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Front Street Smokehouse, Elizabeth


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A guy walks into my restaurant around 8 ish with a news paper under his arm, sits down at the bar and asks for a menu. "Can you make this to go?" asks the gentleman to Phil. "Sure!! My pleasure". The order is placed, several apps, a few main dishes and a couple of sides. "I'll have a PBR please", and the gentleman reads his paper and drinks his beer. The order came out of the kitchen, the man is presented with his bill and hands Phil a credit card. Phil turns to the register, swipes the card, and as always, looks at the name and the back of the card. What a suprise to find the name on the card is that of Peter Genovese, the food writer for the Star Ledger. Taken by suprise, Phil could only hand him his bill and a pen, wait for the signature and then say "Thanks". The call then comes to me. "He was just here" says Phil. I get into my DVR, rewind the tape and get a good look at the man. "OK" I say. If he returns, we'll be prepaired. Before I can alert the staff to stay on their toes, in he walks the following afternoon around 4 ish while I am on duty behind the bar. He sits down, asks for a menu and says he would like to order to go. I say "Sure!! No Problem." I excuse my self, go into the kitchen and warn the crew that the next order I am sending in will be for the returning food reviewer. He ordered the ballance of the apps, (minus the onion), some more of the main dishes and the ballance of the sides he did not get the previous day. Once again, the order comes out of the kitchen, I present him the bill and in return, receive the same credit card as Phil got the previous day. I too, say nothing to him, only "Thanks and please come again". The next afternoon, I receive a call from Peter Genovese with questions reguarding our restaurant, the neighborhood, etc, etc, and answer him the best I can. The rest you all know as you've read the artical. I do have to say, that the things he like the most, were ordered during the first visit. The sweet potato fries were ordered from me, the second day. Now everyone knows the story of the "To Go" food review. He did like the majority of the items he sampled. If anyone has read any of his other food reviews, you will find that the review on FSS was the only review that I've been able to find where a bad word was not written on ANYTHING. He only said that the fries were soggy, not that "the egg was cooked to within an inch of its' life and the meat unreconizable". That was a quote from his previous week review of a deli in Edison.

I hope we will have the opportunity to receive other reviews as positive as Peters' was. We were very pleased and have had a wonderful response and many new customers as a result.

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but does anyone know he was only there twice? that's really the only point here. maybe he was there several times, and liked it so much he came in to take to-go orders twice for his family.

i wish that website kept their reviews up for more than two weeks (why don't they? i have a couple a few billion gigabyte harddrives i can give them if they need them). does anyone have it? bruce, you should get ahold of it and post it on your website if you haven't. as you say, and as i recall, it was rather positive.

all of this reminds me: why the eff haven't i been back to FSS in, like, 2 months or so? that's just silly. i had my first Heineken Light right there at the bar that first day, after all. and i've had a few since. dinner.

Edited by tommy (log)
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A guy walks into my restaurant around 8 ish with a news paper under his arm, sits down at the bar and asks for a menu. "Can you make this to go?" asks the gentleman to Phil.  "Sure!!  My pleasure".  The order is placed, several apps, a few main dishes and a couple of sides.  "I'll have a PBR please", and the gentleman reads his paper and drinks his beer.  The order came out of the kitchen, the man is presented with his bill and hands Phil a credit card.  Phil turns to the register, swipes the card, and as always, looks at the name and the back of the card.  What a suprise to find the name on the card is that of Peter Genovese, the food writer for the Star Ledger. Taken by suprise, Phil could only hand him his bill and a pen, wait for the signature and then say "Thanks".  The call then comes to me.  "He was just here" says Phil.  I get into my DVR, rewind the tape and get a good look at the man.  "OK" I say.  If he returns, we'll be prepaired.  Before I can alert the staff to stay on their toes, in he walks the following afternoon around 4 ish while I am on duty behind the bar.  He sits down, asks for a menu and says he would like to order to go.  I say "Sure!!  No Problem."  I excuse my self, go into the kitchen and warn the crew that the next order I am sending in will be for the returning food reviewer.  He ordered the ballance of the apps, (minus the onion), some more of the main dishes and the ballance of the sides he did not get the previous day.  Once again, the order comes out of the kitchen, I present him the bill and in return, receive the same credit card as Phil got the previous day.  I too, say nothing to him, only "Thanks and please come again".  The next afternoon, I receive a call from Peter Genovese with questions reguarding our restaurant, the neighborhood, etc, etc, and answer him the best I can.  The rest you all know as you've read the artical.  I do have to say, that the things he like the most, were ordered during the first visit.  The sweet potato fries were ordered from me, the second day.  Now everyone knows the story of the "To Go" food review.  He did like the majority of the items he sampled.  If anyone has read any of his other food reviews, you will find that the review on FSS was the only review that I've been able to find where a bad word was not written on ANYTHING.  He only said that the fries were soggy, not that "the egg was cooked to within an inch of its' life and the meat unreconizable".  That was a quote from his previous week review of a deli in Edison. 

