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Everything posted by Darienne

  1. Thanks, Jenni. A new word, jalebi, for me. Looked up the definition and some recipes. Do you eat them now, assuming you are not in Jodhpur anymore? Do you make them yourself, or are they something which one normally buys ready-made, or both? Find in an Asian marketplace? I think I'll try making some.
  2. Sorry Ilana. My supply would not be more than 100. Good luck with your quest and good luck with the spoons themselves.
  3. The cardboard is shiny gold on one side only, white on the reverse. Dimensions: 12.5 cm x 24 cm. Weight of 12 pieces: 212 gs. They would need wiping from the chocolate which came on them. I am not sure how many I have. I'll count them if Ilana thinks it's worthwhile. Naturally, they are free. I just save them because they are 'pretty' and I love gold anything.
  4. Wal-Marts in Canada sells a one-pound chocolate bar which has a gold card base in it. I have a stack of them...but mailing them to Israel would no doubt be prohibitive. Good luck.
  5. Just found this interesting recipe for ice cream in a library book, The Italian Cookbook by Fiona Biggs: Ricotta Ice Cream. The photo looks at first glance like Montelimar Nougat , and the ingredient list is bang on with nuts and fruit peels, etc. The recipe calls for the usual ingredients of an egg-based ice cream: sugar, egg yolks, vanilla,...but the base is ricotta cheese. The ricotta is not creamed nor whipped, just stirred in. And the mixture is simply poured into a loaf pan. My initial responses are to a) replace the eggs & cheese by whipped cream, pour into a loaf pan and freeze, decant and cover with a chocolate ganache for a bang-up dessert or b) replace the eggs and cheese by the Philadelphia style base and pour it into the Cuisinart Ice Cream maker, etc., or c) make the recipe as provided, but cream the ricotta. possible d) play it as it lays. The uncreamed, etc, ricotta cheese part does not appeal to me at first glance. Has anyone made this or a similar ice cream? Any responses to any of this, please? And thanks.
  6. Hard to get excited about their list. Red peppers? Popcorn without butter? Yummmm My fave: a cup of decaf coffee with a jigger of vodka and Panama Jack in it. Substitute your favorite liqueur in the mix. The heat. Good. The booze. Good. The yummy taste. Very good. The only drawback is the intake of calories. Not good. For really really special occasions: The coffee goes into the blender and the booze is added. Froths it up real good.
  7. Thanks to both of you for the information. As for Whole Foods...I actually meant the one in the Southwest...I don't know where else it is...and didn't even know there was a Whole Foods in Ontario. Could it be the same chain? I really liked the Whole Foods in Albuquerque, better than Trader Joe's. And as for a grocery store having a butcher...we are incredibly lucky where we live. We have a real live and wonderful butcher at our small local store. It's so small that it never ever carries eggplant. The butcher has a half-ownership of the store going way back and I guess that's why he's there. We treat him VERY well. So, we'll try the Longo's for fun anyway.
  8. With the seasonal LCBO fat shiny handout is often a thinner one from Longo's. We have no Longo's in our area...east central Ontario...but DH and I are thinking about sussing out the one in Markham when we also look up the Pacific Mall there. Is Longo's like Whole Foods or Trader Joe's or more like a Loblaws Superstore? I see they carry Western Family Brands although their website page is still under construction and thus gives no information. We used some Western Family products in Utah although they were nothing special at all. Just an inexpensive in-house brand with no distinguishing characteristics as far as I could see. Is it worth the trip?
  9. That's interesting and unpleasant at the same time. I wonder why it overheated your motor and did not get to where you wanted it in the prescribed time. Do please try it again and let us know if a second batch is the same. Or perhaps someone else will try it. Also I am curious about the grittiness. It seems unlikely that DL would post a recipe which was gritty. You have pricked my curiosity.
  10. I wonder who you are talking about in this quote? I have no sense of the physicality of stuff, of the laws that govern space and sharp instruments and fragile objects landing on hard surfaces and how heat travel and things like that. It's not that intellectually I cannot comprehend the laws...it's just that I can't seem to translate them into my extremities, as if my hands are not connected to my brain. Thus I am doomed forever to be over-represented in this eGullet thread.
  11. Darienne

