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Everyone who knows me knows that I am somewhat of a mushroom fetishist. I am fascinated by them and love to eat them. So I was particularly happy to come across this in my local book store.





Sample page


Yes, a mushroom recipe book - Chinese style. The title translates approx as as "Family Life Mushrooms Dishes". The book is 160 pages with two recipes on each page. Quantities and instructions are clear. It kicks off with an introduction to some, but not all, of the mushrooms in the recipes, then how to wash and slice them etc.



 Tea Tree Mushrooms


01 - 热炒 01 - Hot Stir Fries



  1. 耳炒木瓜                           Two Wood Ear Fungi w Papaya


  2. 黄瓜炒百合                            Cucumber, Day Lily and Wood Ear Fungus


  3. 黑木耳炒双椒                        Black Wood Ear w Two Chillies


  4. 蒜末炒杂菌                            Garlic Fried Mixed Mushrooms


  5. 香菇蚝油菜心                        Fresh Shiitake, Oyster Sauce and Choy sum


  6. 草菇炒圣女果                        Straw Mushroom  w Cherry Tomatoes


  7. 荠菜草菇炒虾仁                    Shepherd's Purse, Straw Mushrooms and Shrimp


  8. 清炒草菇                                Simple Fried Straw Mushrooms


  9. 茭白炒金针菇                        Wild Rice Stems  w Enoki Mushrooms


  10. 白果炒双菇                            Gingko Fried w Two Mushrooms (Straw and Shiitake)


