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Everything posted by guajolote

  1. guajolote

    roasted pig

    I am so hungry right now. Thanks Mrs. B. Do you have a recipe for arroz con gandules? the one I make is never quite right.
  2. My wife loves paenut butter but can no longer eat it. I was going to buy her some cashew butter at the grocery store, but they didn't have any. What the hell, I'll buy some cashews and make it myself. Has anyone ever done this? I was going to put the cashews in my food processor (blender?) and add a little powdered sugar.
  3. I've been doing this all spring/summer in Chicago Here's last weeks haul: lettuce, spring onions, fresh garlic, radishes, morels, cremini, strawberries, black cherries, cauliflower, carrots, cucumbers, 2 kinds of potatoes, snap peas, blue cheese, and some lilies.
  4. I really liked this one too. I don't generally like his fiction so it was a nice surprise. I have the same problems with roses that he has.
  5. Clifton Chenier is known as "The King of the Bayou"
  6. guajolote

    Lovage: The Topic

    Did you hit Romances (what a great name for a nursery?) They're friends of our family.
  7. I agree that these are best served right away warm, but sometimes I'm too busy and need to prepare ahead, and the baking to reheat works pretty well. I really like the folding into triangles idea. Frying the tortillas is a must, and I prefer to use stale tortillas. I've never had entomatadas, but by looking at the name I think I can make a decent version.
  8. Jason took mine. Cream of Mushroom soup is a must ingredient
  9. Fresser bought the Sauerkraut Bread at a Polish bakery on Milwaukee and I think he said Lawrence. He said he liked to go there to flirt with the pretty young Polish girls who worked at the counter. This was not surprising, in fact Maggie previously had bestowed the name "Flirtacious Fresser" upon him. The bread was very good, although I only ate half a piece because I was so stuffed. It would make a great Reuban
  10. I'm an engineer too. Dude, how many beers did you have? That is the "key". You need to reach the "semi-stupor" point where the temperature doesn't matter and you are really enjoying yourself. If you get to this point the pork/brisket will rock.
  11. guajolote

    Dinner! 2003

    Tasmanian Trout (YUM) -marinated with soy sauce, mirin, hoisin, sesame oil, and fresh garlic- roasted in very hot oven Sauted new potatoes w/ fresh garlic Snap peas in olive oil Salad w/ pink, purple, red, and white radishes; spring onions; cucumbers; and dijon/rice wine vinegar/thyme/olive oil dressing Black Sweet Cherries for dessert Willm Pinot Gris, Caceres Rose
  12. guajolote

    Duck Confit

    This was a good hijack, Dave. Some good discussion, an interesting experiment, no-name calling. The only problem was my duck was done on Tuesday .
  13. Wow, 3 trips to Warrenville and we're only a week into summer. That was one hell of a mess we left. Thanks for the cleanup. You forgot to mention Lou's quesadillas. Someday we'll teach him the wonders of spatulas. I brought the Beaujalais - it was a 2001 Broilly (sp?). You forgot to mention my biggest contribution - the Clifton Chenier album. Thank god 6 of the 8 of us liked it (bonus points to who can guess who didn't). Oh yeah, and the Sazeracs - I didn't like the first sip but it kept growing on me. I was very sad that I could only have a half of one. Next time I will definately bring my designated driver along. Another oh yeah - that was a tasty cake. Gumbo was awesome - I forgot to bring any home
  14. Made some beet greens for Maggie & crew last night w/ bacon fat, garlic, and a dried pepper. They were very well received.
  15. What do you think happened? Not enough lip on the dough? Too much cheese? Failures make you a better cook.
  16. guajolote

    Dinner! 2003

    I'm happy just reading your dinner menu, guajolote! And would you mind describing the Greek bread, please?
  17. guajolote

    Dinner! 2003

    2 inch thick grilled rare Strip Steaks Baked Potatoes Sauteed Cremini Mushrooms w/ Garlic Roasted Vidalia Onion (put right on the grill coals) Glazed Carrots Greek Bread Caravello (?) - A red wine recommended by Carig Camp that I bought very cheap. My father-in-law was very happy.
  18. guajolote

    Duck Confit

    No they don't. As I said before, steam is the gaseous state of water. The water phase curve is quite complicated, especially if you use variable pressures. For example, on a sunny day in the winter snow can sublimate directly into water vapor (steam). Here's a general example:
  19. I'd make seperate skewers with the salmon and scallops. When I grill scallops I leave them on about 45 sec a side, and salmon takes quite a bit longer. The bacon and sage sound great on the slamon, but may overpower the scallops. I'd put a little butter, thyme, and parsley on the scallops.
  20. Larb at a cookout sounds wonderful to me, I'm in. Couldn't you make everything and put the lime juice in a seperate container? At the last minute toss the lime in and serve. I have done this with ceviche and it was very easy.
  21. guajolote

    Duck Confit

    Steam doesn't have flavor, it's the gaseous state of water. There may well be other chemicals that are volatized, and these may well have flavor.
  22. I'll snap one for you, it's not pretty. I'm procrastinating.
  23. I'll bring some extra treats as always - maybe some purple ranch dressing. I'll be on the lookout for some fresh okra at the Farmer's Market. Also, could you get a vase ready for me Maggie? I know it's inappropriate to bring flowers as a gift without a vase, but I'm going to do it anyway. Time to go clean the 10 inch maple saplings out of my gutters .
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