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Until my fiance brought me a bottle of Appleton Estate V/X from her cruise in Feb this year. I had been drinking Bacardi Select, Gold, and the occasional bottle of Don Q Oro and Barrilito 3 estrellas that relatives might bring from Puerto Rico.

Barrilito 3 star was my favorite for a long time. And a rare treat. I have spent the last year getting caught up on all the rums available in your typical grocery stores here in Iowa, USA.

For Christmas, my father bought me a bottle of Coyopa which I quite enjoy and for the first time, since barrilito, am able to enjoy neat. He also bought himself a bottle of Barbancourt Estate Reserve 15yrs which I was able to enjoy in the same manner.

I found the Barbancourt to be a little smoother while the Coyopa had a little more punch in the aftertaste. Both were delightful.

Here are my top 5 of about the 25 I have tasted(most of them were less than $20 US, and available locally)

Barbancourt Estate Reserve


Barrilito 3 star

Appleton Extra 12yrs

Bacardi 8 anos

I prefer dark rum, anyone have any suggestions based on the rums above?

I am getting married this year and we plan to spend a week in Puerto Rico and a week in St. Croix. I can't wait!

Thanks for taking the time to read this and have a good one!




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if you like smooth darker rums then why not try The Appleton 21 year old. A little less intense than the 12 yr old. The bouquet is a sultry mix of oranges, musk,cocoa and vanilla. Or try the El Dorado 15 year old. A demerara rum with a delicately smooth finish. Technically both rums are gold but have become dark with age as oppose to caramel.

When I read about the evils of drinking rum...I stopped reading...because life is too short, so smile and enjoy yourself...


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After some more tasting and a few trips to different liquor stores,

here are my new top 10:

Ron Zacapa Centenario (23yrs)

Barbancourt Estate Reserve (15 yrs)

Cruzan Single Barrel Estate (4-12yrs)

Coyopa (10 yrs)

Ron Matusalem Gran Reserva

Ron Del Barrilito Tres Estrellas (6-12 yrs)

Appleton Estate Extra 12 Yrs (black label)

Flor De Cana Grand Reserve (7yrs)

Bacardi 8 anos

Appleton Estate V/X

I have bottles of the following waiting to be tried;

El Dorado Special Reserve (15yrs)

Brugal Anejo

Barbancourt Reserve Special (8 yrs)

Pusser's Navy Rum (Blue Label)

Cruzan Estate Diamond (5 yrs)

I just opened the Flor de Cana last night and was pleased.

Which should I try next?



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Garcia if you can, try to get ahold of basically any "Rhum Vieux" from martinique. The French rhum agricoles (made with sugar cane juice) are very, very different from those made from rums made from molasses, they are much more like cognac in flavor profile.

Jason Perlow, Co-Founder eGullet Society for Culinary Arts & Letters

Foodies who Review South Florida (Facebook) | offthebroiler.com - Food Blog (archived) | View my food photos on Instagram

Twittter: @jperlow | Mastodon @jperlow@journa.host

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Thanks Jason,

I'll see if I can get my hands on some. Perhaps when I am in St. Croix in October.

If anyone knows of an easy way to get a Rhum Vieux from Martinique I am all ears.



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