  11. 荠菜虾仁 双菇                       Shepherd's Purse, Shrimp and Two Mushrooms


  12. 草菇雪里蕻                            Straw Mushrooms w Potherb Mustard


  13. 黄花菜炒金针菇                    Day Lily Fried Enoki Mushrooms


  14. 家常肉末金针菇                    Family Style Ground Pork w Enoki Mushrooms


  15. 珍珠香菇                                Pearl Shiitake


  16. 茶树菇炒牛肉丝                    Tea Tree Mushrooms with Beef Slivers


  17. 茶树菇炒牛柳                        Tea Tree Mushrooms with Sliced Beef


  18. 茶树菇炒猪肚                        Tea Tree Mushrooms w Pork Belly


  19. 茶树菇炒松板肉                    Tea Tree Mushrooms w Pork Shoulder


  20. 茶树菇炒鸡丝                        Tea Tree Mushrooms w Chicken Slivers


  21. 腊肉炒茶树菇                        Bacon w Tea Tree Mushrooms


  22. 肉碎酱爆茶树菇                    Meat Sauce Tea  Tree Mushrooms


  23. 五花肉炒茶树菇                    Streaky Pork Belly with Tea Tree Mushrooms


  24. 干锅茶树菇                            Dry Pot Tea Tree Mushrooms


  25. 干锅豆豉茶树菇                    Dry Fried Black Bean Tea Tree Mushrooms


  26. 干煸茶树菇                            Dry Fried Tea Tree Mushrooms


  27. 辣炒茶树菇                            Spicy Tea Tree Mushrooms


  28. 麻辣金针菇                            Hot and Numbing Enoki Mushrooms


  29. 干锅风味双菇                        Dry Pot Special Flavor Two Mushrooms


  30. 干锅红油茶树菇                    Dry Pot Chilli Oil Tea Tree Mushrooms


  31. 石锅韭菜茶树菇                    Clay Pot Tea Tree Mushrooms w Chinese Chives


  32. 茶树菇炒鲍笋                        Tea Tree Mushrooms with Sea Asparagus


  33. 纸锅韭菜茶树菇                    Paper Pot Chinese Chives w Tea Tree Mushrooms


  34. 金针菇炒黄瓜                        Enoki Mushrooms w Cucumber


  35. 滑子菇炒肉片                        Nameko Mushrooms w Sliced Pork


  36. 清炒滑子菇肉丝                    Simple Fried Nameko Mushrooms w Pork Slivers


  37. 滑子菇双椒肉丁                    Nameko Mushrooms, Two Chillies and Pork Cubes


  38. 葱香滑子菇                            Nameko Mushrooms with Onion


  39. 双椒炒双菇                            Two Chillies Fried w Two Mushrooms


  40. 蚝油炒双菇                            Two Mushrooms w Oyster Sauce


  41. 螺片炒鸡腿菇                        Sea Snails w Shaggy Inkcap Mushrooms


  42. 菜心鸡腿菇                            Choy Sum w Shaggy Inkcap Mushrooms


  43. 双柳爆炒鸡腿菇                    Two Stripe Quick Fried Shaggy Inkcap Mushrooms


  44. 牛肉鸡腿菇                            Beef w Shaggy Inkcap Mushrooms


  45. 香炒白灵菇                            Simple Fried Oyster Mushrooms


  46. 牛肉炒白灵菇                        Beef w Oyster Mushrooms


  47. 咸肉炒白灵菇                        Bacon w Oyster Mushrooms


  48. 牛肉炒三菇                            Beef w Three Mushrooms


  49. 葱油白灵菇                            Oyster Mushrooms w Onion


  50. 西蓝花素三菇                        Broccoli w Three Mushrooms


  51. 蟹粉杏鲍菇                            Crab w King Oyster (Eryngii) Mushrooms


  52. 干锅双菇                                Dry Pot Two Mushrooms


  53. 鸡肾炒双                            Chicken Gizzard w Two Mushrooms


  54. 烧烤汁炒双鲍                        Abalone w King Oyster (Eryngii) Mushrooms


  55. 杏鲍菇炒面筋                        King Oyster Mushrooms Fried Noodle Tendons


  56. 双椒牛肝菌                            Two Chilli Cèpes


  57. 三丝牛肝菌                            Three Strips Cèpes


  58. 五花肉炒牛肝菌                    Streaky Pork Belly w Cèpes


  59. 肉片炒牛肝菌                        Pork Slices w Cèpes


  60. 腊肉牛肝菌                            Bacon w Cèpes


  61. 三味牛肝菌                            Three Flavor Cèpes


  62. 野山菌炒肉片                        Wild Mushrooms w Pork


  63. 炒什锦菇                                Fried Assorted Mushrooms


  64. 肉丝野山菌                            Shredded Pork Wild Mushrooms


  65. 三杯杏鲍菇                            Three Cup King Oyster (Eryngii) Mushrooms


  66. 奶油杏鲍菇                            Creamed King Oyster (Eryngii) Mushrooms                  


  67. 金炒杏鲍菇                            Golden Fried King Oyster (Eryngii) Mushrooms


  68. 肉酱杏鲍菇                            Meat Sauce King Oyster (Eryngii) Mushrooms


  69. 干煸杏鲍菇                            Dry Pot King Oyster (Eryngii) Mushrooms


  70. 牛肉炒杏鲍菇                        Beef w King Oyster (Eryngii) Mushrooms


  71. 松露酱炒杏鲍菇                    Black Truffle Paste King Oyster (Eryngii) Mushrooms


  72. 玉米烧鲜香菇                        Corn w Fresh Shiitake Mushrooms


  73. 红椒炒鲜香菇                        Red Chilli Shiitake Mushrooms


  74. 香菇嫩鸡片                            Shiitake w Tender Chicken Slices


  75. 葱爆香菇                                Shiitake w Onion


  76. 香菇炒黄花采                        Shiitake w Day Lily


  77. 糖醋香菇                                Sweet and Sour Shiitake


  78. 油醋双菇                                Two Mushrooms w Vinegar


  79. 松耳菇炒芦笋                        Matsutake Mushrooms w Asparagus


  80. 松耳菇炒西滥花                    Matsutake Mushrooms w Broccoli


  81. 菠菜炒金针菇                        Spinach w Enoki Mushrooms


  82. 红椒松耳菇                            Matsutake Mushroom w Red Chilli


  83. 糖醋金针菇                            Sweet and Sour Enoki Mushrooms


  84. 松子仁拌口蘑                        Button Mushrooms w Pine Nuts


  85. 香蒜奶油口蘑                        Button Mushrooms and Garlic w Cream


  86. 口蘑炒虾仁                            Button Mushrooms w Shrimp


  87. 腊肠炒口蘑                            Button Mushrooms w Chinese Sausage


  88. 腐乳口蘑煲                            Button Mushrooms w Fermented Bean Curd


  89. 香菜草菇                                Coriander Leaf/Cilantro Straw Mushrooms


  90. 韭菜烧三菇                            Three Mushrooms w Chinese Chives


  91. 竹笋炒鲜香菇                        Shitake w Bamboo Shoots


  92. 法式口蘑                                French Style Button Mushrooms


  93. 香菇炒鸡柳                            Shiitake w Chicken


  94. 蚝油鲍鱼菇                            Oyster Mushrooms w Oyster Sauce


  95. 香蒜黑珍珠菇                        Black Pearl Mushroom w Garlic


  96. 素蟹黄黑珍珠菇                    Black Pearl Mushrooms w Crab Oviducts


  97. 茶树菇炒鸡柳                        Tea Tree Mushroom w Chicken


  98. 白玉菇炒芦笋                        White Beech Mushrooms w Asparagus


  99. 沙茶酱炒白灵菇                    White Beech Mushrooms w Shacha Sauce


  100. 枸杞子炒菇丁                        Chopped Mushrooms w Wolfberry (Goji Berries)


  101. 玉米笋炒三菇                        Three Mushrooms w Baby Corn






Note: All the shiitake mentioned in this section are fresh shiitake.

That takes us up to page 63. Just under a hundred to go. More at the weekend. I have to do some work sometimes!
















