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Everything posted by TicTac

  1. Took a shot while shopping today of the typical (non butcher) wings I buy. Was very relieved to see they only contained…..wings!
  2. Ever since COVID started my desire to not waste ANYTHING has amplified 10x (I have always been very environmentally conscious, but our current situation seems to have magnified that). That being said, curious if I am the only one who saves chicken bones (from any part of the bird) to make stock with after the fact? When I told some friends about this they turned their nose in disgust "after they have been in peoples mouths!?" - I laughed and assured them the rolling boiling liquid will surely kill anything to concern yourself about. Curious if I am the only one slowly going nuts 🥜
  3. Our overlord, Google. Granted its a somewhat debated topic, but where there's smoke.....surely the EU banned it for good reason. Even if there is a chance that it poses dangers, it's presence in Chicken wings (or any other food for that matter) is absurd and unnecessary.
  4. EU has always been smarter than than US (and at times, Canada as well) when it comes to food/product safety. From what I have read, "there's damning health research around Carrageenan, suggesting that it is not necessarily safe to eat. It's been linked to IBD, IBS, rheumatoid arthritis and colon cancer and is thus banned in the European Union" I wonder if they use it in fresh product or only frozen (I only buy fresh wings).
  5. I kind of guessed that the South probably used more Coconut milk due to climatic allowances. no wonder my curry leaves taste so good in coconut milk curries! Alternatively to the above method, use a microplane for the ginger. I freeze my ginger and its so easy to do this way. Just melts into the dish.
  6. If you have whole cumin, etc - toast those spices before using and grind. Also I would amp up the amount of spice they call for. Also grate the ginger, slices will not impart nearly as much flavour. Same for your whole chili's, as noted above. Also, from my slowly growing knowledge on Indian cooking, they typically use heavy cream rather than coconut milk. I tend to reserve the coconut milk for Thai curries.
  7. I buy either organic wings (nice small ones which do not look like they have been taken off a pterodactyl, which I can only assume are air chilled, but I will look further next time) or from my butcher, who sources everything from 200km farms. Curious whether the packaging laws here in Canada state that a disclaimer such as what was posted above is required. The more I read about that seaweed extract the more it scared me! Nasty shit. In terms of other wings, I have tried to cook duck wings, but they are tough as hell. Turkey wings are great.
  8. chicken broth/carrageenan(!!?)....in wings!? https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1242073/ I have never heard of that shit until now. And companies are putting it into meat - to what end!? What ever happened to a good old butcher who just sells....wings. WTF is wrong with these companies.....
  9. Long time wing baker, new to grilling (top rack only) and never fried (unless dining out). This house loves crispy wings, so it's always sauce on the side. I have tried numerous methods that involved coatings of various sorts, but inevitably when baked, it is so tough to achieve a thin layer of whatever coating without it tasting like said coating (along with the off putting associated grainy texture). A good salt and peppering and into a 400 degree oven to render out the fat. This topic got me thinking however about a slow braised wing, in an asian flavoured liquid - served over rice. Certainly not crispy, but should melt in the mouth!
  10. TicTac

    Dinner 2022

    Very interesting. Totally different than what I was taught (albeit from a Russian bubby)... It's almost like a beef stew with roasted veg. No lemon/vinegar? I was taught to shred the beets and cook them in the stock, with lots of dill and lemon juice. I can see two totally different end products, but both certainly appeal!!
  11. TicTac

    Dinner 2022

    Little late to the party - New Years spread. Standard attendees included house (double) cured gravlax, smoked trout spread, wild mmmushroom/black truffle compound butter and lots of nibbles. Yes, for you eagle eyes that is a baby tea set that my 4 year old and her cousin had a fantastic time enjoying juice out of with pinky fingers raise high in the air!
  12. TicTac

    Dinner 2022

    Into mouth, I hope....!?
  13. @Duvel - some serious hype around this re-start, better sharpen those knives of yours, wash those colorful IKEA plates and get your 'A' game on. Plus it does not hurt that you have a cute little sous-chef on stand-by!
  14. Some big shoes to fill, but if any is up for the challenge - @Duvel might just be the Mensch to do it!
  15. Oyster mushrooms. King's would be a different head. I would not cut these at all, but rather tear them naturally along their grain into strips, then fry till golden.
  16. TicTac

    Dinner 2021

    Love bone marrow and bavette is a great cut! Destroys flank. Enjoy your family time. Caution is critical, but so are hugs.
  17. TicTac

    Dinner 2021

    When I first saw this I thought you had somehow magically stuffed eggs into there...lol
  18. TicTac

    Dinner 2021

    After some big and rich meals lately, coupled with the first snowfall; I find myself moved to make soup! First up is my version of borscht. Double smoked bacon really kicks this recipe up a notch.
  19. TicTac

    Dinner 2021

    Looks good! Not sure if you did it intentionally, but the photographic arrangement almost makes it looks like the sauce from the top plate is dripping onto the bottom one! I like.
  20. Not entirely sure. I did not know there was more than one varietal - but different pheno's surely make sense! Got mine from Richter's herbs.
  21. You should have seen mine when it arrived. I actually ordered it the first summer of the pandemic, my first time ever buying herbs/plants online...and splurged for the curry leaf plant amongst a few others. It was about $15 from what I remember; but it being the pandemic and horded up at home, with a need to enjoy more mentally rewarding 'little things' I paid that ridiculous sum for a cutting of a plant (I do not even pay that much for 30%+thc strain clones!) I knew little about. When it arrived, I was extremely disturbed to see a 4"....twig (sans leaf(s)), protruding from a tiny 2x2" cell. Well that little runt of a pricey twig turned out to have some guts to her, and with a little TLC; turned out into the cute little bush (as seen above) that she is today.
  22. TicTac

    Dinner 2021

    Riff on beef Bourguignon with short ribs - no bacon (sorry Julia) subbed a reduced smoked turkey stock instead. before after topped with fried wild mushrooms and served with Robuchon mashed taters and baguette crisps. Only fail was that I did not skim enough fat off. regional wine to accompany - Hulk didn’t get any
  23. @KennethT - You may just want to prune her back down really low and get her starting anew...
  24. TicTac

    Dinner 2021

    As long as you like it - I agree that is all that matters. My comment came as I tasted the mushroom/leek mushroom risotto itself in my minds....mouth; and the delicate flavours, to meat least, would be overshadowed by the raw green onion. I have noted that you do seem to enjoy it topping your dishes, so as long as it tasted good to you! Buon appetito!
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