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Everything posted by TicTac

  1. TicTac

    Costco Meats

    It better be stellar after so many e.coli and other similar outbreaks due to their blade tenderizing practices 10 +/- years ago. And if supporting local farmers (or butchers who do) who raise animals in humane methods (see; Costco's roasted chickens) in (green) free pastures is not sufficiently valid grounds to feel groovy and righteous, I do not know what is!
  2. TicTac

    Costco Meats

    Correct me if I am wrong, but doesn't Costco tenderize their meat? Certainly their beef products. Much prefer to support local farms vs. big multi-national conglomerates that don't really give a shit!
  3. Smells like some marketing genius at work. Do half the dinners per year (or a fraction) - charge exponentially more to make up for lost covers, so essentially making the same revenue for a fraction of the actual costs. Bravo.
  4. TicTac

    Dinner 2023

    I just invented it (the name, at least!) lol Sliced potatoes in half, skin side down in seasoned water that comes up half way. 'Braised' on medium - removed, skin peeled. Used the back of my knife to make the ridge lines that resembled a turtle shell. Crispy on the outside and soft on the inside.
  5. TicTac

    Dinner 2023

    Turtle shell potatoes with the leftover beef bourg
  6. Might indeed be a Canadian thing, but Heinz Sandwich Spread had a fond place in my heart as a child. Usually it was Salami and sandwich spread, sometimes with hard boiled eggs. I recently tried the Kraft variety and found it revolting - nowhere near as good as what the now defunct Heinz version was.
  7. TicTac

    Dinner 2023

    cleaning out the freezer-found some cumbraes beef chuck, quick trip to the store to grab some of this turned into beef bourg, truffle mashed potatoes, foraged mushrooms (also from freezer!) served with this spectacular Pinot
  8. TicTac

    Dinner 2023

    The usual New Years spread Homemade gravlax & dill caper sauce, smoked trout pate, smoked mackerel pate (trout won), charcuterie, cheeses and some veg for good measure. baked A Camembert with some cranberry chutney choices Of wine or harder stuff for those inclined 😉 all the best in 2023!
  9. TicTac

    Dinner 2022

    Thank you kindly. Not sure of the variety, but my local farmer (local as in, he comes to the market from his place, so local to me!) has some really cool finger like variety of yellow flesh potatoes that worked well for this.
  10. TicTac

    Dinner 2022

    Tis the season - got a few lobsters from out @Senior Sea Kayaker’s neck of the woods but was more adventurous in my prep 😝 chicken fat toasted brioche buns, Meyer lemon aoli, “chips”
  11. TicTac

    Dinner 2022

    ...or she just goes back for seconds and thirds and never shows/tells us!! Agreed - when we have fries (even though we bake 'em) I like to see very little white of the plate.
  12. TicTac

    Dinner 2022

    Now *that* is a proper serving of fries!! A girl after my own heart. *attention* @Shelby! 😛
  13. TicTac

    Forever Soup

    Freeze and thaw. Do not use it enough to warrant the ongoing space on my range! Just be sure to introduce new aromatics and liquid every use or two; as I find freezing degrades some of the freshness.
  14. TicTac

    Forever Soup

    I have a Chinese master stock that has been evolving for about 5-6 years now. Delicious.
  15. TicTac

    Dinner 2022

    Re: Duck - it must be a location topic, because here in Thornhill (just on the border of the "great" 'GTA') I can find fresh duck at Longos and many other markets. In fact I can get Magret or 'regular ol' King Cole (breasts, legs, whole duck) fresh, consistently. If anyone in ON wants, let me know - we can arrange a care package! @Anna N / @Marlene
  16. TicTac

    Dinner 2022

    This looks awesome. Curious as to what liquid you braise your beef ribs in?
  17. And a hint of cinnamon, a touch of clove - and some smokey ginger/onion in the back for support. Pho is very hit or miss, some places have their stock locked down, others - a watery mess. If you/Kerry are ever in the Richmond Hill area, check out "The Pho Restaurant" - not only is their pho broth excellent, their Bun Bo Hue is even better!
  18. Good for you Darienne! We have not been so adventurous yet with our GF life (and it's been 4+ years). I think the pizza dough experiment scarred me a bit (it was so damn sticky and unworkable!). Would love to see some pics of your bread. And totally agreed on toasted vs not. GF Bread really has to be toasted to be best enjoyed.
  19. TicTac

    Dinner 2022

    Assuming the duck is King Cole? Do you eat the skin on it? I find their duck skin's too tough/chewy (and that's saying something as I love fat!) - I tend to remove it before slicing and freeze/save for soups/stocks/sauces etc.
  20. Might be a cultural thing, but chances are minimal to no prep will be required for our Canadian chicken hearts...must be all the fresh air and snow up north here, our birds hearts are just not bitter! Chuck a pack into your next batch of stock and enjoy. I like mine with horseradish!
  21. TicTac

    Dinner 2022

    Snow day - first chili of the season…this one heavy in the veg with some leftover pork thrown in. Scratch GF cornbread was a hit.
  22. Wonder what the marrow is like on those bones.... Got a hack saw (or better yet, a band)!?
  23. Be nice to sytrofoam. That's more akin to stale puffed rice crackers or shrimp chips. Saltines - more like, thin toasted cardboard with salt. 😛
  24. TicTac

    Lunch 2022

    Good luck maneuvering that down the isles. Typically people just bring a shopping cart, but then again - I know your propensity for putting back a few cold ones! 😛
  25. Maybe your detector needs new batteries?! They certainly are not - Nor are any of their hearts worthy of dissection!
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