Everyone who knows me knows that I am somewhat of a mushroom fetishist. I am fascinated by them and love to eat them. So I was particularly happy to come across this in my local book store.





Sample page


Yes, a mushroom recipe book - Chinese style. The title translates approx as as "Family Life Mushrooms Dishes". The book is 160 pages with two recipes on each page. Quantities and instructions are clear. It kicks off with an introduction to some, but not all, of the mushrooms in the recipes, then how to wash and slice them etc.



 Tea Tree Mushrooms


01 - 热炒 01 - Hot Stir Fries



  1. 耳炒木瓜                           Two Wood Ear Fungi w Papaya


  2. 黄瓜炒百合                            Cucumber, Day Lily and Wood Ear Fungus


  3. 黑木耳炒双椒                        Black Wood Ear w Two Chillies


  4. 蒜末炒杂菌                            Garlic Fried Mixed Mushrooms


  5. 香菇蚝油菜心                        Fresh Shiitake, Oyster Sauce and Choy sum


  6. 草菇炒圣女果                        Straw Mushroom  w Cherry Tomatoes


  7. 荠菜草菇炒虾仁                    Shepherd's Purse, Straw Mushrooms and Shrimp


  8. 清炒草菇                                Simple Fried Straw Mushrooms


  9. 茭白炒金针菇                        Wild Rice Stems  w Enoki Mushrooms


  10. 白果炒双菇                            Gingko Fried w Two Mushrooms (Straw and Shiitake)


