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Everything posted by TicTac

  1. TicTac

    Lunch 2022

    Really nice gluten free baguette - soaked in great fresh Italian evoo - pecorino, havarti, mortadella
  2. TicTac

    Dinner 2022

    tacos Al pastor hot sauce, chipotle crema runt taco of the litter; if they are not kept moist they dry out fast and get brittle pre-cooking. Still tasted darn good.
  3. How on earth did I miss this thread until now!? Beautiful photos as usual, @BonVivant. I was going to guess a wild form of Oregano as well when seeing the first pic. I grow a Greek variety that flowers exactly like that. Very pungent.
  4. Wish I had a driving factor to build a pizza oven. Sadly, having to switch to gluten free years back, our home made pizzas are no longer (I tried many times to work that sticky glob of a mess they call dough, not happening). So now I have shifted gears and am planning on building a Argentinian style wood grill, with adjustable height grill and a side section to burn wood/create embers to transfer.
  5. TicTac

    Dinner 2022

    Couple meals…. ” ain’t gone nothing on me Mickey D’s fillet o fish” was requested by the youngins, and who am I to disappoint?! gratuitous bite shot - Scharr makes a pretty darn decent gluten free ciabatta bun - not a bad crumb at all. True Sunday gravy - this version with pork ribs and pork/beef/pecorino polpette buried under all that unctuous sauce.
  6. Pickle flavoured vodka!? Now I have seen it all! Those teal are perfectly pink inside....taste similar to quail?
  7. Munster does not do much for me. Admittedly I have not had Pont l'Eveque. Not sure I have seen it here in Toronto...
  8. Awesome! Add to your shopping list, if you like strong, soft cheeses - Taleggio. Oh, and the king of soft stink - Reblochon.
  9. Love the ingenuity of those who are cold! Thank you - once again - for taking the time and making the effort in sharing all this fun stuff with us. My grandfather used to hunt ducks and moose. One of my few regrets in life is never being able to have gone hunting with him.
  10. Hunting time blog! A most enjoyable journey to join along again with - indeed. I can only guess that is your plate, Shelby - given the exorbitant volume of fries! 😛
  11. Often it prompts further discussion, regardless; it is certainly not a bad interview tactic. If I am hiring for a revenue generating role (which was mentioned above) and they tell me that a title is more important (responsibility, etc) then chances are they are not the right fit.
  12. All great choices. And I agree, higher aged statements can really impact that MSRP. Sometimes however you will run into really great deals to be found - recently picked up a 21 Glenfarclas for about $200 CDN from Alberta. Heard great things about Benromach - never tried. The Edradour is also elusive as it is not seemingly available here in Ontario. Enjoy, they should last you a couple months, at least
  13. Whenever I interview people, one question I like to ask them is "what's more important to you, a title or making more money" (more often than not, revenue generating roles). 99% of the time, if the person says title - they are not the right fit. At the end of the day, if someone is caught up in job titles, they are more concerned about their ego than they are in helping the company succeed. In your vertical, you could come up with something totally creative and unconventional; which is what I would most likely do.
  14. Worth noting; that either you showed some extreme self restraint or the distillery's had meager offerings with older age statements
  15. Always enjoyable to tag along for the ride
  16. I detest social media platforms in most; if not all forms. Twitter (or twatter, as I have fondly dubbed it) is at the top of the list, right beside instasham. I have however said for years, an EG chat would be pretty cool. Even a egullet discord server.....
  17. TicTac

    Dinner 2022

    Everyone was happy because you were practicing advanced voodoo for beginners...... dare they say a thing against that meal, in fear of a counter curse or you pulling out their sock puppet look-alike and start jabbing needles in every orifice! 😆
  18. Heard great things about Benromach - have yet to try them. I do like the region though. Currently open are a 15 year old Glenfarclas and Glenallachie.
  19. Thanks @curls - now I have to try to source some crazy artisanal French butter here in the Great White North....oy!
  20. There is still much hope.....https://www.theguardian.com/food/2022/nov/20/the-secret-behind-britains-top-pasta-chefs-winning-dish-its-gluten-free-and-vegan Now; does he ship!?
  21. TicTac

    Dinner 2022

    Misses was hosting parents at parent teacher night so the kids and I got to indulge in something otherwise not served in our house….
  22. TicTac

    Dinner 2022

    Wow....9 french fries....almost approaching double digits, there, Shelby. Living on the edge!!! 🤣 Love the oozy cheese sammy.
  23. Bigger in this case, is (also) better.
  24. *sigh of relief*.....your cave looked a little sparse 😛 Now with anticipation....which fabled distillery did you select!
  25. Either you were a very good boy and somehow had unreal self restraint, or you are waiting till the end to share your trip to one of Scotland's fabled magical elixir production compounds....
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