chester) for another half hour or so. perhaps calling her friend (from phone list in cell phone) to take her would have been better, as suggested by the bartender. evidently for the extended restaurant week, they've reduced the menu, with no choices. 1st and 2nd courses where what i had above, with the dessert a creme caramel.
  14. i'll bring a few corkscrews, bottle openers, and random other things that may or may not come in handy.
  15. okay, in that case, i'll see if i can get an order for sarcone's or cacia's. unless someone else wants to bring bread. does anyone else have a really good bread source that would be available?
  16. i did get the impression it was a songbook of some sort, just couldn't figure out why. why's it called a fake book? b/c it's in shorthand, and not the full shebang?
  17. actually, i usually get cheesesteaks with mayo, ketchup, fried onions, hot peppers. sometimes sweet peppers too.
  18. i won't be bringing any sarcone's bread. been told that bread is already readily available. still on the hook for dumplings, 2 kinds. also infused vodka. evidently, tommy's bringing more than enough dry goods for the state of NJ.
  19. so Brooklyn Mass Transit. hmm, i was off. c'est la vie.
  20. hmm, if that's the case, i might just hafta stop in.
  21. McBall (bull's testicle) I actually don't care very much. My impression of all these additional menu items is that McDonald's has suffered b/c of them, at least profit-wise. Lack of focus and specialization. And also as mentioned, there's tons of other places around Philly that are making crappy cheesesteaks. Just one more. Or make that couple hundred thousand more. with marketing behind them. Yea, I was gonna bring up the hoagie thing, too. Also water ice. (Rita's, anyone?)
  22. what does BMT stand for? Broadway Midtown Line?
  23. i'm planning on walking in on le bar lyonnais sometime tomorrow night. if they're full, i'll see who else i can wander in on randomly and eat at the bar. if anyone wants to meet, PM me. I will be offline for much of the day, and probably will get a chance to check it early in the day, and again early evening.
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