So many questions come to mind. Some of the questions arise from discussing this with @Kerry Beal. When the Holstein cow is inseminated with the semen from the wagyu bull she may give birth to a male calf or a female calf. If the latter what will be the quality of her milk or will she ever be milked? I don’t think cows produce milk until they’ve had a calf. Will she go to the slaughterhouse before we can ever know what quality of milk she might produce. The story seems to suggest that only female calves are raised to be snow beef. Is that a choice that revolves around not having bulls to deal with. I know so little about farming. But it all does raise some questions in my mind. Most probably we have dairy farmer members who can cast some light up on this. I am thinking of you, @DiggingDogFarm. Seems I remember you mentioning this at some point.
edited to add:
Beef in Ontario. Wagyu embryos and black Angus uteri ?