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Everything posted by TicTac

  1. I still find the texture of the end result when cooked in hot butter/oil from the start superior to a dry fried mushroom (with fat added at the end). Experiment for yourself, but if you prefer a more moist and resilient interior, you will be in the fat camp.
  2. Made my morning (and month!). Can check off ‘finding morels in the wild’ off my Bucket list! luckily I have some fresh local asparagus from the farmers market
  3. TicTac

    Dinner 2022

    Perhaps nothing!? I did not over pack, and also double wrapped to create a thicker wrapping and contain said juices. Some did escape, but I did it on a med-high non-stick pan, in butter and rice bran oil - so no crazy temps for massive splashage.
  4. TicTac


    Deep orange flesh - will try to remember to take a pic when I slice this last one…
  5. TicTac


    Small, but pack a punch!!!
  6. TicTac

    Dinner 2022

    A new creation for us; homemade dumplings using dried rice paper rolls. They turn out fantastic … chewy on the inside crispy on the outside, a new winner in our house! made two types of fillings for this batch one pork and dill the other pork shiitake ginger and carrot.
  7. TicTac

    Ramps: The Topic

    Ramps do not hold their true flavour when dried, or heated. I have done many experiments, drying, pickling, salting, curing, preserving, you name it - the best way to retain the original flavour is to mortar and pestle some leaves into an oil. Bulbs have too much water and tend to throw the oil off faster. Save those for cooking, or better yet, pickling. I enjoy cooked ramps, but they get very subtle in their pronounced onion profiles and take on a much sweeter note. Great for a potato or asparagus soup. The transplants on our ravine are doing well - sadly however; I no long eat onions/garlic so friends are always happy to leave with a few gifts.
  8. TicTac


    @KennethT - Indian mangoes this year have been disappointing (as are the prices - $40-60/case!!!) Was told by a friend to check out the Colombian Sugar mangoes - they are small (think hardball size) but pack an unreal floral aroma and taste. Not fibrous, delicious - and at $2 a piece, somewhat reasonable....?!
  9. TicTac

    Dinner 2022

    Are they sunfish? Hard to tell from the pics - but if so, they are HUGE!!! Never knew they were good eating, always was told they were just full of bones (probably the old folks way of getting me to throw em back and save more for themselves!) 😛
  10. Interesting - thanks! Will have to check this out further. For tonight at least, its leftover yogurt containers, large sturdy paper bags and bubble wrap (for those in cages) And they thought it could not get any weirder!
  11. Well evidently the new queen of 'maters has shown up! Impressive selection. How much space do you have to grow on? We ended up planting yesterday, it was 27 and I couldn't help myself (plus the seedlings were getting root bound and after one transplant already, I was not about to do another to get a few more days of sun hardening) so I took the risk, will cover overnight with yogurt containers, paper bags, etc.
  12. Yah.... @Shelby's garden would eat up these little seedlings of mine... Totally envious and not ashamed to admit it! With crappy city soil we went with some cloth bags. These ones are made out of recycled plastic water bottles and drain really nicely. First day of hardening under the real thing!
  13. I have no doubt they will go beyond French; how far they venture outside of the core however, proves to be seen. Quite frankly, it will be their loss (and certainly not offering a full picture of 'our' offerings) if they do not venture in every direction to see the amazing diversity our unique population has to offer.
  14. Not the worst thing in the world. Just make sure you have some good munchies on hand
  15. TicTac

    Dinner 2022

    They ship them here to Ontario live, and while I am sure shipping impacts the price (especially these days), I know first hand that spot prawn prices have gone up in BC as well. Everything is more expensive these days, sadly. Never bought crab meat, but that does sound spendy. Though At $20-30/lb for a live beast, one would only contain what, 1/4 to 1/8 of a lb of meat per? Plus the labor...makes sense.
  16. TicTac

    Dinner 2022

    Clearly you have not seen the prices of BC Spot Prawns! I recall years back seeing them for $17/lb (CDN) and in the last couple of years, $25-40/lb!!!
  17. TicTac

    Dinner 2022

    Sounds logical. But then again, if you can maintain a low enough temp in the Weber/smoker - you should not need to SV - you should even be able to achieve moist white meat (just brine ahead of time, if you are especially concerned).
  18. Looks great. Send our best to @Anna N - please/thank you!
  19. TicTac

    Dinner 2022

    You have ventured down a deep.....DEEP rabbit hole, my friend. Though a truly enjoyable and rewarding one, no doubt! How long did you smoke them for at that temp? I do not have a smoker, but a Weber charcoal grill (who knows how to smoke like a chimney!) - did 2 racks on the weekend, at about 2.5hr right around 250-275 and they came out great. Used Argentinian hardwood. Always opt for the heaviest rack with the most fat. But yah, you certainly need some wireless thermometers, perhaps an infrared one, maybe some cherry, mesquite....oh and don't forget bourbon.
  20. TicTac

    Dinner 2022

    This is awesome, Norm. Now if only you posted a video of you sitting in one of those lowryders as it was bumping up and down!
  21. @cdh is a great resource. He gave me some great advice early in my tea exploration days. I have found I really enjoy various white teas - some of them have the most unreal floral aroma and tastes (and they are super healthy!) The other thing to experiment with is the time you 'brew' your tea leaves for, traditionally in China they enjoy each various steep of the tea (as quick as 3-5 seconds!) for its own unique properties and at times can get 5+ servings out of a few grams of leaves! Enjoy the rabbit hole. It is a deep one. Oh, and beware of Pu'erh - shit ran through me like a locomotive!
  22. TicTac

    Dinner 2022

    Linguini Carbonara'esque Regardless WHAT you dub it, it looks (and sounds) delicious!
  23. TicTac

    Dinner 2022

    No one is perfect! The Pea's while delicious on their own, may not have been absolutely necessary, but I am sure it was a nice contrast in taste and texture. I would have thrown some crisp pancetta/bacon or something crunchy to elevate it a bit further - but the execution of @Dave R's looks spot on.
  24. You have some serious skill. My guilty pleasure as of late has been watching 'Is it cake?' on Netflix, after my wife passes out in bed. The quality you are producing is right up there with some of those folks (though my guy Andrew the Green is next level unreal)!
  25. TicTac

    Dinner 2022

    Cook on the rice is certainly a personal preference. I remember in various parts of Italy it was always slightly different (I am sure the varietal of rice used also played into this somewhat). I prefer it with with a tiny bite in the center of the grain, but not much. As you said, the liquid topic is directly related to the last addition of liquid (I bet a parm infused chicken stock would really work nice here) and how much it is let to cook off, along with the amount of resting time. To me there is a very fine line in this topic. It should not be soupy, but also, should be wet enough that you see a glistening creamy liquid around the edge. Cooking risotto without much agitation!? Blasphemous! Sounds like baked rice to me!
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