I hope we will have the opportunity to receive other reviews as positive as Peters' was.  We were very pleased and have had a wonderful response and many new customers as a result.

You will notice here that the reviewer did not identify himself when ordering the food and PAID for everything he received. A novel concept to some folks around here.

I'm setting my watch, let's see how long it takes you. :biggrin:

Edited by dbrociner (log)
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What reviewer goes to restaurant and orders take out?  The guy is so busy he cant sit at a restaurant and eat?  I find that totally unprofessional and cant believe he didnt disclose that in his review.. What an ass.. How can someone get an honest feel for a restaurant by getting it to go?  And then he has the balls to say the fries were soggy after they were sitting in a styrofoam box for an undisclosed amount of time?  Thats like a guy complaining that his soup was cold after he decided to let it sit out for a few hours..

Daniel I think you've gotten to close to the subject here to be objective. First, you attack a guy up thread because he didn't like the food as much as you thought he should. Now you go after the Star Ledger reviewer without knowing for sure how many times he visited the restaurant.

I've been to Front St. twice and had a good experience both times. I'd emphasize experience here because each time some of the food has been less than great. The BBQ itself has always been good but the side items need some work. I think Bruce will iron out the kinks over time and he's the kind of restaurant owner who really wants to please his customers. I think Bruce and his wife being such good hosts is reason enough to keep coming back but it wouldn't surprise me if the guy from the munchmobile got soggy sweet potato fries even when he ate in the restaurant.

So take a deep breath and try to talk up the positive things about Front St. and stop worrying if everyone doesn't share whole heartedly in your enthusiasm.

I dont appreciate your advice or your implications.. I didnt attack poster up thread.. I pointed out errors in the post.. For the record, I have never received one thing for free from Front Street Smokehouse... So please dont feel obligated to point anything out to me.. If the reviewer did take everything to go, its a HUGE DEAL that he ommited it from his review.. Thats all I was saying... And please dont respond again because I am done with this conversation with you.. Go bait someone else into a fight.

Edited by Daniel (log)
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I didnt attack poster up thread.. I pointed out errors in the post.. 


You are right Susan.. Perhaps I was a little attacking..

none of this amounts to a hill of beans unless someone can confirm that the reviewer based his review only on take-out. i just don't see that being likely, though.

Edited by tommy (log)
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The comment about the reviewer paying was not directed at you, Daniel. You read this board enough to understand that. Second, don't fire off a missive and then say you've closed the book on the subject. I wasn't trying to bait you, believe me you'd know it if I was. I'm sure there are other people here who will vouch for this. Third, why don't we settle this argument in the most logical way, by asking Peter Genovese for a clarification? I'll be glad to try and I'll report back with whatever information I can gather.

And if you want to have a rib eating contest or something like it at FSS to clear the air you can count me in.

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And if you want to have a rib eating contest or something like it at FSS to clear the air you can count me in.

i'm in.

i mean, not in the argument, but in the contest. even though i'm not in the argument. i just like their ribs.

can we include a Heineken Light drinking contest as well? thanks.

