No toilet paper in our area. Fortunately a friendly vet tech lives up north of here in the middle of nowhere...really nowhere...and she says she can bring us some. Believe it or not, we were almost out. Our really sad news is that our son who blew in from Halifax unexpectedly a few days ago now is leaving tomorrow. He has 1,000 miles to go and we all thought he had better get home while the getting is good. He's also at I hope his area is better. As far as I know we don't have it locally...yet...but we are near enough to Toronto that it is inevitable and will be soon.
Ed's not home yet so I don't know if he is going to be able to get the fruits and vegetables. He said that Costco was very, very compared to yesterday when the report was that it was a zoo.
Added: fruits were purchased. Not a scrap of toilet paper to be had.