Here’s an oddity but a good one. It was described as American yet is redolent of the spices of Sichuan. Or perhaps they mean the crayfish are American in that they were introduced from America after the European varieties, Astacus fluviatilis were nearly wiped out by a plague in the 19th and 20th centuries then moved eastwards from there. That said there are crayfish native to China, in the Cambaroides family, so who knows?
美国小龙虾饭 [麻辣] (měi guó xiǎo lóng xiā fàn [má là]), American crayfish over rice [spicy].
The crayfish are cooked in a Sichuan ma la sauce with chilli and Sichuan peppercorns and served with 土豆丝 (tǔ dòu sī) potato slivers stir fried and finished with rice wine vinegar. Also some greens and served over rice.