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Everything posted by guajolote

  1. You're in. I'm excited to meet you. I'll send out details next week some time. I also have a consultant from Texas helping me with the syllabus.
  2. I'm glad no one recommended putting the potato on the pizza.
  3. Probably not what I can handle but what the SO can handle. Let's toss around our ideas & then I'll discuss with her. There are lots of ways we can make this go down. Maybe we'll have an engagement to celebrate . We could also have a shindig at my parents house, and a few people can crash at thir house too. Matthew, what's your take on the Schnitzelbank? If we do it the weekend of the 4th, we could celebrate my birthday .
  4. It would have to be two nights if we wanted to go to the fish ladder .
  5. I thinking cooking at Michelle's would be a good idea. I can't really think of a unique restaurant in GR that would be worth a trip, except maybe the Schnitzelbank. I love it how they're only open until 8.
  6. The sliced costs more than chop for everything, except for a plate they're the same cost
  7. October is prime time for the Fish Ladder No fires on beaches.
  8. We have a couple of trucks that come by once in awhile, one even plays a techno version of Turkey in The Straw . Most of the ice cream is sold by Paleteros (Popsicle Men) with carts. Some of carts are attached to a bicycle. The sell a variety of Mexican popscicles; including lime, tamarind, jalapeno, guava, papaya, and other fruits. They also have milk based popcicles; rice pudding, coconut, chocolate, and other flavors. Each neighborhood in Chicago has it's own Paleta company, by my house it is either Monarca (Monarch butterfly) or Arco Iris (Rainbow). In the last couple years the paleteros have started selling the same crappy ice cream treats as the trucks do.
  9. The egullet culinary institute exists in cyberspace only (Clickity here for more info) The Mexican class will be in my Rogers Park kitchen. If there is interest we could walk to a local supermercado and buy the ingredients before starting. theabroma, I will have no problem finding the ingredients in my neighborhood . I'll try to post pictures of the shopping trip.
  10. You're cooking the eggs so it should be safe. Also, use lots of oil. Did you add enough salt?
  11. Here's some pictures of the convent kitchen, if you haven't seen it (I hadn't - it's beautiful).
  12. Do the pasta salad haters think this is OK? Sounds great to me, I'm going to try it this week (w/ cashew butter instead of peanut butter)
  13. guajolote

    Pink Swordfish

    It was REALLY good .
  14. guajolote

    Dinner! 2003

    Margarita Pink Swordfish, grilled and basted with a mustard/white wine glaze Corn Beet Salad w/ blue cheese Stuffed Tomatoes Suavignon Blanc from WA state Cantelope for desert
  15. guajolote

    Pink Swordfish

    Shrimp was the first explanation that popped into my mind, too. The fishmonger didn't think so, he said that swordfish lived near the surface and that the shrimp were much deeper. When I go back later this week I'll ask where the swordfish came from.
  16. I'm sure you find that very amusing, but just so you know, this is real issue for some people. I have an immediate asthmatic reaction to strong perfumes, to the point that the albuterol inhaler becomes necessary. No, as a matter of fact I do not find Fragrance free is a civil rights issue! as being funny. Nor do I find those who bath in strong perfumes "funny"___ I too have found myself gasping for fresh air because of those too lazy to take a shower and decide to bath themselves in perfumes to camouflage their B.O. John, do you add aromatics to your stock?
  17. I bought some swordfish this weekend and the flesh was pink. The fishmonger had never seen this, and neither had I. Anyone know what causes this?
  18. Thai food smells the worst. When you fry the shrimp paste in oil - yuck. When everything is complete the taste is wonderful, though.
  19. Yes, bacon. I made my wife a BLT today and the house smelled awesome. Also, If you roast your own coffee, it makes the house smell great.
  20. Someone you know requires this . Penalty for leaving early is no dessert. Love, Hard-Ass Dad
  21. I have some red cherry tomatoes . I've also picked about 15 cucumbers this year, best cucumber harvest ever - and it's only August 1st.
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