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Everything posted by guajolote

  1. We had a really great time. Sweet Willie and Aurora were a huge help in the kitchen, and they also did a great job with the clean up. Willie is a really nice guy, and he sweats as much as I do . We both got hot peppers on our face and turned bright red. I love lard. More coming next Friday in the Mexican cooking class.
  2. My friend has a favorite place on Lawrence which is called, appropriately enough, "Korean Restaurant". I don't know if they have BBQ, but I'll check with her.
  3. If anyone wants to come for dinner at around 5 let me know. We're going to have way too much food.
  4. It was great. Much more corny flavor like the corn of my youth . I bought some more today, it must have been popular because they raised the price. The corn was actually purple though. Why do they call purple vegetables red (red onions, red cabbage, red cauliflower)?
  5. THANK YOU I had checked Sam's long ago when I first had El Conquistador and they did not stock it. Quite frankly I had given up my search. Let's see, about tomorrow and the cooking class. I leave my house, go to Sam's, pick up a bottle, be at your place by 2, It can work! Not promising, but I hope to pick up a bottle before I show.
  6. Matthew, maybe we should make some larb? What do you think?
  7. guajolote

    Tomato Salads

    A bread salad kind of like this one is also good. I'm being overwhelmed by my tomatoes at this point.
  8. guajolote

    Tomato Salads

    I've made one similar with mint and goat cheese. Make some Gazpacho, you'll be happy.
  9. guajolote

    Dinner! 2003

    They're called 8-ball squash here, not to be confused with the cocaine package of a similar name .
  10. YES. I have to say one of the finest tequilas I've ever had was El Conquistador. If anyone in the Chicagoland area comes across it, please email me. I have not found anyone yet who carries it. Sam's has it.
  11. Trio and chefg will be on tonite at 9:30 CDT.
  12. Scroll down to Immaculate Ingestion. Please report back on how this tastes. We should make a category for these drinks, they can be called STN
  13. You were looking for a bald guy with a monacle, right?
  14. I love this, but I've been eating it, or a slight variation, every night . Last night it was with mint, sherry vinegar, and chevre. Last week I madfe some killer stuffed tomatoes: Rice, roasted peppers, browned onions, garlic, basil, and romano cheese. Lets keep getting more suggestions.
  15. In the sumertime, I like Mexican shrimp cocktails, or seafood cocktails Campechana. It always blows everyone away. So good, so cool, so pretty with the slices of avocado on top. And so unlike anything most Gringos have ever had. Of course, I serve "los cocteles camarones" or "cocteles Campechana" Mexican-style, in copas, with saltines and an assortment of hot sauces that I pass around in a cute little basket. This is actually one of my Dad's favorite things. Maybe we'll do the famous "Coctel de Siete Mares" which contains Clams, Shrimp, Oysters, Squid, Octopus.
  16. Yes, and I thank you for that. (and Vengroff and whoever else posted dinner ideas). I'm just worrying that this is turning into MatthewB bio, part II.
  17. All right, let's forget the drinks and focus on the food. I do like Jaymes' drinks which are measured by the quart though
  18. Will you be able to get more corn? I'd hate to see you go through withdrawal.
  19. NO GIN No gin? Too many Singapore Slings in college. At Dominicks in Ann Arbor. I can still smell a juniper bush from 50 yds.
  20. Three ounces Scotch, three ice cubes, splash of soda. I want one now. 3 oz. I like that
  21. This the best thing ever. I'm going to buy some for my Mexican cooking class on Sunday. Sorry, I don't have a recipe.
  22. Mojitos are great, but an egullet original cocktail would be nice. Beans? I also have to say that I prefer Pisco Sours and Caiparinhas to a mojito. Matthew, I'm attributing the lack of responses to the power outage.
  23. After the success of MatthewB's thread last week, I thought we'd try this again. Next weekend I'm visiting my parents in Grand Rapids, MI. Matthew and I thought it would be fun to make dinner together. We'd like some help with the menu. We need ideas for: -A nice refreshing summer cocktail -First Course is going to be tuna tartar. I'm going to try to get some Wasabi Caviar to serve with this. -shellfish course -salad -A meat dish. I was thinking of getting a boneless pork rack, which is the meat from baby back ribs cut into a roast. If you have other suggestions that's great. -Vegetable -Starch -Dessert Wine pairings would also be great. My Dad is in charge of drinks so price is no object Matthew is going to get the fruit and vegetables from the Farmer's Market. Things currently in season here in the Midwest are tomatoes, green beans, cucumbers, corn , new potatoes, beets, greens (not lettuces really), summer squashes, eggplant, peppers, peaches, plums, blueberries, and probably lots of other things. Thanks.
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