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Everything posted by herbacidal

  1. The Radisson is what used to be the Barclay on Rittenhouse Square. Katie's recommendations observation about your being in the midst of restaurant riches is right on target. Actually, the Radisson is not right on Rittenhouse Square, it's a block off. It's the old Warwick Hotel, at 17th and Locust. The Sheraton is on the Square, a converted office buiilding that houses Bleu and Potcheen as far as restaurants. The Barclay is nothing at all, as far as hotels; it's a condo building that will house a Starr establishment before long, if everything holds true. I'll third Katie's comments about you being in the middle of it all. I'll also third her recommendations of Lacroix at the Rittenhouse Hotel for the ultra-superb option, and Matyson (19th between Chestnut and Market) for the average plus option. Matyson is another in the lineup of excellent BYOBs that the Philadelphia area is blessed with. I'll also agree that Chinatown is a good option for lunch, as is the Reading Terminal, of course. You are welcome to PM me as well for supplementary info.
  2. I love Tommy's pork, but I agree, rabe would be much better than spinach. Am I missing something or dense? I don't understand your statement about a "waste of time and money"? Please 'splain. That was the opinion of the guy who looked like he was running the place (I assume he was Tommy, but maybe not.)
  3. Rich, have you tried Tommy DiNic's roast beef? If you haven't, you should. I had Dinic's roast pork a few weeks ago. Thought it was really good, but he doesn't use broccoli rabe there at all, just spinach. It was a waste of time and money because none of the tourists and other patrons would touch it.
  4. 20 Yuan a cup? In Shanghai it's around 4 or 5 yuan at McDonalds. You can get a "Vente" from Starbucks for 15. In 1997, there were no Starbucks in Nanjing. I did get coffee at McDonald's for 4 or 5 a few times. But it's McDonald's coffee, which isn't always the best. The 20 or so was at a cafe set up by locals mimicing more upscale coffee bars elsewhere.
  5. When were you in Nanjing? When I was there in 1997, those were the times we went to KFC, Mickey D's, and had coffee for 20 yuan a cup.
  6. Hmm, i wonder if the guy who developed banana milk jumped ship and went over to Heinz?
  7. I think it was inevitable that it was going to start going down once the advertising restrictions started to loosen off of the liquor companies. Will they equalize liquor sales versus beer versus wine? That's an entirely different question.
  8. Thanks for the luv about the bread, dls. All I can say about that is the one time I had a sausage sandwich in San Francisco (from Rosamunde's), the sausage rocked big time but the bread sucked just as big time. I don't know if it's because I've grown up with Philly bread and am spoiled or what. Anyway, my favorite sandwich at both Chickie's and Shank and Evelyn's is the hot sausage, with onions and peppers.
  9. As a reference, for off-premise catering firms, Max and Me, Peachtree and Ward, Feast Your Eyes, Frog Commissary, Jeffrey Miller, Callahan, and Culinary Concepts are probably the most upscale caterers in the area. I believe none of them will be able to do a lot with that amount of money and that number of people. Perhaps I am wrong. Other options such as Rx, Norm the Caterer, and/or Jack Kramer may be more feasible.
  10. Dude, I'll even go if you show up. And I'll fix my hair, too, just for you. K I don't know whether to be suprised, flattered, or scared of A) Kathleen coming B) her fixing her hair just for me You know, since you're going through all this trouble, how about you find me a NYC girlfriend for my occasional jaunts in town? Preferably one who likes offal. It'd be nice if they liked walking around town too. I wouldn't mind some advice on my own hair. I need a new 'do, and should probably decide on a style I'll keep for a while. Ah well, enough thinking out loud.
  11. I honestly don't think I've had any of these listed, except for Fig Newtons, and linzer tarts, not cookies. Tsk tsk. Such a sheltered life. Ah well, back to tripe and other offal things.
  12. Yea, hafta say, I've never heard bad things about the place. And I'm pretty sure it wouldn't be that crowded.
  13. Dimsum here is fine, but I wouldn't say it's especially good as compared to dimsum anywhere else in the US, or in the world for that matter. That said, try Golden Phoenix or Ocean Harbor, both on the north side of Race St., the first between 9th and 10th across from the Verizon building, the second between 11th and 10th, a few doors west of Chung May supermarket.
  14. Is it possible to make fruit cookies? I suppose there are lemon wafers/cookies, but is there any reason other fruits can't be made into cookies as well?
  15. She didn't claim not to know what good writing was. She wanted to know what your definition of good writing was. As implied, the range for "good" is both deep and wide. In that situation, how can she not first attempt to determine your views on that particular subject and how you are framing the subject before attempting to make a statement and have to defend a position?
  16. We'll make a day of it: a morning of tacos de cesos, the to the E. Village for spleen sandwiches; for lunch, mixed grill at Pampa(?); and an all-offal dinner at a Batali place. For dessert, we'll have to creative. Baba au pig's blood? But seriously, I'd love to go mid-March, when my temping ends. Is Noche Mex still tiny? Whoa, Nellie! Youse mind an interloper on this excursion? Sounds like something worth coming up to NYC for.
  17. Not a lot of citrus plants in MT, though ;-) I wonder if there is ONE citrus plant in Montana?
  18. Yea, I had heard Philly was in the issue and had to go look for it. Not too bad a spread. It was my first time reading the mag, I think. A lot of interesting stuff.
  19. herbacidal

    Pork Belly

    Tad, I would call it "siu yook" in Cantonese. Usually the skin is crunchy but crispier and not as smooth as Latino. Hmm, I guess that's what mudbug mean by "bubbles". Ideally you want the part of the roast pork with skin and a decent amount of fat. If you were to ask for it in a Chinese butcher shop, it'd be pronounced "boon fay souwl" in Cantonese meaning "half fat lean".
  20. I just want the final database. It'll make a great start to a road trip.
  21. They probably did. Although Chinese takeouts tend in urban areas tend to do well. Beans, what kind of takeout place is your family trying?
  22. Ditto, except I think it's applicable across the Northeast.
  23. You are all indeed welcome for a drink or three. However, the restaurant is actually in the suburbs. Restaurant Passerelle, right off the main line in Radnor. My weekday schedule will vary, but chances are you'll find me behind the bar at least on Sat eves. Cheers. A little far for me on a normal basis, but good going, getting a Saturday evening. If the scheduling is done right, you can make it really pay off.
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