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And if you want to have a rib eating contest or something like it at FSS to clear the air you can count me in.

i'm in.

i mean, not in the argument, but in the contest. even though i'm not in the argument. i just like their ribs.

can we include a Heineken Light drinking contest as well? thanks.

I think Tommy might be willing to join the argument for a Heineken Light. :biggrin:

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And if you want to have a rib eating contest or something like it at FSS to clear the air you can count me in.

i'm in.

i mean, not in the argument, but in the contest. even though i'm not in the argument. i just like their ribs.

can we include a Heineken Light drinking contest as well? thanks.

Count me in! :wink:

Edit: I'll bring the handbags. But you'll have to tell me what colors you'll be wearing... :laugh:

Edited by Curlz (log)

"I'm not eating it...my tongue is just looking at it!" --My then-3.5 year-old niece, who was NOT eating a piece of gum

"Wow--this is a fancy restaurant! They keep bringing us more water and we didn't even ask for it!" --My 5.75 year-old niece, about Bread Bar

"He's jumped the flounder, as you might say."

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Was only trying to introduce a little levity to the brewing hostility. On another note, am I the only one who finds Heineken Light a bit devoid of flavor? I know its a light beer but I am a bit disappointed since I really want to like it, but it just seems a bit bland compared to even Amstel or Beck's light

Edited by Taboni (log)

Get your bitch ass back in the kitchen and make me some pie!!!

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Was only trying to introduce a little levity to the brewing hostility.  On another note, am I the only one who finds Heineken Light a bit devoid of flavor? I know its a light beer but I am a bit disappointed since I really want to like it, but it just seems a bit bland compared to even Amstel or Beck's light

all of the new generation "green bottle" lights taste like water, and i can drink about 20 of them without getting buzzed. beck's light was last summer's waterbeer for me, and heineken light is shaping up to be this summer's. however, i'm already starting to buy Stella for backyard cooking/hanging. i just can't take the waterbeer any more. it's almost pointless because they're so unsatisfying that you (me) just slam them down, skipping over any flavor enjoyment. with a normal beer, you can take your time with a couple and end up in a nice place. with these ridiculous things a couple of friends will plow through a case and wonder what we should do to get a buzz going.

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Exactly. I agree with you about Stella. I used to love it on draft when I lived overseas and it is a welcome alternative here (but I do miss that extra half ounce in the bottle!)

Get your bitch ass back in the kitchen and make me some pie!!!

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Yikes! Tried to make it to Front Street today but alas, a local street fair tied up traffic, parking and accesibility to the place. Ended up across the river at R.U.B. as a substitute. Oh well, maybe next time. On an encouraging note, it was fairly simple to get to from exit 13A off the Turnpike.

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We finally made it to Front Street a couple of wks ago on a Friday night. The place was empty other than a couple of people at the bar. had a great conversation with one of the owners who was packing up his smoker en route to Memphis in May.

We loved the ribs - great smoky taste, delicious sauce on the side, terrific slaw. But the winner in my mind was the Smoked Chicken Drumsticks with Raspberry Jalapeno Sauce. We had this as an appetizer & it was outstanding. When we go back, I'm having that as my main!

BTW: the "Pigtini" was wonderful, too!

www.cookstour.netMy Blog

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Despite the festival going on last night, we made it to Front Street.


I like the whole Iced Tea in Mason Jar thing, despite its kitschyness. Its actually a great vessel for drinking cold liquids in my opinion.


The 9:30PM Bar Scene, just after the Feast. I have a feeling that on most Saturdays its usually a lot more crowded than that.


Rachel's Smoked Chicken, with Mac and Cheese and Red Cabbage Coleslaw. Chicken overall did not have a heavy smoky profile until you got to the breast meat, but it was very moist and tasty and good quality chicken nevertheless. Its only smoked for about 3 to 4 hours. Front Street also offers a Chicken Breast over salad or sandwich that is much more smokier due to the fact is a thinner peice of meat and is able to absorb more smoke during the cooking time.


