very nice as usual.
where I grew up ' Peppers ' as you made them were
unheard of , or , more exactly not ever in my house
and my mother cooked dinner every evening
unless we went to Kirks' , the best burger place in the whole world
I did go to College in the East. they offered
' peppers ' on an Italian sausage , on a bun
i tried it , and was sick for days. OK 24 hours.
but this :
is driving me crazy. Im looking forward to New Red Potatoes in the future
as good as it gets .
did I mention I grew them ?
my efforts for tomatoes were were worth more of my time
would you get RedBliss potatoes , any size
just clean and cut them into your portion size
and cook as usual w a pinch or two of sugar ( if you have some )
and they turn out 4 star.
a quick P.S.: ive used the brown parchment paper in
the CSO and my main stove broiler
I cut the paper so it just barely fits the Product on the Pan.
I watched carefully , and never had a fire.
it might be the excess sticking up from not trimming
no matter