Well, we at the Shook house all tested positive for COVID at some point over the weekend. We are up and down over an hourly basis, but all on various medications and trying our best to be patient with one another and help where we can! On Sunday (after Jessica tested positive, but before Mr. Kim and I did) I was hungry for a very specific thing at lunchtime – I wanted ham and Swiss on rye with ballpark mustard. Mr. Kim gloved and masked up and picked this up for me at our local deli:
That half sandwich was all I ate all day. I started feeling awful and tested positive for COVID that night. I have no idea what Mr. Kim ate all day.
Mr. Kim and I picked at this today:
Supermarket Cheddar, butter, leftover shrimp, a sleeve of saltines, and cocktail sauce (for the shrimp and the cheese).