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Everything posted by Doodad

  1. I can do this right? Or is there a reason I should not? Any precautions or particular method to getting a smooth dough? Talking about a stand mixer BTW.
  2. My daughter would not eat broccoli when she was little. Would not even try. So we hit on the idea one day after reading The Lorax to her, that we could cook the stems and tell her they were truffela trees. It worked for years until she caught on that we always had brocolli when she had trufellas. By then it did not matter.
  3. Wow, I would like to watch that. I have serious delusions of grandeur and am not sure I could hack that. Chef Walter Mitty I guess.
  4. A friend of mine tipped me off to that. Tre was the chef de cuisine at one of Kent Rathbun's restaurants in Dallas. ← Yeah Abacus. I checked out their website right after Tre made his untimely departure. I was really rooting for him. ← Maybe slightly unfortuneate for those of in Dallas who were fans of his work at Abacus, but I feel it's going to work out well for Tre. I dined at Abacus twice last year, both times at the chef's table. Tre was running the kitchen both times. On the most recent visit, back in mid-November, he stopped by and said hello. Nice guy. I wish him well, and am looking forward to his next restaurant gig in Dallas. ← Do you know where he went?
  5. A friend of mine tipped me off to that. Tre was the chef de cuisine at one of Kent Rathbun's restaurants in Dallas. ← Yeah Abacus. I checked out their website right after Tre made his untimely departure. I was really rooting for him.
  6. Doodad

    Dinner! 2008

    I did very well last night thanks to egullet and the Mexican at home thread for inspiration. I cooked a pot roast in mole and wine all weekend. Pulled it out last night. I made a jicama pico de gallo and black bean/corn side. Both with all fresh herbs and toasted spices. I griddled some corn tortillas, topped with the pot roast, queso fresco and the pot sauce. Broiled briefly to melt the cheese and topped with creme fraiche and chopped cilantro. It was good. Sorry no pics, we were starving at that point.
  7. Benne wafers? Those are common in low country cooking to use up when they go stale.
  8. Doodad

    Crab Legs

    I prefer stone crab over the others, but my wife and daughter disagree and prefer the Alaskan varieties. I liked them steamed with a bit of lemon and a horseradishy or garlicy remoulade type sauce. Beer, crunchy bread and maybe some celery sticks and I am alright.
  9. Ooh ooh, I know this one. It's on Buford Hwy, right inside the perimeter, between Shallowford Rd and 285. It's in a shopping center called Pinewood Plaza which is across the street from the somewhat prominent McDonalds, right north of Ranch 99. There's a taco counter in the back (by where they do the fresh masa) that requires a lot of self-control. And don't forget the Mexican Coca-Cola! ← Thanks, I know exactly where that is. Boy, that plaza has changed so many times over the years.
  10. Thanks that is a start. I am seriously thinking about taking a hands on class for the first time.
  11. I want to tackle Italian next in my bag of tricks. I know the basics, have made pasta with the help of a machine, and can do the American version of sauce etc. Where do I start to learn proper technique, especially pasta, and classic recipes. All suggestions are welcome.
  12. I will be this St Pat's. I got Charcuterie for Christmas. Wish I had time to brew a stout, but Guiness has that process down pat.
  13. How about a confit so you can enjoy for some time to come?
  14. Doodad


    You betcha. And bernaise. That is what we did this weekend.
  15. Man, late to the pary as usual. What a great thread! A few questions, mostly for the hostess, BG. What is DF? WHERE is Chicago on Buford Hwy? Can someone hook me up with a good carnitas recipe? Bayless' is ok, but not like I have had and adored at some restaurants.
  16. That is when I turn to my first love, Asian cuisine. I can whip up a nam sod type appetizer, curry soup course and a main stir fry in that time easy. If I know in advance I stop at the Chinese restaurant on my way home and get either raw dumplings or half cooked egg rolls that they set me up with.
  17. That is exactly how I do it and and was going to respond. If you like the dairy aspect to the mouthfeel, taste and color may I suggest creme fraiche or Mexican creme added at the last minute (but allow it to warm up a little while you are doing the rest)? Just a little adds a nice touch. And if you want to get artsy, both are thick enough to place in the center and pull a chopstick through for effects.
  18. I would grill as a sort of carne asada and serve over tex mex rice with a homemade tomatillo salsa. But, that is just how I think.
  19. I challenged my daughter to do this last night. When the kitchen staff revolts:
  20. All I can think of is the ingrained scene from so many visual arts of the harried mother warning not to......slam the door. Oh no, my souffle. You know what I mean. That led to the "tempermental" mystique of the souffle in my opinion.
  21. Doodad

    Chicken and slicks

    Holy crap Doodad, I grew up in Spindale, the next town over from Forest City Small world! I'd be really interested in what you could find out about the recipe's origins. In fact, I may quiz my grandparents, one side of the family is firmly rooted in that county, the others from coastal NC and see if they recall having anything similar. There's a bit of a Jewish community in the county now as far as I know, but I don't know about the era when your mom or grandmother were growing up. If your mother's still in the area and you head that way to visit, shoot me a PM, perhaps we can meet for a bite (Edited: Need better reading comprehension) ← I know Spindale very well. We always passed through it on the way to see Grandma. My brother was born in Rutherfordton when we lived in FC while Dad was in Vietnam. Grandparents lived in FC until the 80s. None of us have been back since.
  22. Well I killed the first one already. Used weekly since before Christmas. Luckily, I have a second so I hope the other was just a dud. My Mom got one as well and hers is still chugging along fine.
  23. Doodad

    Chicken and slicks

    That is what made me call Mom.
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