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Everything posted by JoNorvelleWalker

  1. JoNorvelleWalker

    Dinner 2018

    I ordered a peel with a longer handle. Now I'm resting before tackling the inside of the oven. What's for dinner tonight may depend on how well I do. Fortunately other than on the oven door the burned pizza slop was contained by the foil lined sheet pan. Maybe I should take everyone's advice and get a larger pizza steel.
  2. Depending on how big* it is I'd be interested in the Breville. *let's be honest, heavy.
  3. JoNorvelleWalker

    Dinner 2018

    Thanks. When I was making pizza in the CSO I tried using parchment. The parchment certainly helped get the pizza off the peel. The problem was bits of paper in the pizza. I gave up on the CSO for pizza because I couldn't get the steel hot enough. Last night the oven was over "615F - 630F" and I don't know how well parchment would last at those temperatures. Not to mention things happen really quick.
  4. JoNorvelleWalker

    Dinner 2018

    Possibly the best pizza I have eaten, without exaggeration. A three minute pizza, nicely blackened. However all was not beer and skittles. A third of the pizza stuck to the peel. And a third of the pizza stuck to the window of the oven door. (Which I had just cleaned from the last attempt.) There must be a way of keeping pizza off the oven door. Worse, after scraping the remains from the steel (and good they were) the oven went into failure mode F2. I had to throw the breaker. Failure mode F2 indicates an oven temperature above 615F - 630F. Suggestions welcome. Sorry, no pictures.
  5. Supposedly I get the NY Times for free from work (our library system) but the recipes don't function. The library pays a lot for this. The NY Times can stuff it in my opinion. They charge but they do not deliver. In contrast the Wall Street Journal site, also through the library, works flawlessly and I can access all their content. Thankfully the current NY Times recipes are not what they were and it's no big loss.
  6. The year I popped. I don't recall ever cooking macaroni and cheese or having been served it. Kraft or otherwise. Maybe someday I shall try it.
  7. Sometimes I'm glad I don't eat breakfast.
  8. JoNorvelleWalker

    Dinner 2018

    Beautiful! But copper works with induction? You mean I don't have to throw my Falk away?
  9. How about a bain marie in the bath? Or if you can get by with a smaller volume and not as perfect temperature regulation, a KitchenAid P.H.M.B. Cheese I have not tried but it works well for yogurt.
  10. I once enjoyed a better menu on an eastward crossing, Italian line prima classe. But not by much.
  11. I thought everything was extremely poisonous down there?
  12. Cuisinart is replacing my old CSO-300N under warranty.
  13. I shall never again...let me preface this by stating I intended mashed potatoes. Milk, how shall I say, had turned. Anyhow, I shall never again drop my hot baked potato in the sink.
  14. 'Tis the season when I can have as many tomatoes as I dream. Today I picked my first Atlas... Probably the largest tomatoes I have grown. On a small bush in a small pot. For comparison here is Ramapo. Which I think of as a large tomato. And of course my old standby Mountain Magic!
  15. Sugar was on sale. But if you use sugar do you still add oil? Edit: and now that you're home, what do you think of the micro-batch?
  16. My new CSO has come! I have it half out of the box and now I'm recovering. The package was too heavy for me to carry upstairs so I turned it end over end as best I could. This model is the CSO-300N1. It will be amusing to try to find the difference from the CSO-300N. One change seems to be on the box. Cuisinart no longer touts the powerful 1800 watt fan that the CSO-300N possessed. Probably why my CSO-300N fan burnt out.
  17. Indeed, and if I could see straight I'd reply.
  18. I knew from experience that cats eat steak, but dogs eat rice?
  19. Somehow I managed to pour the second mai tai down my front.* The ice is cold and I'm giving thought to a second shower. Thankfully the dishwasher is now on the dry cycle and the oven has been preheating for some hours. I may have dinner yet. Perhaps before the sun comes up. *I'm no Richard Nixon.
  20. I shall never again get out of bed. It's been one of those days. I got too involved with frustrating World of Warcraft matters, and after a well deserved hot shower I went to fix dinner at 11:30 -- only to realize the dishwasher hadn't really run. The detergent was still in the dispenser. Just before this I found a rotten bag of peaches in the bedroom. By this time I was already on plan C. This morning I'm having mixed nuts and a mai tai...maybe one of several as the dishwasher cycle is two hours.
  21. Rather than the Nano, I notice amazon has the Wi-Fi anova at $128.98 If you have a stockpot you shouldn't need to buy another container. I use my older anova with an ancient 9 quart stockpot. I have an 18 quart stockpot if I need to cook something really big. If you get the anova and find it does not fit any of your pots, you can always order a new container then. I think you would be happier with sealed bags rather than ziplocks. That being said, nothing wrong with ziplocks to get started. The risk is not so much that water will leak in and ruin your food as that food will leak out and ruin your anova. With ziplocks clamps might not be a bad idea. If you had a sealer you would find many uses for it. And it is so nice just to be able to toss a bag in the bath. Many of us here favor chamber vacuum sealers, howbeit that is a grave expense. I have no experience with FoodSaver but I understand they work pretty well for everything except liquids. FoodSaver bags are expensive though, while the cost of chamber vacuum sealer bags is negligible. As far as recipes, I have not looked at anova's but I believe Kenji is behind them. You could just check out Kenji's recipes online. If I'm cooking meat I start with Douglas Baldwin's tables: http://www.douglasbaldwin.com/sous-vide.html (While Kenji sold out to anova, Baldwin sold out to joule.) Bottom line: buy the anova (preferably not the Nano), see if it fits an existing pot, then go on from there.
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