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Garnishing: Your tips and suggested books


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Hi everyone:

I just took a garnishing class and felt completely lame. What tips do you have for easy yet cool garnishing AND what books can you recommend for someone wanting to build and hone garnishing skills?



"If you don't want to use butter, add cream."

Julia Child

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On egullet check out the plating and presentation course in the EGCI and the Studiokitchen thread in the Pennsylvania section for some how-tos. For ideas/inspiration and a perhaps some instruction cookbooks can be a major help, but the ones you choose will vary based on personal taste. Favorites for me include The French Laundry Cookbook, Tetsuya's, and the Michel Bras ones, but that's just a start. Explore and experiment to find your own style. Also, check out the pictures at tastingmenu.com.

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I've got one book

The Book of Garnishes by June Bugden (1988) which you can pick up cheap on Amazon. Some of it is a little dated but there are some usable ideas in there.

My latest acquisition is Working the Plate by Christopher Styler which has plenty of ideas.

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Website: http://cookingdownunder.com

Blog: http://cookingdownunder.com/blog

Twitter: @patinoz

The floggings will continue until morale improves

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