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Everything posted by chefmd

  1. Fast Cooking is 2.99 for US kindle. My Taste and Technique copy is on order from the library.
  2. chefmd

    Dinner 2016 (Part 9)

    I should never quit my job! Not working today and starving before six pm. An craving a drink. Shun Ramyun noodles in home made chicken/mushroom broth with left over pork chop and egg poached directly in the pot.
  3. Just giving back to the community that enabled me in the past
  4. Potato salad with pickles, capers, red pepper. I am by myself this weekend so eating it straight from the mixing bowl!
  5. Book Depository has cookbooks sale. They have free shipping regardless of the cost of your purchase. http://www.bookdepository.com/dealsAndOffers/promo/id/1763?utm_source=NL-Body&utm_medium=email-Newsletter&utm_term=button&utm_content=food-bargains&utm_campaign=Sep16_FoodBargains
  6. I am planning to broil it before serving. Tasted a little piece, tender and delicious, fatty part melts in the mouth
  7. Pork belly 300 degrees steam bake for 2 hours
  8. chefmd

    Dinner 2016 (Part 9)

    OK, here is the steak with beans and tomato stew. Rare. Of course. Although I will not tell anyone how to serve their steak
  9. chefmd

    Dinner 2016 (Part 9)

    Salad made with shredded cauliflower stem, cucumber, carrot, pepper served with bloody rare steak
  10. Egg salad inspired by a link posted somewhere here on eG. It is made with small amount of blue cheese and capers. I loved little bursts of saltiness and funkiness even at 6 am!
  11. chefmd

    Dinner 2016 (Part 9)

    Fried rice with bacon, salami, green pepper, farm fresh egg.
  12. Store bought dumplings with home made dipping sauce (equal parts Red Boat fish sauce and lime juice, hot pepper).
  13. Salt, pepper, and chicken fat because I have it. I like the taste of cauliflower and usually don't use any spices while cooking it. I saved about one third of the head and plan to make shaved cauliflower salad with it.
  14. chefmd

    Dinner 2016 (Part 9)

    @liuzhou discussion about Russia in Homeward Bound topic made me crave Russian food. This is potatoes, beets, pickles salad.
  15. chefmd


    Aperol served over one large rock with the slice of orange. I planned to serve Campari but there was none left ...
  16. Braised duck legs with flagiole beans. @Anna N I am sorry that you don't like beans. If you come to visit, I will serve your duck leg with roaster potatoes! And this is what eagle had for lunch. We are at our beach house this weekend and eagles are nicely posing for the photos
  17. @liuzhou. It was actually 500 ml bottle divided among three people "на троих". It came to about one ruble per person, the usual mid day meal (in Russia mid day meal is called dinner, обед) allowance that wives would give their husbands. Vodka bottle could not be re-capped!
  18. I had to stir cauliflower half way through since the top was cooking too fast.
  19. Cauliflower steam baked at 450 for 30 min. It was slightly charred on the outside and custard like on the inside. Dreamy. Extra thick pork chop cooked in cast iron and sliced in half (horizontally) cause we eat too much... Spicy ketchup, hoisin, lime juice sauce.
  20. I am sure that the price will drop to around 400 dollars but it still a lot of dough . I don't need Modernist Bread. I hardly bake. I make awesome bread from Ken Forkish book. I could use Modernist Bread. May be I can bake more. I kinda want Modernist Bread. What if all my eGullet friends have one and I don't? What will we have in common? I want Modernist Bread. It will look nice next to my (well used) copy of Modernist Cuisine. I am dying to buy Modernist Bread. Damn you eGullet.
  21. It makes sense. Do you think freeze drying preserve immunoglobulins in it?
  22. @EweLady Ahem, how do you use freeze dried colostrum?
  23. @liuzhou Thank you for sharing your story. I lived in CCCP (USSR) for 25 years, was lucky to leave n 1992 and make a new life for my son and myself in the US. Bread lines were real. Actually, you had to stand in line if you wanted to buy anything. I do miss my Grandmother's cabbage and gristle stew but I probably just miss my Grandmother who was a wonderful lady, a great cook, and protected me a great deal from my crazy parents. My name also happens to be Natasha :). I did not whale in the supermarket but that was only because I went mute when I saw all the foods (and no lines) for the first time. I still treat food with great respect and can not throw away anything that can be eaten or re-cooked into something new.
  24. Chain restaurants tend to be worse in Resort areas IMHO. I ate at Buddakan in NYC and it was just as you described it. That why I thought it was a better option in Atlantic City. Hope Kerry will find nice places to eat, she seems to have sixths sense when it comes to food
  25. Ate at Buddakan few years ago. Ordered duck breast rare in hopes of getting it cooked medium rare but it was served well done. "It just looks this way due to the lighting" was our server's response when I pointed out the depressing gray color. Escape was briefly contemplated but did not seem practical.
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