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Everything posted by Doodad

  1. I am trying to remember. There is a tapas place near Super Hmart that I heard about.
  2. Doodad

    Mushroom Preparation

    I'm a barbarian for the most part and love mushrooms. Gills are no problem and I have never noted a taste in them that is unpleasant (or any different for that matter). The only recipe I saw that removed them was duxelles. And it was purely aesthetics so it would not have a muddy gray look.
  3. Some of those are fantastic beers. I had an oak aged vanillar porter that came in at about 9% alcohol at Christmas. First class beer. In a funky howitzer shell shaped bottle.
  4. Doodad

    Red Rice

    Looks more like Charleston style or Spanish rice to me.
  5. Can you believe the crapstorm over the Romania show? The Travel Channel blog is a whirlwind of contention.
  6. As the other poster said the pit is the same shape as the fruit. I cut a slice all the way to the seed at the centerline (longwise) of the fruit. Then, with that as a guide cut and rotate the fruit along the seed so I get as much as possible in each half. A boning knife is great here. Then it is up to you to either cut in slices, or in a hatch pattern and turn the skin inside out, slicing away the fruit. Pitter is a waste of time and money.
  7. There is even a picture that shows a tall glass tube with the hydrometer floating in a liquid.Personally, I'd rather use a refractometer as they are easier and less messy to use. You can convert between degrees baume and degrees brix by multiplying by 1.75. ← and that would certainly be more appropriate to candy than brewing.
  8. Hey Tony! So what is the beer of choice for a Top Chef judge? Could have been worse; Natty Light comes to mind.
  9. Not sure about desserts, but in beer brewing, you place a sample of the liquid in the tube that stores the hydrometer and read the level at which it floats.
  10. Where did you all go previously? That might help in suggestions.
  11. Thanks for the info. I emailed one near my house (and just over the ridge from some property we own) and they never responded.
  12. You did more than get a new stove, but every move or new stove I (did) do stir-fry. A family favorite and I need to know where I stand on the firepower. "Cuz the only other choice will be the cajun burner.
  13. And I will follow it gladly. THE best chef/cook/hashslinger I ever saw was at a diner type establishment. The guy was a one man band. He could even take the order if the waitress was busy without missing a beat or the order in cue. He had at least a dozen orders at a time all in perfect sequence, all in time, all with a smile and some patter, and the cleanest station you could imagine. Not haute cuisine, but Hot! Oh and Semper Fi. $5 baby Army brat here; ate many a meal, especially at holiday times, with my Dad's units. Most of the guys were too far from home for Mom's cooking. Never got over that sheet cake icing though. Ate so much I hate it to this day.
  14. Yum-o MONEY! That would be a union! I wonder if the babies would be born with tatoos? ← Yep $40 ones. Can you imagine the kitchen decor? Orange bachelor pad.
  15. I called it affirmative action based on the specs that Food Network must have rolled in their minds when sitting in Manhattan coming up with a "black" show. Paula is a cartoon character and reminds me of those old cartoons with the requisite "southern" character. I am surprised they have not put her sons in colonel outfits yet....Hey YA'LL!! So, I can imagine, somewhat akin to the movie "Hollywood Shuffle" how the execs outlined this project. We need a black show. That latin thing with Jag backfired so.... It just seems so insultingly formulaic. So many good chefs and just cooks that would meet their quotas and provide decent information. But, it doesn't sell in the prime markets like Forrest Gump would.
  16. I saw it as the affirmative action Paula Deen show. I guess Southerners are funny as hell. I must say having lived in the South a large part of my life: I recognize all the characters involved and the level of intoxication to produce the behavior. I am not going to say anymore other than both shows are amped up stereotypes.
  17. I liked two things only. The nuts in the veg chili. Call me what you will, but boiled peanuts just might save a veg chili. In the South anyway; not sure about cashews. You would probably get beat. The plantain as a sandwich bread was decent idea. I would have done it openface with what may have been really good pork stew. It looked right. It's reincarnation as a sandwich (including plantains) in the hands of McFunster's looked like a colonic irrigation appointment. That teutonic cheesesteak looked like scheisse.
  18. Did you hear his explanation of the difference between lager and stout? I almost threw something.
  19. We make yogurt cucumber dressing with it for our falafel pitas.
  20. Did anybody else catch that dog? I appreciated some of the cooking, but between the contrived suspense, weird format and (mostly) the hosts it was all pretty bad. I have to say the prize was generous if weird that you have to compete against completely unrelated food to yours. And the review with the hipster and the contestant was painful to say the least.
  21. How did battle ham come out? I could not stay awake. I wish they had not moved the show to 10 in my area. All to accomodate that Guy Fieri Mark Summer debacle.
  22. That sounds fantastic! Sort of a Mexican-themed ravioli. I love mexican food. Do you cut the ravioli by hand? I only make ravioli rarely because it is so much work. I've never tried the stuffing attachment to my roller because my grandmother said they don't work very well. ← I am going to use a chinese dumpling press for the ravioli. I have one of those circular ravioli cutters, but it is so small it is almost worthless. Edit to add a biscuit cutter works very well for this application. I just like the half moon look and crimping that I get from the dumpling device.
  23. I know I gave up on hand rolling. I use a machine. I never could get a rolling pin to get a proper thickness especially if any semolina was involved. I am making ravioli so I need very precise thickness. I am using the last of the mexican pot roast I made last week to stuff the ravioli. I will be in a mole and demi sauce with avocado and creme fraiche topping. I will try to take some pics.
  24. All purpose or do you mix some semolina in as well? I was going for about 10% semolina.
  25. Personally I prefer the food processor, since it handles small quantities better. My stand mixer is just too big to make pasta dough efficiently. Plus, a food processor only takes about 30 seconds . ← Really? I would have thought the speed and blade would overheat the eggs in the dough. What blade or attachment do you use in the processor?
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