  11. 荠菜虾仁 双菇                       Shepherd's Purse, Shrimp and Two Mushrooms


  12. 草菇雪里蕻                            Straw Mushrooms w Potherb Mustard


  13. 黄花菜炒金针菇                    Day Lily Fried Enoki Mushrooms


  14. 家常肉末金针菇                    Family Style Ground Pork w Enoki Mushrooms


  15. 珍珠香菇                                Pearl Shiitake


  16. 茶树菇炒牛肉丝                    Tea Tree Mushrooms with Beef Slivers


  17. 茶树菇炒牛柳                        Tea Tree Mushrooms with Sliced Beef


  18. 茶树菇炒猪肚                        Tea Tree Mushrooms w Pork Belly


  19. 茶树菇炒松板肉                    Tea Tree Mushrooms w Pork Shoulder


  20. 茶树菇炒鸡丝                        Tea Tree Mushrooms w Chicken Slivers


  21. 腊肉炒茶树菇                        Bacon w Tea Tree Mushrooms


  22. 肉碎酱爆茶树菇                    Meat Sauce Tea  Tree Mushrooms


  23. 五花肉炒茶树菇                    Streaky Pork Belly with Tea Tree Mushrooms


  24. 干锅茶树菇                            Dry Pot Tea Tree Mushrooms


  25. 干锅豆豉茶树菇                    Dry Fried Black Bean Tea Tree Mushrooms


  26. 干煸茶树菇                            Dry Fried Tea Tree Mushrooms


  27. 辣炒茶树菇                            Spicy Tea Tree Mushrooms


  28. 麻辣金针菇                            Hot and Numbing Enoki Mushrooms


  29. 干锅风味双菇                        Dry Pot Special Flavor Two Mushrooms


  30. 干锅红油茶树菇                    Dry Pot Chilli Oil Tea Tree Mushrooms


  31. 石锅韭菜茶树菇                    Clay Pot Tea Tree Mushrooms w Chinese Chives


  32. 茶树菇炒鲍笋                        Tea Tree Mushrooms with Sea Asparagus


  33. 纸锅韭菜茶树菇                    Paper Pot Chinese Chives w Tea Tree Mushrooms


  34. 金针菇炒黄瓜                        Enoki Mushrooms w Cucumber


  35. 滑子菇炒肉片                        Nameko Mushrooms w Sliced Pork


  36. 清炒滑子菇肉丝                    Simple Fried Nameko Mushrooms w Pork Slivers


  37. 滑子菇双椒肉丁                    Nameko Mushrooms, Two Chillies and Pork Cubes


  38. 葱香滑子菇                            Nameko Mushrooms with Onion


  39. 双椒炒双菇                            Two Chillies Fried w Two Mushrooms


  40. 蚝油炒双菇                            Two Mushrooms w Oyster Sauce


  41. 螺片炒鸡腿菇                        Sea Snails w Shaggy Inkcap Mushrooms


  42. 菜心鸡腿菇                            Choy Sum w Shaggy Inkcap Mushrooms


  43. 双柳爆炒鸡腿菇                    Two Stripe Quick Fried Shaggy Inkcap Mushrooms


  44. 牛肉鸡腿菇                            Beef w Shaggy Inkcap Mushrooms


  45. 香炒白灵菇                            Simple Fried Oyster Mushrooms


  46. 牛肉炒白灵菇                        Beef w Oyster Mushrooms


  47. 咸肉炒白灵菇                        Bacon w Oyster Mushrooms


  48. 牛肉炒三菇                            Beef w Three Mushrooms


  49. 葱油白灵菇                            Oyster Mushrooms w Onion


  50. 西蓝花素三菇                        Broccoli w Three Mushrooms


  51. 蟹粉杏鲍菇                            Crab w King Oyster (Eryngii) Mushrooms


  52. 干锅双菇                                Dry Pot Two Mushrooms


  53. 鸡肾炒双                            Chicken Gizzard w Two Mushrooms


  54. 烧烤汁炒双鲍                        Abalone w King Oyster (Eryngii) Mushrooms


  55. 杏鲍菇炒面筋                        King Oyster Mushrooms Fried Noodle Tendons


  56. 双椒牛肝菌                            Two Chilli Cèpes


  57. 三丝牛肝菌                            Three Strips Cèpes


  58. 五花肉炒牛肝菌                    Streaky Pork Belly w Cèpes


  59. 肉片炒牛肝菌                        Pork Slices w Cèpes


  60. 腊肉牛肝菌                            Bacon w Cèpes


  61. 三味牛肝菌                            Three Flavor Cèpes


  62. 野山菌炒肉片                        Wild Mushrooms w Pork


  63. 炒什锦菇                                Fried Assorted Mushrooms


  64. 肉丝野山菌                            Shredded Pork Wild Mushrooms


  65. 三杯杏鲍菇                            Three Cup King Oyster (Eryngii) Mushrooms


  66. 奶油杏鲍菇                            Creamed King Oyster (Eryngii) Mushrooms                  


  67. 金炒杏鲍菇                            Golden Fried King Oyster (Eryngii) Mushrooms


  68. 肉酱杏鲍菇                            Meat Sauce King Oyster (Eryngii) Mushrooms


  69. 干煸杏鲍菇                            Dry Pot King Oyster (Eryngii) Mushrooms


  70. 牛肉炒杏鲍菇                        Beef w King Oyster (Eryngii) Mushrooms


  71. 松露酱炒杏鲍菇                    Black Truffle Paste King Oyster (Eryngii) Mushrooms


  72. 玉米烧鲜香菇                        Corn w Fresh Shiitake Mushrooms


  73. 红椒炒鲜香菇                        Red Chilli Shiitake Mushrooms


  74. 香菇嫩鸡片                            Shiitake w Tender Chicken Slices


  75. 葱爆香菇                                Shiitake w Onion


  76. 香菇炒黄花采                        Shiitake w Day Lily


  77. 糖醋香菇                                Sweet and Sour Shiitake


  78. 油醋双菇                                Two Mushrooms w Vinegar


  79. 松耳菇炒芦笋                        Matsutake Mushrooms w Asparagus


  80. 松耳菇炒西滥花                    Matsutake Mushrooms w Broccoli


  81. 菠菜炒金针菇                        Spinach w Enoki Mushrooms


  82. 红椒松耳菇                            Matsutake Mushroom w Red Chilli


  83. 糖醋金针菇                            Sweet and Sour Enoki Mushrooms


  84. 松子仁拌口蘑                        Button Mushrooms w Pine Nuts


  85. 香蒜奶油口蘑                        Button Mushrooms and Garlic w Cream


  86. 口蘑炒虾仁                            Button Mushrooms w Shrimp


  87. 腊肠炒口蘑                            Button Mushrooms w Chinese Sausage


  88. 腐乳口蘑煲                            Button Mushrooms w Fermented Bean Curd


  89. 香菜草菇                                Coriander Leaf/Cilantro Straw Mushrooms


  90. 韭菜烧三菇                            Three Mushrooms w Chinese Chives


  91. 竹笋炒鲜香菇                        Shitake w Bamboo Shoots


  92. 法式口蘑                                French Style Button Mushrooms


  93. 香菇炒鸡柳                            Shiitake w Chicken


  94. 蚝油鲍鱼菇                            Oyster Mushrooms w Oyster Sauce


  95. 香蒜黑珍珠菇                        Black Pearl Mushroom w Garlic


  96. 素蟹黄黑珍珠菇                    Black Pearl Mushrooms w Crab Oviducts


  97. 茶树菇炒鸡柳                        Tea Tree Mushroom w Chicken


  98. 白玉菇炒芦笋                        White Beech Mushrooms w Asparagus


  99. 沙茶酱炒白灵菇                    White Beech Mushrooms w Shacha Sauce


  100. 枸杞子炒菇丁                        Chopped Mushrooms w Wolfberry (Goji Berries)


  101. 玉米笋炒三菇                        Three Mushrooms w Baby Corn






Note: All the shiitake mentioned in this section are fresh shiitake.

That takes us up to page 63. Just under a hundred to go. More at the weekend. I have to do some work sometimes!















