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Everything posted by TicTac

  1. When you crack the code, do share the cipher.
  2. Also will add - Schar makes some great deli style sourdough bread - but it is stupidly expensive ($6-7 / 6-8 slices).
  3. I really like the Promise brand. It is tougher to find in our area as not every Sobey's has it. Our main staple (I think Silver Hills makes it, though I might have been mistaken) is called 'Little Northern Bakehouse' - their 'whole wheat' version is quite good for a GF bread.
  4. Love this. Been wanting to get into growing micro greens for a while. Any suggested web resources for learning? Where do you order your seeds from? I think the kiddies would have a blast with this.
  5. TicTac

    Dinner 2022

    carnitas. Avocado cream. crema. hot sauce. Cabbage. Lime. happy mouth
  6. TicTac

    Dinner 2022

    Thank you Kim. Good eye. I whisked one egg and used 1/2 of it as a binder for the fish patty - not wanting to waste anything, I fried the remainder in the pan that I used to toast the bun in and just threw it on top. Neutral'ish flavour, so it worked.
  7. He knows better. None of those would produce a nose worthy of what he is putting into them!
  8. TicTac

    Dinner 2022

    Seabass ‘filet o fish’ sandwich @McDonald’s ain’t got nothing on me!!! 😁
  9. TicTac

    Lunch 2022

    Nothing too fancy - picked up some fatty char siu from my favourite spot ‘he he long bbq’ and made some MexiNese wraps
  10. Because they preform a lot of circumcisions? At the very least some matzah ball soup....!
  11. TicTac

    Lunch 2022

    Very creative, @Duvel I made a pot of Penicillin today as my stretch of 3 years sans a cold (thanks COVID masking!) seems to be at it's end. I thank 3 little shits under 9 years old for sharing so kindly.
  12. Curious to hear about any GF Bread recipes, machine or not! Going totally GF years ago after my little guy was diagnosed with Celiac disease, we tried at one point to make pizza dough. I recall it being the stickiest mess ever, and after many four letter expletives, I swore I would never make it from scratch again. Silver Hills has a good GF bread which we use daily. Aiden's has an acceptable french GF 'baguette'.
  13. pan fry in duck fat cherry (or any dark fruit) gastrique toss the cutlery, hand to mouth!
  14. TicTac

    Lunch 2022

    *happy dance* Looks great!
  15. TicTac

    Lunch 2022

    Oh, you cook yours in the oven? I do mine on the stove top...
  16. TicTac

    Dinner 2022

    What's there NOT to like about Tiki!?
  17. TicTac

    Lunch 2022

    Move the whites around with a chopstick while the yolks cook - preferably at a med-high heat. Should achieve a cooked white and a runny yolk.
  18. Third'd Granville Island. We stayed at the hotel on the island in the brewery when we were there a number of years ago. Makes for some great walking excursions. Highly recommend Vij's if you can get in. Hopefully their quality has not change since I was there about 10 years back. There are a number of awesome sushi spots around Vancouver if you are into that. Blue water cafe I think was one that we enjoyed a lot. There was another that I cannot recall the name of, which was at the base of a office building and had an unreal omakase. Oh, and test your climbing skills while you are out that way and attempt the Grouse Grind!
  19. I like to pan fry 1/4" thick cut in olive oil with a chili pepper or two depending on heat preference. Med-high flipping regularly till a caramelized golden brown and near breaking apart transpires. Towards the end of the cook you can add whatever alliums you prefer to caramelize as well. Now the fun part - you can take it whichever direction you want as far as flavour goes. I have done a number of iterations. KISS is just puree the contents of the pan, along with some acid, be it lemon juice or some vinegar of your choosing. Herbs are also welcome, be it independent or a mix of cilantro, dill, rosemary etc - Is a great pasta sauce base, pizza base, crust dip, salad dressing, and the list goes on! Freezes well too.
  20. @Kerry Beal - as long as they are enclosed together so the ethylene they emit stimulates ripening, you are fine. A bannana peel or apple will help speed things up. Or fried green tomato chutney!
  21. TicTac


    Cloyingly sweet for my tastes. Hope they have the purple variety. Tart and near perfection!
  22. Decent first day o the season pick with my 9 year old. About 8-10lbs in an hour or so. Elm oysters
  23. KISS is the key. Assuming your veggies are of good quality, let them shine. Par cook in a flavourful broth. Save said broth for future cooks. This step can be left out, especially for harder dense veg like carrots and parsnips which reduce nicely. Potatoes however should be par-boiled and tossed around a bit. A far better crust will form. A mix of Rosemary, Thyme, Bay Leaf, peppercorns, garlic and onion is your best starting point. You can make an herb/garlic oil ahead of time or just mix thoroughly. Many approaches to this straight forward 'roast'!
  24. King's look like a good ID for them. Lucky duck. Still looking for the elusive king; should see some slippery jack's pop up in the next 1-2 weeks. Elm Oyster season is about to boom - will head into the woods with my oldest guy on the weekend and report back.
  25. I was not sure if you had the knowledge you sought as I was a bit late to the party. It was years ago that we met the authors, a lovely duo and the book is really nicely done. Happy to help if you need anything further from it.
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