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Everything posted by herbacidal

  1. I think it's time for me to swing by for a second time. Django article
  2. Hmm, that's an interesting question. My speculative guess would be as long as it never touches their hands, it's fine. It's something you yourself did to the food. By the same token, if you got sick because of it, and tried to sue the place for giving you bad food without actually mentioning your doctoring of the food, (as I can imagine certain less scrupulous individuals would do), I can also see them erring on the side of caution and not allowing it. But my gut tells me it'll be okay, as long as they witness you placing the raw egg on top. In that situation, it's just like bringing your own salad dressing, as I've heard some people do.
  3. Just made a res for Tuesday @ 8 @ Alma de Cuba.
  4. Very possible. Best to find a place semi-out of the way but with a good view, and stay there as long as reasonble.
  5. I think there was something on the website that indicated possible showing on Sundance Channel. Since I don't get Sundance, would you know if it will be showing on PBS or Bravo again?
  6. Hmm, that's condensed. Me wonders how many tomes a non-abridged version would fill.
  7. But you're probably safer leaving it as a 5-top. You can always revise downward the night before. Slightly more difficult to revise upwards. And who knows, someone else might chime in.
  8. this is what i've always thought of grinders as. Hot hoagies. Hoagies warmed in an (usually pizza) oven.
  9. Most definitely true. Jeune...paris took me there, and they are very much a neighborhood place. And the croissant is very good quality, as it should be. Not orgasmic or earth shattering by any means. I did not, repeat, did not, hear the gates of heaven opening when I bit into it.
  10. must..........refrain..........from........commenting....... so.......hard........ cannot...........give.......in....... have............to...............be..........strong ................AARRRGHHHH!!
  11. I'd guess it's either under Pan or Michael Laderman.
  12. Yaroo, Have you considered looking for a space formally occupied by a restaurant? It may have a lot of the basics in place, including grease traps, exhaust system, restrooms, appropriate HVAC, electrical and plumbing. Obviously, you still would ave to do substantial work to open the place you want, but maybe you can benefit from a head start. There are guys out there just waiting for restaurants in good locations to close; then they jump on it. yup. very true. especially in NYC, with the number of places that emerge, then flame out. best to flesh out the concept, estimate costs as best you can based on the numbers, (60 covers, need X sq. feet kitchen, etc.), then multiply by 1.4 to 2 to be safe. plan out everything as much as possible. what you can't plan but still need numbers for assume upwards.
  13. Hmm. That's interesting. I imagine that's the reason all the tombstone ads in WSJ and NYT have the disclaimer about not being an offer to sell, etc. Never really thought about it, but it does make sense. Thanks for the background. True. You have to remember that restaurant operators and owners are in large part NOT the professional operations that Danny Meyer, LEYE, Stephen Starr, etc. have developed. For the most part, people that actually open restaurants have been drawn to it b/c: it's a cash business, making it easier to hide things from the IRS. it's something that can be done with a lesser educational background and not-so- perfect command of the English language (i'm sure these 2 reasons are an even bigger motivation behind owners of the club business). The overly romanticized notion of people opening restaurants for various more "above board" reasons are fewer and less common. For the most part, people with these kinds of viewpoints don't have such broad and long-term views.
  14. now i don't cook enough, if at all, so take this for what it's worth. what did you replace the crushed tomatoes with? if with sauce or more liquid than would be available with crushed tomatoes, wouldn't a slightly reduced volume of liquid components be appropriate?
  15. Why? What happens? Brussels shots are the outcome. And the flavor of brussels sprouts does not seem to compliment tequila maybe you tried the wrong alcohol. someone did a gazpacho vodka that came up really good in the spirits forum.
  16. that's an interesting theory. i would speculate that a lot of people inland may have grown up with freshwater fishermen so i would say that may be contributory, but can't account for all of them. although i wonder how many of "them" there are.
  17. me, too. lemme join you there. though the tang one fits. one with the different kinds of seafood crossed out might not be understood, as it'd be too small.
  18. what is this? a quick search gave me some info on how it was used, such as a fermented shrimp paste, but what is the process? how are shrimp fermented? is this what is used for (cantonese) ha journg, served with seafood in cantonese restaurants, such as seafood birds' nest? sorry for off-topic.
  19. I think I just lost the will to live. you too?
  20. are pigs' knuckles the front 2 feet? i love them stewed. pig tongue is good too. i'm glad you're slowly wading into the deep pool of edible seafood. it's got some good stuff. i'm the total opposite, because it's all about the texture for me. therefore, i'll eat anything at least once.
  21. i hafta agree with those who have given you advice thus far. Angels are a good start. Check out financial planners, especially those who work with high net worth clients. Also check with all your friends' inevitably some will think you're nuts, but they're the ones closest to you. Then ask them to ask their friends. It's the six degrees of separation thing. Lawyers, accountants, other "professionals" are especially appropriate.
  22. well, haven't talked about since our lines last got crossed, beginning of november. right now, i think i'll be up sometime in january. i'll let you know.
  23. Is a 16 percent return reasonable for a successful restaurant? How often do restaurants make that? I believe 16% is reasonable, if slightly above average, although that may vary based on market.
  24. i think BG meant return as in profit. regardless, from a cash flow basis, it may be necessary to open for lunch. plenty of profitable businesses have failed b/c of cash flow. also, as far as New York City costs, I would say NYC is by far the hardest place in the US for an entrepreneur to start a business that requires significant upfront capital and physical space (ie not as hard for graphic designers/etc. who decide to start their own out of their existing space), let alone a restaurant that also requires additional considerations with regard to zoning, HVAC, licenses and inspections, etc. The increased costs in real estate, not to mention the increased costs in other areas leave no room for making mistakes, which inevitably will come up. Your staffing requirements assume that everyone in the FOH is working every night. Probably shouldn't hire a sommelier b/c of costs; either the manager should do it (preferable b/c cheaper) or a consultant can do it for a regular fee. I think you're probably wasting money on an expeditor; you can't afford it. Probably better to do it yourself, or have your partner.
  25. very true. i'm wondering what the pp price would be. let's assume 70 people, since it'll be somewhat well located (not as far as Trenton, Perth Amboy, or West Chester), outdoors on a nice day (or we have to plan for it this way). Would it be more than $12.50? Yea, probably. Jes wondering how much more. The alcohol ban is something we've thought about previously, when last we thought about having an outdoor event. Still haven't solved it, but it's in our head. But I know Fairmount Park allows alcohol, b/c I've organized events there. actually, probably better to assume, 60 people or so. pleasantly suprised if more.
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