Everyone who knows me knows that I am somewhat of a mushroom fetishist. I am fascinated by them and love to eat them. So I was particularly happy to come across this in my local book store.





Sample page


Yes, a mushroom recipe book - Chinese style. The title translates approx as as "Family Life Mushrooms Dishes". The book is 160 pages with two recipes on each page. Quantities and instructions are clear. It kicks off with an introduction to some, but not all, of the mushrooms in the recipes, then how to wash and slice them etc.






 Tea Tree Mushrooms

01 - 热炒 01 - Hot Stir Fries




  1. 耳炒木瓜                           Two Wood Ear Fungi w Papaya


  2. 黄瓜炒百合                            Cucumber, Day Lily and Wood Ear Fungus


  3. 黑木耳炒双椒                        Black Wood Ear w Two Chillies


  4. 蒜末炒杂菌                            Garlic Fried Mixed Mushrooms


  5. 香菇蚝油菜心                        Fresh Shiitake, Oyster Sauce and Choy sum


  6. 草菇炒圣女果                        Straw Mushroom  w Cherry Tomatoes


  7. 荠菜草菇炒虾仁                    Shepherd's Purse, Straw Mushrooms and Shrimp


  8. 清炒草菇                                Simple Fried Straw Mushrooms


  9. 茭白炒金针菇                        Wild Rice Stems  w Enoki Mushrooms


  10. 白果炒双菇                            Gingko Fried w Two Mushrooms (Straw and Shiitake)


