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Everything posted by lindag

  1. I was easily able to register for the new blade for my DLC2014! like someone else here mentioned, with 8 million recalls, I just wonder how long it will actually take to get my replacement.
  2. My current favorite (and I have many different brands) is Dirty Dick's Hot Sauce. Tried it side-by-side with a bunch of others and it was the clear favorite.
  3. Thanks for the info and the links, i'm off to check my blade to see if it has the rivets and is on the list of models.
  4. A small bakery in a nearby town makes a bread that's quite similar to the No Knead loaves I make only their loaves are larger and flavored with Parmesan and Onion. They're truly wonderful. I keep wondering if I could make the same but I'm unsure just how much onion and cheese to add to the doughs. Any thoughts?
  5. I'm always on the lookout for very simple, easy to prepare drinks made from ordinary ingredients (no chance of finding those odd liqueurs around these parts). So when I found this recipe I was glad to have found it, it's very good!!!
  6. First snow here with freezing temps. Last night was perfect for the Sausage Potato Kale soup. Love how quick and easy it is to prepare. Just the soup with a ciabatta roll.
  7. My favorite kind of squash is Hubbard. Every once in a while I score a nice big pre-cut chunk. Seems like it is the most flavorful of all. The darker the flesh color seems to indicate the deeper flavor.
  8. I keep see promos for something like 'worst chefs, celebrity edition'. Haven't actually seen it but it sounds like it'd be a real contender for worst show ever. Imagine these wanna be 'celebrities' mugging and trying so hard to be worst. Arghhh!
  9. Actually, believe it or not, there is no recycling in our state. Too large with a too small population = prohibitively expensive.
  10. I just discovered an oddity about my CSO when I refilled its tank. When I pressed on the lower right metal corner (below the tank), it makes a chirping sound. You may want to test yours just out of curiosity.
  11. I've been obsessed this year with Sausage, Potato and Kale Soup. A perfect example of the parts that are greater than the whole (or maybe that's backwards!!)
  12. Yesterday I made bean soup in my crockpot. Found a ham hock in my freezer along with a couple andouille sausages, added the navy beans, carrot, lots of chopped onion and garlic, S&P, 2 bay leaves, some dried thyme, a tiny bit of fennel fronds (because I'd tossed out the celery which doesn't keep from one use to the next). and one small red potato, chopped up. Cooked it all day and it was fantastic with a lovely ciabatta roll I got from Schwan's.
  13. It was nice to see the big price drop on Friday on Amazon. Too bad I paid almost twice as much for mine.
  14. Frankly, to me, he's just a giant bore!
  15. I bought a new kitchen scale a few months ago from KAF. I found it to be too complicated for daily use. Most of my weighing needs are very simple and this scale is just too fiddly with charts and charts of codes for different ingredients...the average home cook/baker doesn't need all that. I ended up putting it away in the pantry and using my old $60 Salton scale that I've had for ages.
  16. I have learned over time to ignore the ads altogether. There are scads that come with the Sunday paper and I wish there was a way to opt out and have them left out. I go through and pull all of them out of the paper and throw them directly into the trash. I don't need to 'stock up' on things and so buy only what I really need. I've also learned that if I buy extra of some items that I do use, that the time often comes when a better product comes along or I decide I no longer want to use that particular item and then I have stock I need to get rid of. Tossing the ads makes life simpler.
  17. nah, we're the last to get anything. This state is really huge with a total population of barely one million. We don't get the new or the high-end stuff until everyone else has it, and maybe not even then.
  18. Same around here. none of the potatoes are labeled 'Yukon Gold', just yellow, or gold.
  19. lately I've been craving fish tacos. Can you get them at McDonalds? And are they any good?
  20. cranberry nut bread is just about my favorite as well. And this time of year it's perfect since the berries are in season. might just have to put this one on my list of things to do.
  21. When I first met my DH, he was living in Seattle on Queen Anne's Hill. He had a market nearby (I think it was a Thriftway) that had the most wonderful made-in-house products of all kinds. I'd never seen anything quite like it and was very impressed. They also had recipe demos. And they had underground parking! This was in 1997.
  22. lindag

    Dinner 2016 (Part 10)

    last night I made a wonderful Cioppino for dinner. Lots of in-shell shrimp, sea scallops, lovely big slabs of cod, fennel bulb, lots of garlic, clam juice and all the other stuff. No, I don't use clams or mussels because I don't need them. I can't wait for dinnertime so I can have leftovers!
  23. I just found a new use for my Fine Tongs when last night I was trying to get a few anchovies out of a small jar when making Cioppino.
  24. Sorry. I did fix the link. Flour Whisk
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