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Everything posted by Darienne

  1. Thanks to you, Ruth. I am feeling much more 'in control' about the whole affair with the bean and slaw recipes.
  2. WEEKS???? Omigawd I can hardly believe it. I'll make it today!!! Many thanks.
  3. You are so correct. I think I am very tired. I was looking at the date that you joined the list, not the date of the thread. If I currently had the energy, I'd be very embarrassed.
  4. Well, I sure wouldn't pay extra to watch any show I can think of. We get it as part of some package.
  5. Just watched the Grocery Bag show last night and now I see that it is the one referred to in the first posting on this thread in 2003: the Mexican cooking show. They were really out of their depth on that show and the chef made it quite clear. This is a VERY unusual cooking show. It was delightful to watch, but it might wear a bit thin after a while if this is their usual level of expertise. Still I'll watch again because the entire food network stuff is new to me.
  6. No, No. I never meant they were mutually exclusive. Just that these ones are not foodies. Good one about the dijon. There will be some last minute stuff going on, but the supervision will have to be done by others, namely the head nurse/girl scout leader of an earlier message. The fact that she is coming ahead of time and is offering to take over means that things will be fine. Thanks for the reply.
  7. Bless you for your wonderful reply. The horde is 16 people and what makes it hoard-like is also 15 dogs...6 of which are puppies!!! We haven't had puppies in years. That's a lot of folks, most of whom stay in our farm. The really good news is that two people have announced are coming ahead of time to help. The Mother is a head nurse and a Girl Scout leader and can do anything and quickly and well and with one hand tied behind her back and loves to work. This changes everything. I would love to have your 7-day slaw recipe. DH makes the slaw. Our meals are simple but we need a lot of salads. I make our dressings. And bread. Good bread. I am not a bread maker. We'll buy it. And rolls. Yes. Thanks so much.
  8. .....BUT....BUT....How far ahead????
  9. Try David Lebovitz's Orange-Szechwan Pepper Ice Cream. It's like nothing you have ever tasted before. Well, I tried. It was like nothing I had ever tasted before.
  10. We have a horde of dog lovers and dogs descending upon the farm for the August 21st weekend. They are not 'foodies'. They are 'dog lovers'. It is critical this year to get as much done ahead of time as possible...casseroles and coffee cakes in the freezer, that sort of thing. I know that cole slaw can be made a few days ahead of time...goodness knows you can find remnants at the back of the fridge weeks later which are still edible. But what other salads can be made ahead of time and how long ahead of time? What about mixed beans salads? What about some kind of salad in which you might make part of it ahead of time and then add ingredient(s) X at the last minute? Thank you.
  11. I'll check out the channel tomorrow - Toronto - and also the French Laundry. Anything would be less irritating than the Chef at Home.
  12. I will never again cook a sugar syrup mistaking the Fahrenheit numbers for the Celsius, that is I was trying to reach 230 on the Celsius scale instead of realizing I needed that heat on Fahrenheit. Burnt the daylights out of the syrup before I came to.
  13. Haven't tried that one yet. We have a horde coming August 20th to 23rd and I have promised ice cream for all. That might be a good one. Of course, I'll have to try it ahead of time to make sure I can make it properly. Yeah. Right.
  14. I'm with you here. Our youngest cannot eat eggs and I am trying to convince him to make ice cream with eggs. He's 1200 miles away so I can't do much from here.
  15. Excellent idea. With a constant 100% humdity in eastern Canada, making chocolate is asking for trouble. As for ice cream: I don't think I have ever had quite so much fun. There are a few very active ice cream threads going on as we speak. And David Lebowitz's The Perfect Scoop is such a good place to start for low volume production.
  16. That darned cat!!! It's the cat's fault. Welcome to eGullet, This Redhead.
  17. I know we get Viva, but what is "W"? I guess I can find out... Looked today at the FN line-up. The entire day given off to grilling! Entirely too much grilling going on on FN to begin with! This is TOO much!! PS. We get W. Just found it. Thanks. I'll try their line-up.
  18. Thank you, O Ginger Lady. I really needed that information. I used some premade ginger syrup with my Clementine oranges and I guess I used too much. Not a good idea.
  19. I am closest to the Toronto area. Is it on the FN coming out of Toronto? I have never encountered it.
  20. I'd like to make this, but only have access to frozen wild blueberries. Is there something I should do to the berries to help prevent bleeding when I add them? So far I've only used them in blueberry pancakes, and I always get bleeding, even when I add them at the very last minute and stir very lightly. ← Omg, I totally forgot about this recipe. I have tons of blueberries in the freezer too. But, I'm sure the WW points on these would be too high. No blueberry muffins for me, but please enjoy. This recipe is so good. ← I'm wondering if this recipe made in loaf pans would freeze well. I need to make things to freeze ahead at this point and wondered about blueberries. I still have 2 pounds unfrozen. Thanks.
  21. Just discovered that today is National Ice Cream Sandwich Day in the USA. I wonder if this might be extended to Canadians too!
  22. I don't get the magazine but perhaps the library carries it. Our small regional library does not. Thanks.
  23. This sounds like a good idea. Perhaps scoring the sheets in two would help with breakage. And making sure the cookies were very cold before spreading them with the ice cream. I have scored the cookies in the sheet into rectangles and this gives a good edge on them. However, I need to make a good template to do this properly. I think someone somewhere makes a scored pan but a homemade thingy will do for now.
  24. From Trader Joes: Chocolate covered orange pieces and chocolate covered raspberry pieces...can't recall the exact shapes...except to say they were awful. Muffins from Tim Horton's. I cannot imagine why they make such dreadful muffins!
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