  11. 荠菜虾仁 双菇                       Shepherd's Purse, Shrimp and Two Mushrooms


  12. 草菇雪里蕻                            Straw Mushrooms w Potherb Mustard


  13. 黄花菜炒金针菇                    Day Lily Fried Enoki Mushrooms


  14. 家常肉末金针菇                    Family Style Ground Pork w Enoki Mushrooms


  15. 珍珠香菇                                Pearl Shiitake


  16. 茶树菇炒牛肉丝                    Tea Tree Mushrooms with Beef Slivers


  17. 茶树菇炒牛柳                        Tea Tree Mushrooms with Sliced Beef


  18. 茶树菇炒猪肚                        Tea Tree Mushrooms w Pork Belly


  19. 茶树菇炒松板肉                    Tea Tree Mushrooms w Pork Shoulder


  20. 茶树菇炒鸡丝                        Tea Tree Mushrooms w Chicken Slivers


  21. 腊肉炒茶树菇                        Bacon w Tea Tree Mushrooms


  22. 肉碎酱爆茶树菇                    Meat Sauce Tea  Tree Mushrooms


  23. 五花肉炒茶树菇                    Streaky Pork Belly with Tea Tree Mushrooms


  24. 干锅茶树菇                            Dry Pot Tea Tree Mushrooms


  25. 干锅豆豉茶树菇                    Dry Fried Black Bean Tea Tree Mushrooms


  26. 干煸茶树菇                            Dry Fried Tea Tree Mushrooms


  27. 辣炒茶树菇                            Spicy Tea Tree Mushrooms


  28. 麻辣金针菇                            Hot and Numbing Enoki Mushrooms


  29. 干锅风味双菇                        Dry Pot Special Flavor Two Mushrooms


  30. 干锅红油茶树菇                    Dry Pot Chilli Oil Tea Tree Mushrooms


  31. 石锅韭菜茶树菇                    Clay Pot Tea Tree Mushrooms w Chinese Chives


  32. 茶树菇炒鲍笋                        Tea Tree Mushrooms with Sea Asparagus


  33. 纸锅韭菜茶树菇                    Paper Pot Chinese Chives w Tea Tree Mushrooms


  34. 金针菇炒黄瓜                        Enoki Mushrooms w Cucumber


  35. 滑子菇炒肉片                        Nameko Mushrooms w Sliced Pork


  36. 清炒滑子菇肉丝                    Simple Fried Nameko Mushrooms w Pork Slivers


  37. 滑子菇双椒肉丁                    Nameko Mushrooms, Two Chillies and Pork Cubes


  38. 葱香滑子菇                            Nameko Mushrooms with Onion


  39. 双椒炒双菇                            Two Chillies Fried w Two Mushrooms


  40. 蚝油炒双菇                            Two Mushrooms w Oyster Sauce


  41. 螺片炒鸡腿菇                        Sea Snails w Shaggy Inkcap Mushrooms


  42. 菜心鸡腿菇                            Choy Sum w Shaggy Inkcap Mushrooms


  43. 双柳爆炒鸡腿菇                    Two Stripe Quick Fried Shaggy Inkcap Mushrooms


  44. 牛肉鸡腿菇                            Beef w Shaggy Inkcap Mushrooms


  45. 香炒白灵菇                            Simple Fried Oyster Mushrooms


  46. 牛肉炒白灵菇                        Beef w Oyster Mushrooms


  47. 咸肉炒白灵菇                        Bacon w Oyster Mushrooms


  48. 牛肉炒三菇                            Beef w Three Mushrooms


  49. 葱油白灵菇                            Oyster Mushrooms w Onion


  50. 西蓝花素三菇                        Broccoli w Three Mushrooms


  51. 蟹粉杏鲍菇                            Crab w King Oyster (Eryngii) Mushrooms


  52. 干锅双菇                                Dry Pot Two Mushrooms


  53. 鸡肾炒双                            Chicken Gizzard w Two Mushrooms


  54. 烧烤汁炒双鲍                        Abalone w King Oyster (Eryngii) Mushrooms


  55. 杏鲍菇炒面筋                        King Oyster Mushrooms Fried Noodle Tendons


  56. 双椒牛肝菌                            Two Chilli Cèpes


  57. 三丝牛肝菌                            Three Strips Cèpes


  58. 五花肉炒牛肝菌                    Streaky Pork Belly w Cèpes


  59. 肉片炒牛肝菌                        Pork Slices w Cèpes


  60. 腊肉牛肝菌                            Bacon w Cèpes


  61. 三味牛肝菌                            Three Flavor Cèpes


  62. 野山菌炒肉片                        Wild Mushrooms w Pork


  63. 炒什锦菇                                Fried Assorted Mushrooms


  64. 肉丝野山菌                            Shredded Pork Wild Mushrooms


  65. 三杯杏鲍菇                            Three Cup King Oyster (Eryngii) Mushrooms


  66. 奶油杏鲍菇                            Creamed King Oyster (Eryngii) Mushrooms                  


  67. 金炒杏鲍菇                            Golden Fried King Oyster (Eryngii) Mushrooms


  68. 肉酱杏鲍菇                            Meat Sauce King Oyster (Eryngii) Mushrooms


  69. 干煸杏鲍菇                            Dry Pot King Oyster (Eryngii) Mushrooms


  70. 牛肉炒杏鲍菇                        Beef w King Oyster (Eryngii) Mushrooms


  71. 松露酱炒杏鲍菇                    Black Truffle Paste King Oyster (Eryngii) Mushrooms


  72. 玉米烧鲜香菇                        Corn w Fresh Shiitake Mushrooms


  73. 红椒炒鲜香菇                        Red Chilli Shiitake Mushrooms


  74. 香菇嫩鸡片                            Shiitake w Tender Chicken Slices


  75. 葱爆香菇                                Shiitake w Onion


  76. 香菇炒黄花采                        Shiitake w Day Lily


  77. 糖醋香菇                                Sweet and Sour Shiitake


  78. 油醋双菇                                Two Mushrooms w Vinegar


  79. 松耳菇炒芦笋                        Matsutake Mushrooms w Asparagus


  80. 松耳菇炒西滥花                    Matsutake Mushrooms w Broccoli


  81. 菠菜炒金针菇                        Spinach w Enoki Mushrooms


  82. 红椒松耳菇                            Matsutake Mushroom w Red Chilli


  83. 糖醋金针菇                            Sweet and Sour Enoki Mushrooms


  84. 松子仁拌口蘑                        Button Mushrooms w Pine Nuts


  85. 香蒜奶油口蘑                        Button Mushrooms and Garlic w Cream


  86. 口蘑炒虾仁                            Button Mushrooms w Shrimp


  87. 腊肠炒口蘑                            Button Mushrooms w Chinese Sausage


  88. 腐乳口蘑煲                            Button Mushrooms w Fermented Bean Curd


  89. 香菜草菇                                Coriander Leaf/Cilantro Straw Mushrooms


  90. 韭菜烧三菇                            Three Mushrooms w Chinese Chives


  91. 竹笋炒鲜香菇                        Shitake w Bamboo Shoots


  92. 法式口蘑                                French Style Button Mushrooms


  93. 香菇炒鸡柳                            Shiitake w Chicken


  94. 蚝油鲍鱼菇                            Oyster Mushrooms w Oyster Sauce


  95. 香蒜黑珍珠菇                        Black Pearl Mushroom w Garlic


  96. 素蟹黄黑珍珠菇                    Black Pearl Mushrooms w Crab Oviducts


  97. 茶树菇炒鸡柳                        Tea Tree Mushroom w Chicken


  98. 白玉菇炒芦笋                        White Beech Mushrooms w Asparagus


  99. 沙茶酱炒白灵菇                    White Beech Mushrooms w Shacha Sauce


  100. 枸杞子炒菇丁                        Chopped Mushrooms w Wolfberry (Goji Berries)


  101. 玉米笋炒三菇                        Three Mushrooms w Baby Corn






Note: All the shiitake mentioned in this section are fresh shiitake.

That takes us up to page 63. Just under a hundred to go. More at the weekend. I have to do some work sometimes!















