I ended up not desalting it. there is some jus in the bag after 24 + @ 143 F and Ive been using and saving that for use in the iPot
for the cooking of the veg. I add water to this to just get the potatoes and carrots submerged.
Ive also after adding some water in the iPot added bay leaf , mustard seed , and granulated ( penzey's ) garlic and
iP'd this for 2 - 3 min at LP then 5 minute release , and then removing the bay leaf and then adding the veg w the cabbage on top of the other
two veg. I then save this liquid , chill and use again w the addition of what ever liquid is in the next CB's bag , about 1/4 cup , not measured
chose not to study desalting this year as the first attempts gave me CB didn't seem to me to have too much salt in it.
the meat was so nicely trimmed and the papain didn't seem to matter if I cooked the meat with in a day or two of buying it
a few years ago the meat sat in the refrig for a while and then I cooked it , well before the ' Use By Date '
that gave me mushy CB. I can't say if the extra time in my refrigerator had anything to do with the mushiness. my refrigerator is quite cold.
I will say that times in the iPot for pressure cooking these three veg at the same time is problematic and not very reproducible
either with LP or HP or a certain amount of time before release. I can tell Ive been lucky so far re Veg.
what i did learn today is important to me :
if the CB is not perfectly cooked at Round One ( this brand point cut , about 1 lb / bag , 143 F 24 - 26 hours )
it can be corrected to perfection w a longer than needed re-heating ( one bag at a time for dinner ) at about 145
for 4 hours or so.
I have three points to do tomorrow and Ill do them at 145 F 24 - 26 and label them as such.