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Everything posted by Doodad

  1. Have you tried Patton's Meat Market on P'tree Ind? He has great quality and seems amenable to special orders. His family packs for $55 are a super deal. We started getting them regularly and vacuum seal/freezing. Also, Gulf Coast Seafood has beef now and he is searching for some holiday stuff for me as well. Good luck and report back any other finds.
  2. Um, gonna embarass myself. What is a CSA?
  3. Doodad

    Dinner! 2007

    Inspired by the Pimp That Snack website, we made our first attempt at a giant potsticker, dubbed the potsmasher. We made a meatloaf and cooked it to 140 internal temp. Then cut that in half and with a huge dough rolled out, we sealed it. I steamed it in a parchment lined colander in a wok. Not perfect, but very tasty. We are going to try again with the second half and I will post photos. We did not crimp it well on this attempt.
  4. Crawdads will be in season before too long. MMMMMMMM.
  5. Oh well, thanks for doing the leg work. Still a great tool as we buy in bulk at the butcher shop.
  6. Glad you chimed in Chris. Does anyone know if these bags can be safely sous vide? I am working on a sous vide rig with a hotplate and stirring bar from our chem supply sister company, but I have my doubts on these bags. Has anybody called Reynolds by any chance.
  7. Thanks to all of you, I found it on sale for $6 at the local store in a starter kit with bags. I bought a set of gallon bags and bought the family deal at the local butcher. I thought the darn little thing worked great. I found you have to press hard on the valve then lift a little and it sealed in no time. We are definitely giving them to everybody.
  8. Thanks to a thread I stumbled across this great flick. I found it yesterday in the used bin for $3 and we watched it with dinner last night. Highly underrated movie with a great cast of unknowns who appear in other favorites. Thanks whoever mentioned it.
  9. Doodad

    Making Fish Stock

    What is the rationale for pulling gills and eyes? My squeam level is fairly high, but I would have scoop the eyes with a knife or spoon, and barely look at them ← I'm with you! I'm not pulling out eyeballs. I've been making stock forever, with eyeballs. Just strain them out later or reserve for Halloween. ← I did not pull them out. I left the gills as well since they were hard to remove. I did trim the fins and tail. It cooked to the point it was falling apart at about 40 minutes so I stopped. Came out great! I made a Ciopinno with clams, shrimp, wahoo, mahi, snapper and salmon. The bones were grouper. It was goooooooood. All of the ingredients had come in the day before and were swimming on Wednesday. The wahoo was absolutely outstanding. I will be getting more. Thanks for all the advice everyone.
  10. Doodad

    Making Fish Stock

    Interesting. Andrew Zimmern has almost the same recipe that I stumbled across searching sites. He puts a parchment paper over the bones to kind of steam them before adding wine and such.
  11. Doodad

    Making Fish Stock

    Any fish store or even suoermarts with a fish counter will have heads and carcasses, sometimes as give-aways if you are a customer, other times $1-$2/lb. Be sure to get the heads; there is meat and gelatin in them. You could freeze these, but only for a week or two. It's better to make the stock and freeze it. ← What he said. I never have a problem with beef bones. I have to ask the fishmonger to save them. But, it is a win win since he usually throws them away. He makes a few more bucks, I get stock and no waste.
  12. Please point me in the right direction. I know how to make stock now thanks to Bourdain and Ruhlman and several mistakes. (Tony, you don't say how long to roast the bones thank you very much.) So how to adapt to fish? Treat it like a white stock I assume? Or should I roast the head a little? Should I change the mirepoix or does that limit my uses for the stock as a whole? I found a great fish guy on my commute route and he is saving racks and heads for me now. Thanks. I want to make Bouillabaisse (sp) or Ciopinno (sp again) this weekend.
  13. Funny, because as a sushi fan, I have always heard and read the don't rub warning. But, as a non Japanese, I feel I have some leniancy and I take it by gosh. I like to eat with my hands for sushi as my chop skills are low (well moderate) and I want to enjoy the food as the chef has prepared. Sashimi, I always use the chopsticks as it just seems the polite and smart thing to do short of sitting on a fantail with a freshly caught fish. Luckily, my home base for sushi is very understanding and "Scott" is obviously second generation with formal training. He knows I appreciate all he has and all the skills of his crew. I take my time and just enjoy which I know he appreciates. What I hate are the "gotta make the movie crowd" who come in and wolf down their food and leave. How sad. How can you taste the delicate fish in one huge bite? Oh well preachin to the choir here.
  14. Doodad

    Crust secrets

    I have not. Funny though, the breakthrough I had was in minimal kneading in the mixer. I realized it was just beating the heck out of the gluten I guess. I will check on the no knead. Over proving? Can you elaborate? Or is it that I don't have enough sugars? Thanks all.
  15. Doodad

    Crust secrets

    I often bake it in what amounts to a large ramekin, but still do not get the crust I am wanting.
  16. I have finally gotten my bread to the point where it is really good. But, I can't figure out crust. How do you get that crunchy golden outside? I have tried several washes, water in the oven (that was closest). It is still too pale and not nearly crunchy enough. What do I need to do?
  17. Doodad

    Jicama question

    See the everlasting gobstopper thread of Dinner! to see how it came out.
  18. Doodad

    Dry frying

    Yeah good luck with that. My wife used to try that all the time. We had a lot of bacon and toast breakfasts.
  19. Yeah, but this is my daughter we are talking about. We call the lady on the can the Betty Crocker of Thailand. What she grew up on; just like Mom used to buy ya know?
  20. It is really weird. I can not find it anywhere in my neck of Atlanta. And this is not a product that was difficult to find until about 2 months ago. And I noticed looking yesterday that even yellow curry is now scarce. Not even taste of thai type stuff. We usually use Maesri brand and can find all the flavors at the various nearby stores. Now even the Asian groceries are missing this item. Red, green, golden, vermont no problem. It is the Massaman and that is what we prefer. I was gonna stick some in my daughter's stocking she loves it that much. Can anybody shed some light?
  21. Doodad

    Dinner! 2007

    I had the day off, so I had some fun. I made two faced pork chops with jerk paste on one side and cranberry relish (leftover) on the other. There were grilled and cut in half so each person got one of each side. The side is roasted plantains in gruyere topped with limed jicama and roasted mixed peppers on top of that. The green sauce is cilantro, smoked salt, roast garlic oil. The flatbreads subbed for tortillas. I also made an apple and blackberry (from our farm property) tatin. Sorry we ate it without a thought for photography.
  22. Actually, have you ever seen the website Pimp My Snack? Go there today. Hilarious. My daughter and I are doing a giant potsticker and calling it the potcrusher.
  23. I had the same idea since they own Fine Living and show Ming and Molto Mario anyway. Make it the high end food channel and show some cooking.
  24. Doodad

    Jicama question

    It is good and I mispoke up top. It will have roast plantains not apples in the salad.
  25. Doodad

    Jicama question

    Thanks to both of you. This is for this evening so I guess I am all right.
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