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Everything posted by JoNorvelleWalker

  1. Also, one does not oil a hinoki board. They are wet with water before use; and rinsed and dried afterward.
  2. JoNorvelleWalker

    Dinner 2019

    Tonight's tuna landed on the kitchen floor. Served with coleslaw and a lovely Cotes de Provence rose.
  3. I have never used a commercial stabilizer but I am about to try an ice cream experiment. I am fond of Modernist pistachio gelato which includes locust bean gum, lambda carrageenan, polysorbate 80, and glycerol monostearate. The plan is to make the recipe substituting heavy cream for the called for water and pistachio oil. I too suffer a Cuisinart ICE-100 since my budget does not permit a Pacojet. And actually, considering the price, the Cuisinart is rather nice as long as you don't spin for more than fifteen minutes.
  4. I have a Salton glass top warming tray I have had forever. It lives on my dining room table. I no longer use it for heating because at some point the plug standards changed and it no longer plugs in correctly anymore.
  5. I have a Boos walnut end grain block that I like a lot. I have used it with Japanese knives. Perchance you have seen pictures of it here. But if I may I would dissuade you from end grain for your purpose. (For one thing end grain costs a lot.) Consider hinoki, the traditional Japanese cutting board material. Two of my cutting boards are hinoki. The less expensive hinoki board warped. It would probably again be OK had I a carpenter to plane it down. I don't. My other hinoki board has never warped. It is made by Ambai and designed by Makoto Koizumi. Koizumi's objects are eminently functional works of art. The board does not warp because it is inlaid with cherry. I purchased the board here: https://shop.nalatanalata.com/products/tosaita-cutting-board-medium Nalata/Nalata ships internationally but almost certainly Ambai has a dealer in England. The price is $60.00, thus within your budget. I was even more fond of Koizumi after I saw a picture of his studio and the same tools from Luxembourg that are living in my living room.
  6. JoNorvelleWalker

    Dinner 2019

    Two and a half minute mushroom pizza.
  7. Probably me too but I don't think there is that choice. If I'm not mistaken with Zojirushi if you want pressure you get induction wanted or not.
  8. I would point out that human hair and skin clean up more readily than most fabrics. Plus skin almost always eventually grows back. But thanks to @blue_dolphin I have ordered the Rough Linen pinafore and two 24 inch napkins.
  9. The pressure, induction Zojirushi do not do oatmeal.
  10. Ooo, I want one...and a bread bag. Or two. Sadly already I have piles of linen towels and napkins. But, well, yet maybe, those Orkney linen napkins sure look nice. I used to wear an apron in the kitchen but I never found one where the straps don't eventually break.
  11. JoNorvelleWalker

    Dinner 2019

    Balaclava Special No. 1. Preceded by ever, ever riper dry aged rib. After resting, Philips grilled beef was on target at 54 deg C. Is it luck or is it skill? And yes, I possess the Kabalistic secret to perfectly reheated Hollandaise. Begins with "Cuisin" ends with "art". Have you ever been served cold, grainy Hollandaise in an otherwise high end restaurant? I have. Thin red line, remember the Maine, and all of that. Carry on.
  12. I'd look for pressure and induction heating. Which also should get you fuzzy logic and made in Japan. And I'm old enough to remember when "Made in Japan" was pejorative.
  13. JoNorvelleWalker

    Dinner 2019

    Last of my recent salmon. Too much protein, too much food. Just enough methode rotuts.
  14. My newer Cuisinarts are 300N1. The fan failed on the 300N.
  15. Checking at the moment: Amazon Prime Now is selling Salmon Fillet King Previously Frozen @$27.99 per pound and Salmon Fillet King @$29.99 per pound. Dinner is the last of my last purchase. (My Hollandaise is pasteurized.)
  16. Seven minutes total mixing, but three folds over two hours rather than Modernist Bread's two folds over an hour and a half. Baguette much easier to shape.
  17. Fat Guy's take on the subject... https://forums.egullet.org/topic/3642-perfect-rice/?do=findComment&comment=6363
  18. JoNorvelleWalker

    Dinner 2019

    Shad is my favorite time of the year but no word yet. Best wishes to Moe.
  19. Where can one find Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez making soup?
  20. You could always set a timer in the morning to have rice ready 30 minutes after you get home. There is also a "quick" setting, though I have never tried it. My Zojirushi has three pressure levels and it holds the rice for various times at different pressures. Anyhow from the end result Zojiroshi seem to know what they are doing. To my taste the Zojirushi also does well with long grain rice like basmati. (For that you have to consult the Zojirushi website though.)
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