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Everything posted by Darienne

  1. If you are going to count the yeas and the nays...throw it out. Period.
  2. I can't say that I 'cook' with salami, however I do know a dish which incorporates either salami or hot spicy sausages, etc, and is not overwhelmed by them. A good family lunch type of dish. It's a real oldie: Impossible pie. I think originally it called for cream of mushroom soup and hamburger, my idea of heck on earth. So. First a layered effect of the salami cut pretty fine with whatever vegetables you choose: mushrooms, spinach, green and red peppers, etc. Next three kinds of cheeses. Anything pretty much. I made a chicken impossible pie for the dog gang using cheddar, jack and parmesan. Top layer is the biscuit dough made with 3 eggs and 1 1/2 cups of milk. 400 degrees for 30 minutes. It's really flexible. Another thing I would make is Picadillo. I have my own variation of it, called Picadillo a la Cabana (we live in Cavan) which includes lots of fruit and nuts and olives and chocolate and tomatoes and so on. To top a bed of pinto beans. Hope you have fun whatever you do.
  3. Congratulations on such a good and generous job well done. As long as you are dithering, my vote is for NO peanut cookies, period. End of all potential problems.
  4. Darienne

    Pasta alternatives

    A chum on low-carbing introduced us to using shredded cabbage for spaghetti and cabbage leaves in lasagna. Not bad at all .
  5. I was standing in the kitchen just now, staring at a container of grape tomatoes purchased for a tabouli salad which never got made over the mad, mad weekend. Suddenly out of the blue came the memory of a salad which I used to love and had forgotten all about: Chick pea and tomato salad. Now it's for supper tonight. It used to be a favorite for a group gathering. Canned chickpeas, halved grape tomatoes, green onions, sliced black olives, with a lemon & olive oil dressing, lots of mint and parsley and then some chili powder liberally sprinkled over everything. Yum.
  6. Had to Wiki Bramley just to find out what they are. They sound a bit like our Northern Spies, not a very common apple anymore, but great for pies. The Wiki article suggests cider. That would certainly use up a lot of them. (I'm in east central Ontario...we're not too exciting either .)
  7. Thanks for the help. Potato ice cream...fair to boggles the mind. Do you have some kind of reading list for the history of various foods? I have read the history of chocolate by the Coes, and some histories of coffee and sugar...as much as I could bear...their histories are so grim, but do you have some titles of interest?
  8. Carrot cake ice cream? Sounds interesting. Thanks for the link.
  9. Darienne

    Your top spices

    I decided that if folks also admitted to having messy plastic-bag filled cupboards, then I could have the courage to post a photo of my little spice cabinet which Ed built for me between two studs on a little side kitchen wall. I have other spices and stuff in my larger cabinets.
  10. Quoting from Andie's website given: Andie. I am not sure I am up to such a pepper. I have always been a pepper love, albeit a very unsophisticated one. I found that making and eating DL's Orange-Szechwan Pepper ice cream to be pretty significant in my pepper life. I didn't really know anything about the range of peppers available. Talamanca sounds incredible. Thanks for telling me about it.
  11. Darienne

    Your top spices

    You must share this recipe. I love Sichuan peppercorns. ← Hi chappie, The recipe is in David Lebovitz's The Perfect Scoop. so of course I cannot put it online. If you don't have the book, you could always get it from your local library or even order it on Inter-Library Loan.
  12. Please do report on the recipes as you make them.
  13. Darienne

    The Egg Sandwich

    I've had trouble with eggs as a separate item to eat since an unfortunate childhood incident. But then I made my own scrambled eggs and loved them. And my own Egg Foo Yong and really loved it. And I can eat my DH's easy over fried eggs...most of the time. Perhaps it's time to try a fried egg sandwich. I'll still never even try a soft or hard boiled egg.
  14. I am dipping into two food history books right now. One is A Medieval Home Companion: Housekeeping in the Fourteenth Century. Interesting life if you were the mistress of the manor...not so good for the servants. One thing which has always intrigued me is the fact that a number of confections seem to have been the result of accidents. However, about savory ice creams. I have yet to try one and am working up to it. Barring 180 year-old recipes, can you recommend one?
  15. Hi Peter, I am not particularly up on computer lingo, but on chat lists DH is generally Dear Husband. (I googled it just for fun and did come up with some interesting and politically incorrect terms )
  16. My current favorite is Viennese Crescents. Very short. I make them with ground pecans instead of ground almonds. Easy to make, yummy to snitch cookie dough. People LOVE them! My recipe comes from an old Fanny Farmer cookbook but I expect you could find the recipe anywhere pretty much.
  17. Shalmanese's excellent topic on what we are the most and least excessive about, I kept thinking about obsessive...what am I the most and least obsessive about and decided that this topic might go in 'consumer' better. I share the cooking with my DH, but I am still obsessive about MY Paderno pots and pans. No one uses them but me and they don't go into the dishwasher either. When we had company last week and they had to help with the cooking, I simply took all MY pots and pans and hid them away. I also hate it when Ed adds something to my sauces or interferes in anything I am making unless I ask his opinion. But then I am a home cook and professionals would never do that anyway...would they? I am very casual about cooking neatly and make the most gawdawful mess as I go. I am very neat about the rest of my life, but can't seem to cook without mucking up everything. My DH is appalled by my cooking habits.
  18. Darienne

    Your top spices

    I forgot Szechwan peppercorns on my list. You can't make Orange-Szechwan Pepper ice cream without 'em.
  19. Darienne

    Your top spices

    Very nice. If my cupboard weren't such a mess I would post of photo of it. The one my DH inserted in between the wall studs.
  20. Now that is an excellent point!
  21. The dog people and their dogs are gone. Report on ice creams: favorite: DL's Orange Szechwan Ice Cream...gone, gone, gone 2nd: tie between the chocolate (cornstarch base) and the vanilla (Philadelphia type). Last was the raspberry made with coconut cream. Was too much like a sherbet. Best sauce: DL's 'The Best Chocolate Sauce Recipe' from 2005. Also made DL's butterscotch sauce and my own raspberry sauce which is heavily Chambord (what's not to like?)
  22. Hi tsquare, I've really only tasted my raspberry-coconut gelato so I can't give you a full report. However, the doggy crowd starts to descend upon us today for the weekend...weekend?...and I'll get back about this ice cream after the weekend. ← Post weekend: The raspberry ice cream was the least popular of the offering. The consensus was that you could taste the coconut milk in it and that it made a nice sherbet type dessert, but definitely NOT ice cream. So, tsquare, you were correct!
  23. Darienne

    Your top spices

    If you own your abode and you or your DH is handy, you can make an excellent spice cupboard right in your wall. Open up the wall between two sets of studs and you have a space which is perfect for spices and other little thingies. A small door hides it all from view. Perfect.
  24. You have to love those second hand stores. Took a visiting friend into Value Village to show her the tan slacks available for her daughter and just took a quick peek at the cookbooks. Someone was getting rid of some goodies. Mark Bittman. How to Cook Everything. Christian Teubner. The Chocolate Bible. Practical Cookery. Chocolate. (lots of yummy photos and I'm also impressed by books with the English 'cookery' in them. The colonial in me, no doubt) Roz Denny. Rice & Risotto. (don't know how 'good' it is, but it certainly is timely) Elizabeth Wolf-Cohen. Step-by-Step Irresistible Chocolate. (Wow! $.22 on Amazon.com. My friend wanted it and then left it here by accident. It was free. Buy 4, get one free.) That's 5 more for me.
  25. Darienne

    Your top spices

    I can't live without Thyme and Cardamom.
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