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Everything posted by herbacidal

  1. that's interesting. i suppose in most metro areas, dimsum would have emerged first. but of course you tiao is just one thing, and dimsum is composed of numerous different things. therefore, you tiao is much easier to start selling. plus dimsum in the US is one of the lowest margin Chinese lines of business, so you really need enough volume for it to work.
  2. i would have expected dimsum to be the local chinese population's occasional luxury. it's also possible they don't think too highly of the dimsum quality and would rather make it themselves. glutinous rice flour is right. in areas with larger chinese populations, ham sui gauk would probably not be served as dimsum, much more likely in the chinese bakeries. yes, they're nothing like pierogies, but most people need something to relate new things to, rather than trying it first on their own, free of perceptions, and making their own opinions.
  3. you have a good side? impossible.
  4. You just haven't eaten it off the right person. I mean with the right person. I mean with ice cream or something. Yeah. K you offering up a sister or something?
  5. P'tcha is jellied calves feet. Kasha is buckwheat groats. The only thing they have in common is that old jews like to eat both. what are groats?
  6. personally, i think whipped cream is a waste. waste of space in stomach, waste of energy to put in mouth, waste of visual space on a plate, etc. that being said, if i was going to use it, why buy store bought. just as easy to whip heavy cream yourself, and it probably tastes better.
  7. yea me too. yet another reason to come to chicago. i'll even come out a day early to help prep. i miss helping prep and bartend and stuff. hey wait, i'm your brother. i have to be invited.
  8. dammit, i missed the kasha when i was there. might be a reason to go back. although i'd still prefer a deli. anyone know of one? katz's, 2nd ave, or other?
  9. am i mistaken for thinking he already had opened one, or is this his second?
  10. methinks you blew the place up in your mind to especially, perhaps unrealistically, high expectations. i know i am wont to do that when i anticipate a place/trip/etc. for a long time.
  11. yes, there is. newcomers must wear togas. greek or roman is your choice. consult andrew for stylistic appropriateness.
  12. i've been to sammy's roumanian. quite enjoyed it. i like kreplach and all that other stuff. wouldn't mind eating more of all of that in a deli setting though.
  13. thanks. looks like 2nd ave deli is a stop for next trip. how about kascha (sp) (and bowties?) i've only had bain's deli version, and liked it. therefore, somewhere there's gotta be a version twice as good.
  14. I agree that it is not good manners to expect free drinks. And as a patron I don't. My customers at the bar don't either, but at least around here it is a traditional way of expressing (in an entirely discretionary way) appreciation for steady custom. We have the same deal here and sometimes it gets dangerous. Our favorite bartender usually gives out "bonus" shots of Jameson. Fortunately that bar is within walking distance. If a place gets to know you on a first name basis around here, they need to comp. at least a drink or two or many folks assume you don't appreciate their business and won't become regular customers. i've always had a good relationship with bartenders around town. get the random mistake pour as a present, etc. helps that i can joke about the backside of the business and tip well too. but no, you never go to a place expecting free drinks. (except those advertised events/nights pushing a particular product, but that's a different ballgame.) that's not cool at all.
  15. see, way i see it, smart PR people know not to schedule stuff for media on the weekends. even if they're not writing about it right there, it's still work. and they're not going to be the ones to request the journalists work on the weekend if they don't have to. but again, that's just guessing.
  16. all are possibilities, but i'm guessing it's not food media, because they would probably have those Monday-Friday. my money'd be on friends of chef/VIPs/investors/etc.
  17. a year or so ago, we got a tiger jnp-1800 rice cooker so that we could leave rice warm if we needed, etc. but the rice it makes isn't as tasty as the rice our old national rice cooker makes so we don't use it, we still use the old one.
  18. i agree, on both counts. i think michael made the best of an awkward situation on his part. i also hope/believe that this may be starr's only 4-star restaurant, so he won't change too much.
  19. When I worked for a caterer, we often only had decaf. sometimes, when someone asked for caffinated, i would say let me come back, circle around the corner/pillar, and come back.
  20. i think a deputy burger bitch needs to be appointed or assumed by someone.
  21. i was thinking about that, but i was thinking closer. yea, tokyo lunchbox is pretty good too. and it is across from daffy's, which is where he mighta been thinking of.
  22. Yes, they have added some specials and taken some off- as long as they keep the "Alambre", they can change whatever they want. Speaking of change, they've re-invented their tableside salsa rojo for the umpteenth time, and I kinda like it. I liked the original incarnation more; it was darker and more robust. I think they've switched to canned chilis perhaps? as for the non Mexican waitress, that's quite a surprise! I have to imagine it's sink or swim there... Has anyone tried the new "Weekend only" specialty taco?- Pork, Onion and Pineapple. Gotta git me some... haven't noticed. looks like an excuse to go. is the waitress cute? it'd be interesting if she lasts. i've heard of waitstaff not of a particular ethnicity working in particular ethnic restaurants. my cousin did it once. maybe she's using it to keep up her spanish.
  23. catty corner to HM is liberty place. i think you are referring to Misora, which is like one or 2 stores down from the Wendy's at 15th and Chesnut, b/c I can't think of another Japanese place right there.
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