    Reputation Makers

    I just received an email from my friend/former neighbor & landlady in Moab where DH and I lived for 6 months from fall 08 to spring 09. The Director of the Multicultural Center, where my friend volunteers with young Hispanic kids, was giving her yearly 'we must eat healthy snacks' lectures, and then she added...except for the delicious things that Denny's next door neighbor makes. That was me and the kids called me the Candy Lady. Talk about a wonderful reputation! It doesn't come much better than that.
  12. Darienne

    Reputation Makers

    OK. We live in a region in Ontario where there are NO decent, nay even acceptable, Chinese restaurants. So last fall I began back making Chinese food, heavy on the Szechwan style. Now I am hardly an excellent cook or an excellent Chinese food cook, but my DH thinks I am the most brilliant Chinese food cook and he can't believe that he is getting to eat my wonderful cooking so often. He is my sous-chef. Nothing is too much trouble for him. Just as long as I keep on turning out these wonderful dishes. You can't ask for more than that. A small good but intensely felt reputation.
  13. What would be the thinking behind that? I store mine standing, loosely rolled in a large cardboard oats container. Perhaps they would 'warp' or develop a bump/ridge near the lower edge. Think of what happens to a rolled-up rug stored on one end for a while. You could be right but I really can't see it happening inside the cardboard cylinder box. Maybe they are just covering the bases...
  14. What would be the thinking behind that? I store mine standing, loosely rolled in a large cardboard oats container.
  15. Ditto for the cleaning nuisance factor. I don't know how we managed before silicone baking and everything else sheets, but I sure do hate cleaning them. As for flopping them over some rack type thing...if you aren't careful, they just slide off when you turn your back.
  16. Darienne


    Made some cardamom ice cream reported on the Philadelphia ice cream list. It was only slightly 'cardamomy' in my opinion. A dozen different recipes called for a dozen differenct amounts of cardamom. A fellow eGulleter suggested sprinkling powdered cardamom directly on my bowl of ice cream and I did. Yummm... Quite a lot of cardamom, in fact. Interesting because one recipe I looked at said that a little cardamom goes a very long way and that if you used too much, the result would be a 'soapy' taste. I never hit soapy. And I never hit too much for me. Would some folks have a higher tolerance or need for cardamom than others? My DH certainly needed no more cardamom for his taste, and he is the one who usually uses more soy sauce, more salt, more vinegar, more jerk seasoning, etc. Curious.
  17. It tasted wonderful. I sprinkled some on and then I sprinkled some more on, and so on. Yummm... Do I have a high 'tolerances' for cardamom in the same way as some people love any amount of some other spice or herb? Ooops. That would be another thread...
  18. Darienne


    I know that you can candy them. I tried with out much success to do it, but it was my first try. Andie will have candied them, I am sure.
  19. Gotcha. Thanks. Will sprinkle some powdered on my next bowl and try it.
  20. Darienne


    You are perfectly correct that LorAnn makes a cardamom, but unfortunately it is not available in Canada. A tad expensive to get from the States. I'll find a company in Canada soon enough, but thanks for all the help.
  21. Darienne


    Alas. It appears that Xenex does not carry cardamom in their essentials oils, but I will try some other sources. Thanks.
  22. Cut the ginger on September 14th and already I have counted 6 new little buds starting to grow.
  23. Darienne


    I know it's going back a bit, but I would like to know what ice cream recipe you used, please. also from Kerry Beal Where would one get cardamom essential oil, please. Thanks. I am on a cardamom kick, so to speak.
  24. That's a good point, about the steam killing most everything. I think we'll still go for the stainless variety. DH will simply be happier... I did make a sponge cake while away in my bamboo steamer, my first steamed cake, and I was so pleased. Should never have given it to my friend, thinking I still had one at home. Thanks everyone for all the good advice.
  25. Made cardamom ice cream last night, Philadelphia base, no eggs. Very nice. Could have used more cardamom. I gather from a fairly recent thread on using cardamom that it's not the most straightforward of spices to use, but I love it. Next time I am going to make it as Kulfi, the frozen Indian ice cream. The main difference is that one starts with a larger quantity of milk and cooks it down, as is done in so many milk-based Indian desserts. Also Kulfi is often not churned but simply poured into molds and frozen, rather like a Popsicle on a stick. This time I was simply not ready to do the whole procedure and so took a great shortcut and used the simplest recipe I could find.
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