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Everything posted by TicTac

  1. TicTac

    Dinner 2023

    Really? I love them braising in the demi/wine reduction and soaking up all those flavours! I suppose the rendering of the bacon, searing of beef and then assembling is a bit of a process, but like Ken said, it is typically a two pot meal (least in this house - potatoes go separately, but sometimes I want some counter texture to the soft beef so they become roasted and it reverts back to 1 pot!).
  2. 'Sushi terrorism' is a horrible term for this. Me thinks more like corporate sabotage....
  3. Was going to offer to ship you some after my next trip to Kensington market, as they often have them in non summer months - but looks like you scored. Enjoy, one of my favourite peppers beside Serrano's!
  4. Gorgeous photos as always. Nice to see some blue skies, as we prepare for yet another snow storm on the east coast! So scary to hear the stories of kids and near drowning experiences. I got lucky and my wife was a lifeguard and swim instructor in her teens, and when each of our kids were about 4-6 months old, first thing she did was dunk em in the pool and start them getting comfortable in the water. Bunch of little fishys now.
  5. Given the peels are not treated, perhaps try a lemon marmalade type of concoction? I cannot imagine eating a whole lemon, raw. Gives me the heebies.
  6. TicTac

    Lunch 2023

    Leek/Cream/Pancetta looks great - my mom made something growing up similar, subbed the pancetta for bacon and added blue cheese. Killer.
  7. TicTac

    Dinner 2023

    Not the prettiest - but very tasty sheppards pie. Seasoning was a winner; tried to emulate something tortiere’esque; nutmeg, cinnamon, ground coriander and some chipotle powder. Kids devoured it. Served with chicken gravy and cochsalad (it’s what we call braised lettuce - well, kids can’t pronounce the throaty ‘ch’ so it turns into cocksalad….long standing family joke. European roots to the name; the original, that is).
  8. TicTac

    Sea Vegetables

    Cool topic - thanks for sharing. But now I must find out if I share any relation to Kathleen - another Baker (from England - where we hail) and one who has ties to.....SUSHI!? Oh boy, this is exciting....a potential relative who paved the way for one of my favourite foods!
  9. They make a world of difference when nosing your favourite tipple. Enjoy!
  10. Least you now know. I find something similar with the wolf gas ranges - as they have a double circle flame setup - vs say a bluestar, that uses an X shape flame. Dead center of the pan is always cooler than if you go outward from said center.
  11. Does that induction unit list what diameter pans it maxes out at? They just look too big for the unit, from this perspective. Great pots/pans though. I love my AC Masterchef series.
  12. TicTac

    Dinner 2023

    Sounds like an awesome experience. Do they use oil as a flavour carrier, or just lime? Spicy fish broth, sign me up!
  13. The other 'starter'(s) I am doing (though I suppose with a tasting menu of small bites, each one can be considered a starter!) that I know of - Tuna tar tar - 2 ways in this case. 1, marinated in bonito infused soy (a prep we had at a great sushi spot in Vancouver) 2, avocado/lime/chili/sesame oil If I can find them, I will do a fava bean/ricotta gnocchi/porcini bite -
  14. The combination of smoked oysters, wakame and pickled artichokes has to be one of the stranger amalgamations I have seen on these boards as of yet. Won't knock it till I try it though.....not sure when that might be, though....lol 🤣 For a upcoming 40th celebratory meal I am planning (a tasting menu) I am concocting a smoked duck bite - crisp toast, smoked duck breast slice, and a counter point - most likely a sweet and sour tomato/chili jam of some sort....though I am still playing with ideas.
  15. TicTac

    Dinner 2023

    I have in the past for a different salsa - usually in a dry pan - sometimes on the weber. Often I will char garden hot peppers and just pound it in the mortar with evoo and salt. Was going for something different with this one. I used Morita peppers which are smoked and add a great smokey note to it. Thanks!
  16. TicTac

    Dinner 2023

    That happens too. Other end of the spectrum. With you on the pancetta cook - I like to crisp the edges and most of the sides, but usually keep a bit of a chew and not nearly incinerate the poor things. Rarely do we eat bacon these days, save the rare treat for summer garden BLTs!
  17. TicTac

    Dinner 2023

    Been playing around with an oven roasted salsa - this starting point: has produced a few results based on cook length: both great; though v diff. was dinner last night big eye treated with a bonito infused light soy.
  18. TicTac

    Dinner 2023

    I tend to find it goes the other way around....9"....calls for PHO! 😛 Love soup after a good snowfall. Yours looks good!
  19. TicTac

    Dinner 2023

    If I may humbly offer two suggestions (as one who has made dozens if not hundreds of bowls of Carb...) 1, cool the pasta off a bit further before adding the egg/cheese mixture, it will avoid cooking the egg and create a smoother/creamier dish. 2, Crisp the pancetta and reserve it aside, add it as a topping to maintain a crisp texture (hard to tell if that was done here, you could have and then mixed it all together) I am sure it tasted great, regardless of my unsolicited feedback 😛
  20. TicTac

    Dinner 2023

    New spice rub of coriander, Thai chilli flakes, black peppercorn and salt.
  21. Not technically today, but recently; do not drink often anymore; but it should be good to have on standby for the times that I do!
  22. Unless you have the foresight (or much smaller ones) to put these on wheels (I have seen this done!), you ain't moving around a full 75 gallon pot 😛 Perhaps if you have a skid steer lying around....
  23. Yeeeah - @Shelby is an absolute workhorse! Wish I had that much space to garden, but we do with what we have! I like to plant lettuce VERY densely, (i.e. I want a carpet of lettuce!) as we pick leaves from the plants as they grow and eventually pull it all when it starts to go bitter. I typically will sow seeds 2-3x/summer season. Love that idea!!! Grow bags are awesome. I especially like the root pouch as they make them from BPA free recycled water bottles.
  24. Still tons of time @Shelby! This will be my second year of experimentation with the Root Pouch fabric pots. Some tomatoes fared better than others last year (cherries) and some things were an absolute puzzle to me (my Iranian cucumber grew about 500 flowers and produced only 3-4 fruit which I had to hand pollinate!). I think this year I want to try some sweet peppers in some, not going to bother with a zucchini in it again, I will dig a mound in the ground and chuck those in there. Have Richter's seed catalogue to go through and pick out some fun new items, but probably just tons of lettuces, herbs, tomatoes, some snap peas and zucchini...maybe ground cherries again. Too much white shit still on the ground to really think about it though - one can dream, however!
  25. I have never figured out fenugreek seeds, always find them hard as stones - what do you do with them!? I cannot even bite through one... The leaves however; are awesome. I add finely sieved leaves at the end of many curries - it adds this beautiful sweet/maple syrup'esque flavour that really rounds the dish out nicely. Always added at the end, though.
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