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Everything posted by TicTac

  1. TicTac

    Dinner 2022

    Second attempt at a frittata spinach/mushroom/leftover corn/potato filling - bit of aged white cheddar and crushed crunchy leftover taco shells. Great platform for dumping leftovers into; evidently
  2. Great photos - especially those waterfalls (I am a sucker for flowing water!) - unreal, those rock formations behind them!! Thank you again for sharing.
  3. TicTac

    Dinner 2022

    Sounds like we bake similar pita's.....
  4. TicTac

    Dinner 2022

    Beef bourg; topped with fantastic maitake and organic shiitakes; from Costco of all places…! nice burgundy
  5. Thank you for sharing and welcome! Would love to see more photos of the property and gardens. Chocolate is nice and all, but let's have at those tomatoes!!!
  6. TicTac

    Lunch 2022

    I thought one of the 'perks' of condo-living was not having to shovel!?
  7. TicTac

    Dinner 2022

    As usual - looks excellent. Can you share the spices you used in your mutter paneer? Tomatoes? Is there cream as well or cashew paste?
  8. TicTac

    Lunch 2022

    Either that or she un-hinges her jaw like a python!
  9. TicTac

    Dinner 2022

    My 6 year old has Celiac so no gluten in this house, hence why I am forced to go straight cornstarch/rice flour. Produced a great crust though, paired that with some GF Panko crumbs for the schnitzel we had the other day. Quite good.
  10. TicTac

    Dinner 2022

    And then sub out the rest of the flour for rice flour!
  11. TicTac

    Dinner 2022

    ocean trout / Meyer lemon tartar w crisp chicken skin dark meat chicken “schnitzel” / slap yo mamma crispy potatoes / braised romaine
  12. TicTac

    Dinner 2022

    Amazing. A good friend has enjoyed her food and praised it as well. You can see the wok-hay oozing from that dish. Unreal. But with a volcano like that powering things, not surprising!
  13. TicTac

    Dinner 2022

    My Japanese fish guy called me yesterday to tell me they were getting some really nice ocean trout in…so that’s what was for dinner (grilled kampachi collar for good measure). Seared the belly for 36 seconds per side.
  14. TicTac

    Dinner 2022

    Really long (cooking) chopsticks!
  15. TicTac

    Dinner 2022

    Very interesting. I had assumed, like radicchio or endive that each specimen may vary in terms of bitterness, but that chart and the cringe factor kind of scared me away. Perhaps one day if someone else makes it, I will try it out. Not sure it would go over well if I cooked it up for my 8, 6 or 4 year olds...sure would be interesting to see their reaction, though!
  16. TicTac

    Dinner 2022

    Looks great (as usual). Can you compare the level of bitterness of bitter melon to any other veg? Say for example radicchio? Never tried BM, but have always been interested (I like a little bitterness, but nothing overwhelming).
  17. .....must.......resist........ 😛
  18. TicTac

    Dinner 2022

    Looks great. But why cook the cod before you cook the cakes?
  19. Good idea. Amazingly we can get live conch here (Canada eh!?). My suggestion as a substitute if you can find it would be arctic surf clams. VERY similar in texture. edit: @liamsaunt already offered this suggestion, clearly I should read the entire thread before replying! Oh well, great minds and all that jazz...
  20. TicTac

    Dinner 2022

    Try this plus adding some vinegar to the water.
  21. Ken - curious, I have had this at a few local Malaysian places and never detected garlic in the chilli sauce (I do not tolerate garlic very well, so I would know!). Always tons of ginger, but never garlic. Is garlic traditional or just in your preferred iteration?
  22. TicTac

    Dinner 2022

    SNOW?! I still see green stuff!! This be snow…
  23. I rarely cast the first stone.
  24. lol! My family is quite used to it. Whether I cut the chicken off the carcass or my little ones chew it off (I happily eat their leftovers anyways, no big deal - and no boil to 'sanitize' those scary little germs!!!) For those with any unfounded fears, the iddy biddy germs will be all but gone after a good roiling boil. And any that get through will only make your immunity stronger. And not to mention that wings make some of the best stock! Also make sure to deglaze the roasting pan and add that to the pot as well.
  25. TicTac

    Dinner 2022

    Have I been eating 50% half blood burgers all this time!? Damn muggles!!!
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