Everyone who knows me knows that I am somewhat of a mushroom fetishist. I am fascinated by them and love to eat them. So I was particularly happy to come across this in my local book store.cover.thumb.jpg.fb9eeeff95bfe083d117cc17



Sample page


Yes, a mushroom recipe book - Chinese style. The title translates approx as as "Family Life Mushrooms Dishes". The book is 160 pages with two recipes on each page. Quantities and instructions are clear. It kicks off with an introduction to some, but not all, of the mushrooms in the recipes, then how to wash and slice them etc.



 Tea Tree Mushrooms

01 - 热炒 01 - Hot Stir Fries


  1. 耳炒木瓜                           Two Wood Ear Fungi w Papaya

  2. 黄瓜炒百合                            Cucumber, Day Lily and Wood Ear Fungus

  3. 黑木耳炒双椒                        Black Wood Ear w Two Chillies

  4. 蒜末炒杂菌                            Garlic Fried Mixed Mushrooms

  5. 香菇蚝油菜心                        Fresh Shiitake, Oyster Sauce and Choy sum

  6. 草菇炒圣女果                        Straw Mushroom  w Cherry Tomatoes

  7. 荠菜草菇炒虾仁                    Shepherd's Purse, Straw Mushrooms and Shrimp

  8. 清炒草菇                                Simple Fried Straw Mushrooms

  9. 茭白炒金针菇                        Wild Rice Stems  w Enoki Mushrooms

  10. 白果炒双菇                            Gingko Fried w Two Mushrooms (Straw and Shiitake)

