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First Ever NY eGullet Pot Luck Dinner


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Okay... in defense of stefanyb, maybe she doesn't go look at the PacNorthWest boards!  :biggrin:

Allright, mamster, I'm sure in this one specific case there wouldn't be a huge objection to you using your moderator super powers to alter the title to "First Ever NY eGullet Pot Luck" or something along those lines...  :smile:  That way, the historical records will be correct when someone goes back and writes "Egullet: A History"!!!

Jon Lurie, aka "jhlurie"

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The week since Sunday has been a whirl for me, but I'm finally getting a chance to check in. What fun we had! What food we had! It just goes to show what can happen when everyone contributes a bit. The photos are fun to see, thanks Mark. And I've really been enjoying the leftovers this week!

What luck for me to find that chicken mushroom in Staten Island Sunday morning. Its botanical name is Laetiporus sulphureus, it's also known as sulfur shelf since it becomes bright orange and sulphury yellow as it grows. They are best when they are young and moist and pale yellow and this one was at its peak of deliciousness. As they grow they become more fiberous. I forgot to weigh it before I cut it up, but I'll bet it was over 4 pounds -- which, incidentially, is not that big for a chicken mushroom, it's not unusual to find 20 pounds growing in one spot. It's so interesting to hear what everyone did with their chunks. I'm glad that no one died or became a zombie.... :wink:

I sliced mine and marinated it with orange and lemon zest and juice and olive oil and shallots, then roasted it (from Schneider's Vegs from A to Z). It was great served on greens with pecans, and the leftovers made good "chicken" sandwiches!

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I loved Rich's shrimp & pasta salad and SobaAddict's brussels sprouts with farfalle.

Rich - any chance of getting the recipe for the Shrimp & Pasta Salad?

I don't understand why rappers have to hunch over while they stomp around the stage hollering.  It hurts my back to watch them. On the other hand, I've been thinking that perhaps I should start a rap group here at the Old Folks' Home.  Most of us already walk like that.

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Is there any chance we can make this a regular or semi-regular event, sort of like once every six or seven weeks, or so?

Maybe we can rotate where we meet -- assuming there are members with sufficient space for more than 8 people (not me unfortunately -- my pad is big enough for parties of six or less without it being cramped).

Just an idea, since this first NY egullet potluck was such a success.

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I was just thinking that if we were to do this regularly, we could adopt a routine and it would be simpler to organize. I'd be willing to host again -- tho' I can't guarantee more fresh fungus party favors...

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I loved Rich's shrimp & pasta salad and SobaAddict's brussels sprouts with farfalle.

Rich - any chance of getting the recipe for the Shrimp & Pasta Salad?

Don't hold your breath, it'll only make you blue... (Ha!  Obscure reference to an old Adrian Belew lyric).

Rich does not cook from recipes, is currently working back to back 12 hour days away from home, and as far as I know has not registerd with eGullet yet.

If I'm aware of an upcoming event I usually tell him like a month in advance (Yo!  Rich!  There's an upcoming eGullet Thai meal on the 30th, let me know if your interested).  That's how he managed to show up at the Portugese dinner and the Potluck.

I've been dragging him around to this kind of stuff forever.  He works hard but still enjoys enjoying himself.  You all saw the picture of him and I at Xaviers with Rosie and John Mariani, that was in 1994.

Distance has not been an issue, and we've travelled from Boston to North Carolina in search of good food and friends, most of whom we've met online.

Here's some images of a BBQ we attend every year down in the tidewater of Virginia, this one was filmed for PBS.  These were folks I met on a BBQ Forum.

Click on The Oinksterfest.


Give a man a fish, he eats for a Day.

Teach a man to fish, he eats for Life.

Teach a man to sell fish, he eats Steak

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