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Everything posted by TicTac

  1. TicTac

    Dinner 2022

    it’s Canner season! Got these two lively ones for $15. butter/chive - roe/tamale - fried rice.
  2. A steam is much preferred, efficiency aside. Blanch/boil will pull nutrients into the water and out of your veg (surely you do not eat them just for their great taste alone!?). Steam will retain a far higher %. Or we can just be rabbits and eat everything raw.....or not.
  3. TicTac

    Favorite Risotto?

    This is the best way to do any type of risotto IMO. Not only can you create a flavour base via the stock but you can then add a big boost of flavour by reducing the main component separately and adding it at the end of the cook or off the heat completely. I do this with mushroom risotto as well.
  4. Cool shot. The muted colors on the mountain sides remind me of the Group of Seven....
  5. Beer nuts. A once in a while treat, but oh so good...
  6. TicTac

    Dinner 2022

    pea and manchego sauce, bacon, garden asparagus and snap peas. Parsley, chives - parm.
  7. Hope you brought your hiking boots!
  8. I was unsure if you had a line of Icelandic blood coursing through you.... And how will you know if it's tasty or not if you don't bite the bull ......😜
  9. Thanks for taking us along with you @KennethT! The question is, how brave are you / will you be trying fermented shark!? 😛
  10. TicTac

    Dinner 2022

    Ssssssssssee....it clearly does
  11. TicTac

    Dinner 2022

    😆 You would love Dario, Anna. His passion and love for beef is palpable and he is a true joy to be around. He would convert you - forever and a day; and you will thank him for it as well 😛
  12. TicTac

    Dinner 2022

    I will wade into this one (albeit late to the party). In my eyes there is no comparison to a 8-12 week aged piece of beautifully raised local 'organic' beef - the amount of flavour from the meat alone is unreal. Pork cannot compete with that! Go have a meal at my buddy's Cecchini's place. He will convert you; forever.
  13. TicTac

    Dinner 2022

    Had you seen it in the GTA? If so let me know where, I will go grab us each a bottle!
  14. Northern Catalpa - you got it. Thanks for the reminder. Love the leaves as well, great for mulch!
  15. TicTac

    Dinner 2022

    Now you have my attention good sir. Must try this....sounds amazing!
  16. Little garden update cukes are producing tons of flowers but yet to see any fruit…hope that’s just temporary Root pouch test is going well- tomatoes are about 1” at the stalk and producing lots of baby fruit cant recall the name of this tree but love the flowers….
  17. How have I never heard of this magazine!? Then again, I have not bothered with print media in years, but still... Looking on their site briefly, surely a treasure trove. Someone needs to back up that DB and share it elsewhere!
  18. So you have Mennonites farming your land? Very interesting. Do they have a flat rate cost based on time, do they take a cut of the haul...or? They are sure hard working folk!
  19. TicTac

    Dinner 2022

    baked pasta w home grown greens and herbs
  20. TicTac

    Dinner 2022

    Were you worried that @JoNorvelleWalker was binging solely on Mai Tai's and Naked Dogs? (again)? 🤣
  21. Love that you bring your own micro greens to sprout. I have been reading about the health benefits of them recently and as a result I might dip my toe in the waters....but I digress. My wife thinks Vacations are all about not having to do anything, and to some extent I agree with her - since kids, she has gotten her way and we have done a few all-inclusive's. It's tough though traveling with a child who has Celiac disease, and I kind of want to do an airbnb or something similar on an island, next. This will give us the flexibility of being able to explore the location and use local products, but also be able to go out (and if need be, prepare something for the lil man to bring with us). Road trip, no problem, but not sure about flying with 20 extra lbs of pots and pans, though 😛
  22. TicTac

    Dinner 2022

    I have the exact same spatula. One of my best Amazon purchases, and I think it was only about $10!
  23. TicTac

    Dinner 2022

    One would deduce.... The Salmon! @liamsaunt has a knack for turning fish into amazing looking patties.
  24. My kids like to help me gather dry sticks to use as kindling to start our chimney's. Not a fan of chemicals, esp near food!
  25. There are a few places around the GTA that sell bincho tan. It's expensive stuff, and quite frankly - not necessary. Find yourself some really good hard lump charcoal - I get mine from a guy who imports from Argentina and buy a few big bags for each season, but its really hard wood and burns hot and long.
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