  11. 荠菜虾仁 双菇                       Shepherd's Purse, Shrimp and Two Mushrooms

  12. 草菇雪里蕻                            Straw Mushrooms w Potherb Mustard

  13. 黄花菜炒金针菇                    Day Lily Fried Enoki Mushrooms

  14. 家常肉末金针菇                    Family Style Ground Pork w Enoki Mushrooms

  15. 珍珠香菇                                Pearl Shiitake

  16. 茶树菇炒牛肉丝                    Tea Tree Mushrooms with Beef Slivers

  17. 茶树菇炒牛柳                        Tea Tree Mushrooms with Sliced Beef

  18. 茶树菇炒猪肚                        Tea Tree Mushrooms w Pork Belly

  19. 茶树菇炒松板肉                    Tea Tree Mushrooms w Pork Shoulder

  20. 茶树菇炒鸡丝                        Tea Tree Mushrooms w Chicken Slivers

  21. 腊肉炒茶树菇                        Bacon w Tea Tree Mushrooms

  22. 肉碎酱爆茶树菇                    Meat Sauce Tea  Tree Mushrooms

  23. 五花肉炒茶树菇                    Streaky Pork Belly with Tea Tree Mushrooms

  24. 干锅茶树菇                            Dry Pot Tea Tree Mushrooms

  25. 干锅豆豉茶树菇                    Dry Fried Black Bean Tea Tree Mushrooms

  26. 干煸茶树菇                            Dry Fried Tea Tree Mushrooms

  27. 辣炒茶树菇                            Spicy Tea Tree Mushrooms

  28. 麻辣金针菇                            Hot and Numbing Enoki Mushrooms

  29. 干锅风味双菇                        Dry Pot Special Flavor Two Mushrooms

  30. 干锅红油茶树菇                    Dry Pot Chilli Oil Tea Tree Mushrooms

  31. 石锅韭菜茶树菇                    Clay Pot Tea Tree Mushrooms w Chinese Chives

  32. 茶树菇炒鲍笋                        Tea Tree Mushrooms with Sea Asparagus

  33. 纸锅韭菜茶树菇                    Paper Pot Chinese Chives w Tea Tree Mushrooms

  34. 金针菇炒黄瓜                        Enoki Mushrooms w Cucumber

  35. 滑子菇炒肉片                        Nameko Mushrooms w Sliced Pork

  36. 清炒滑子菇肉丝                    Simple Fried Nameko Mushrooms w Pork Slivers

  37. 滑子菇双椒肉丁                    Nameko Mushrooms, Two Chillies and Pork Cubes

  38. 葱香滑子菇                            Nameko Mushrooms with Onion

  39. 双椒炒双菇                            Two Chillies Fried w Two Mushrooms

  40. 蚝油炒双菇                            Two Mushrooms w Oyster Sauce

  41. 螺片炒鸡腿菇                        Sea Snails w Shaggy Inkcap Mushrooms

  42. 菜心鸡腿菇                            Choy Sum w Shaggy Inkcap Mushrooms

  43. 双柳爆炒鸡腿菇                    Two Stripe Quick Fried Shaggy Inkcap Mushrooms

  44. 牛肉鸡腿菇                            Beef w Shaggy Inkcap Mushrooms

  45. 香炒白灵菇                            Simple Fried Oyster Mushrooms

  46. 牛肉炒白灵菇                        Beef w Oyster Mushrooms

  47. 咸肉炒白灵菇                        Bacon w Oyster Mushrooms

  48. 牛肉炒三菇                            Beef w Three Mushrooms

  49. 葱油白灵菇                            Oyster Mushrooms w Onion

  50. 西蓝花素三菇                        Broccoli w Three Mushrooms

  51. 蟹粉杏鲍菇                            Crab w King Oyster (Eryngii) Mushrooms

  52. 干锅双菇                                Dry Pot Two Mushrooms

  53. 鸡肾炒双                            Chicken Gizzard w Two Mushrooms

  54. 烧烤汁炒双鲍                        Abalone w King Oyster (Eryngii) Mushrooms

  55. 杏鲍菇炒面筋                        King Oyster Mushrooms Fried Noodle Tendons

  56. 双椒牛肝菌                            Two Chilli Cèpes

  57. 三丝牛肝菌                            Three Strips Cèpes

  58. 五花肉炒牛肝菌                    Streaky Pork Belly w Cèpes

  59. 肉片炒牛肝菌                        Pork Slices w Cèpes

  60. 腊肉牛肝菌                            Bacon w Cèpes

  61. 三味牛肝菌                            Three Flavor Cèpes

  62. 野山菌炒肉片                        Wild Mushrooms w Pork

  63. 炒什锦菇                                Fried Assorted Mushrooms

  64. 肉丝野山菌                            Shredded Pork Wild Mushrooms

  65. 三杯杏鲍菇                            Three Cup King Oyster (Eryngii) Mushrooms

  66. 奶油杏鲍菇                            Creamed King Oyster (Eryngii) Mushrooms                  

  67. 金炒杏鲍菇                            Golden Fried King Oyster (Eryngii) Mushrooms

  68. 肉酱杏鲍菇                            Meat Sauce King Oyster (Eryngii) Mushrooms

  69. 干煸杏鲍菇                            Dry Pot King Oyster (Eryngii) Mushrooms

  70. 牛肉炒杏鲍菇                        Beef w King Oyster (Eryngii) Mushrooms

  71. 松露酱炒杏鲍菇                    Black Truffle Paste King Oyster (Eryngii) Mushrooms

  72. 玉米烧鲜香菇                        Corn w Fresh Shiitake Mushrooms

  73. 红椒炒鲜香菇                        Red Chilli Shiitake Mushrooms

  74. 香菇嫩鸡片                            Shiitake w Tender Chicken Slices

  75. 葱爆香菇                                Shiitake w Onion

  76. 香菇炒黄花采                        Shiitake w Day Lily

  77. 糖醋香菇                                Sweet and Sour Shiitake

  78. 油醋双菇                                Two Mushrooms w Vinegar

  79. 松耳菇炒芦笋                        Matsutake Mushrooms w Asparagus

  80. 松耳菇炒西滥花                    Matsutake Mushrooms w Broccoli

  81. 菠菜炒金针菇                        Spinach w Enoki Mushrooms

  82. 红椒松耳菇                            Matsutake Mushroom w Red Chilli

  83. 糖醋金针菇                            Sweet and Sour Enoki Mushrooms

  84. 松子仁拌口蘑                        Button Mushrooms w Pine Nuts

  85. 香蒜奶油口蘑                        Button Mushrooms and Garlic w Cream

  86. 口蘑炒虾仁                            Button Mushrooms w Shrimp

  87. 腊肠炒口蘑                            Button Mushrooms w Chinese Sausage

  88. 腐乳口蘑煲                            Button Mushrooms w Fermented Bean Curd

  89. 香菜草菇                                Coriander Leaf/Cilantro Straw Mushrooms

  90. 韭菜烧三菇                            Three Mushrooms w Chinese Chives

  91. 竹笋炒鲜香菇                        Shitake w Bamboo Shoots

  92. 法式口蘑                                French Style Button Mushrooms

  93. 香菇炒鸡柳                            Shiitake w Chicken

  94. 蚝油鲍鱼菇                            Oyster Mushrooms w Oyster Sauce

  95. 香蒜黑珍珠菇                        Black Pearl Mushroom w Garlic

  96. 素蟹黄黑珍珠菇                    Black Pearl Mushrooms w Crab Oviducts

  97. 茶树菇炒鸡柳                        Tea Tree Mushroom w Chicken

  98. 白玉菇炒芦笋                        White Beech Mushrooms w Asparagus

  99. 沙茶酱炒白灵菇                    White Beech Mushrooms w Shacha Sauce

  100. 枸杞子炒菇丁                        Chopped Mushrooms w Wolfberry (Goji Berries)

  101. 玉米笋炒三菇                        Three Mushrooms w Baby Corn


Note: All the shiitake mentioned in this section are fresh shiitake.

That takes us up to page 63. Just under a hundred to go. More at the weekend. I have to do some work sometimes!







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