Aunts in isolation... We were invited over.. we brought the tiramisu, i made sichuan cucumber thing, we brought a cheese from Churchtown Dairy.. It was a really gooey camembert style cheese. We also brought croutons for cheese and also potato salad and beet salad ... More birthday celebration... The host threw the burgers on the grill and walked away, i flipped them after 4 minutes and my time on the grill began. They were small so we did 4 and 3.. They came back with about a minute left after the flip. The cheese was down and buns were toasting.
A lot of meat consumption.. we are back in brooklyn and the wife and I during our ride home spoke of a no carb vegan, alcohol free diet. I think I am going on a three day fast tomorrow.. it's been a lot lately. Coming back to an empty fridge and no food in the house, outside of that huge freezer full of meat. Might be a good time to go vegan for a bit.
The dogs were nathans.
The other day i was driving around this small town trying to find my mother in law flowers for her birthday... three places in town, i parked in front of called and they had none.. So, i was just about to give up when i passed this place called, sour flower, or flowerkraut, or something like that.. Well, they have flowers and sourkraut.. so, i asked for the kraut that started it all and they suggested the original.. it has salt, cabbage and that's it.. Well, in addition to flowers, i purchased this.. we tried it on the hot dogs and it was fantastic.. really just salt and cabbage and it felt healthy and well fermented. Which reminds me I should have made my own kraut during the pandemic.
My hot dog was topped with raw onions, mustard and kraut. I can't remember the last time I ate a hot dog.. it must have been at least 6 months. I was happy.
thick cuts of this beautiful rye bread with lots of olive oil roasted at 400 for longer than you would think
Golden beets... I essentially wrap in foil with a bit of olive oil. Then smoke and cook until a long skewer goes all the way through with just some resistance. I use to prick the beets when roasting hot in the oven but, i don't when cooking slow.
We sat in the garden and then at this adorable table:
put the boy up on the wall next to his mother:
was slowing driving today and noticed a dear on the side of the road.. I stopped the car, rolled down the window, put it in park and sat there for like 5 minutes talking to it.. he was just staring at me, maybe 12 feet away..