My "Pig Out" Platter, with Memphis-Style Babyback Ribs, Pork Shoulder, Sausage and Brisket.

I thought the Ribs were excellent, had some really nice chew in them, really good smoke to them. I'm not as much of a fan of babybacks as I am KC or St. Louis Cut ribs, but Memphis-style is the overall stylistic choice of the restaurant so I appreciate it. Good quality pork, nice six-hour smoke to them.

Brisket is good brisket although machine-sliced, which I think is a shame. Hand Sliced brisket in nice thick slices is a thing of beauty, although I imagine that in a restaurant situation machine slicing is a lot easier to deal with, particularly if the brisket is a popular item on sandwiches.

I liked the pulled pork, and its very smoky due to its 16-hour smoking process, which is definitely on the high end of what most BBQ places do.

The sausage is a mixed bag. Its excellent quality sausage, procured from a well-known local butcher, but its Italian sweet sausage with fennel that has then undergone smoking, not a Texas Hot Link. Something about eating this kind of sausage with the Italian spicing threw me off, especially with the sweet and vinegary warm Memphis-style BBQ sauce (which overall, I am not a fan of -- I dont think their 'Cue really needs a sauce). Don't get me wrong, its really good sausage, but I think that I'll have it in a Italian Sauasage and Peppers sub the next time I come back (although, it doesn't appear on the menu).


We also ordered one of the Fred Flintstone Beef Ribs because I wanted to try all the meats on the menu. Very beefy taste, lots of fat.

Sides we thought were all uniformly very good. Good Mac and Cheese, The Red Cabbage Cole slaw was a nice change from the typical slaw, and the BBQ Black Beans was again, a nice change up as well from the typical white beans immersed in BBQ sauce style. Red Potato Salad was excellent. The only thing I found scratching my head about was there was no greens on the menu. NO GREENS? At a BBQ joint?

Phil, one of the owners, gave me tour of the kitchen and smokers as well:



Front Street is using a combination of Cherry, Wood Charcoal and Gas for the cooking process, as opposed to using all wood fire. Its very expensive to get fruit wood down in Elizabeth and this makes the most economical sense. Plus, I think its working for them:


I also saw them grilling some nice 1/2lb burgers up in the kitchen. They looked and smelled great. If you're not in the mood for Q, I think it would be safe to say Front Street would be great for a burger and a beer.

Overall I would say Front Street is doing really good 'cue. You can talk stylistic choices until you are blue in the face (type of sauce, type of ribs used, duration of smoking process on Chicken vs. the Pork, etc) but at the end of the day, these guys really care about what they are doing and the end product is good. I hope Front Street's success will finally encourage the startup of more BBQ restaurants in Jersey again.

Cost of the meal was about $60, all inclusive.

Edited by Jason Perlow (log)

Jason Perlow, Co-Founder eGullet Society for Culinary Arts & Letters

Foodies who Review South Florida (Facebook) | offthebroiler.com - Food Blog (archived) | View my food photos on Instagram

Twittter: @jperlow | Mastodon @jperlow@journa.host

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Last night was our first visit to Front St. Smokehouse, and I'm sure it won't be our last. We had a great time and enjoyed almost everything. I really appreciated the unsweetened fresh brewed iced tea, it was an excellent accompaniment to the 'que, if you don't drink beer, which I don't. I too want to encourage Phil and Bruce to add greens to the menu, and to make some homemade desserts.

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  • 1 month later...

Hi all,

I am coming up from Florida tomorrow and thinking about trying this place with my dad. Anyone been there lately? I am sure it's still terrific. I might go Saturday before my flight back home.

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Hi all,

I am coming up from Florida tomorrow and thinking about trying this place with my dad.  Anyone been there lately?  I am sure it's still terrific.  I might go Saturday before my flight back home.

We were there about two months ago. It was very good. Everything was very good, but I really thought the chicken was outstanding.

www.cookstour.netMy Blog

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