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Everything posted by chefmd

  1. @curls please let me know if you want company to explore different food establishments in and around DC .
  2. Also posted in lunch topic. Niman ranch pork ribs cooked on steam bake 300 degrees for two hours, chilled, reheated on steam bake 325 degrees for 10 minutes, sauced with ketchup/hoisin/hot sauce and steam broiled at 450 degrees for 10 minutes. Fall of the bone tender.
  3. Niman ranch pork ribs cooked in Cuisinart steam oven with real wild rice cooked risotto style with onions and green peppers in chicken stock.
  4. @curls I ate at Komi once many years ago and was not impressed. Can't remember much about the meal but never wanted to return to give them another try. I probably need to go there again since it is consistently rated on top of varios lists. On the other hand, I loooooved Pineapple and Pearls meal.
  5. @pastrygirl i am also not sure why chef can not name his suppliers. Lack of transparency is always suspicios
  6. Had it a few times. Love it. Also had dinner in Volt with couple of people when we ate in the main dining room and ordered every app on the menu.
  7. The most dramatic dish of the evening. Seafood curry heated in coffee percolator and served over assorted seafood and pickled/dehydrated enoki mushrooms. It took two servers to oversee the process from start to finish.
  8. Sweet bread stuffed chicken wing was shatteringly crisp. Would love to know the recipe. Served with hot sauce and fish sauce based condiment
  9. Fairy tale eggplant tart. The best savory tart ever. Should be on every restaurant menu
  10. Charred sun gold tomatoes and peach broth was not my favorite dish of the evening. Cashew purée on the bottom was delightful. I was going to ask if they sell it in jars...
  11. Black pepper pan au lait was paired with foie gras butter (for me) and local cherries (for my husband).
  12. Oysters and vodka sported an unimaginable pairing of vodka and yogurt. I am severely tempted to go for it with my morning Greek yogurt routine...
  13. Baby elotes (corn) was probably my favorite bite of food all night. Served over a mini smoker. Lots of cotija cheese. Ear with your hands!
  14. First course was fennel absinthe bonbon. Bonbon was filled with yogurt, raisins, lemon peel and absinthe was in the small glass under the Bon bon. Dishes, glasses, and silverware were simply stunning during the entire meal.
  15. My husband and I were fortunate to snag reservation for two at Pineapple and Pearls restaurant in Washington DC. It is a coffee bar during the day and tasting menu only restaurant at night. http://www.pineappleandpearls.com/#the-cafe Chef Aaron Silverman also has no reservations Rose's luxury restaurant that offers a la carte menu. http://www.rosesluxury.com/ We sat at the bar where you only have to pay for the tasting menu and can buy drinks from the drink menu or getting a pairing option. We ended up getting one pairing for the two of us and let me tell you, it was enough. Food is 150 per person, beverages are 100 for alcoholic and 75 for non alcoholic pairing. You have to pay for beverage pairing in the main dining room.
  16. chefmd

    Dinner 2016 (Part 8)

    Rare steak seared in cast iron skillet. Green tomato and cucumber salad.
  17. chefmd

    Dinner 2016 (Part 8)

    Roasted chicken with stone ground grits
  18. What setting did you use and for how long?
  19. chefmd

    Dinner 2016 (Part 8)

    Heirloom tomato (red, yellow, green), cucumber, pepper salad with basil, olive oil, lime juice dressing. Wild caught rainbow trout with shiitake mushrooms and basil /mayo/lime juice sauce
  20. Wagner 11 3/4 cast iron skillet set me back 14 dollars at the thrift shop.
  21. Kindle edition is now available for pre order on Amazon! Date of release Sep 20th
  22. Tomato rice made with tomato just shy of being past its prime blended with water 1:1.25 ratio of rice to liquid super steam 300 degrees for 27 minutes.
  23. chefmd

    Dinner 2016 (Part 8)

    Local Maryland rockfish with tomato rice made in CSO. Fish was mostly cooked on the skin side with a little kiss of the heat on the flesh side. DH who usually gives me his share of fish skin ate iit this time which is the greatest compliment he can give as a cook but is also a bummer since I did not get any extra skin this time.
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