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Everything posted by Doodad

  1. I love brisket for braising. As much if not more than short ribs.
  2. Also on Comcast on demand. Others as well I assume.
  3. Wow thanks for this thread. I am pretty sure I have one and have used it for years.
  4. We plan several meals in a variety of styles (both style, cooking method and ingredient) so we can cook on the weekend for most of the week. When shopping if something catches the eye or is on sale it usually supplants one idea. Like Dan, Sat is the goodie we found. But after that I will have something in the crock, some bulk sauce or soup to build around and prepped items that can be cooked quickly during the week whether pre assembled or partially cooked.
  5. Fish sauce. Hot sun. Done.
  6. I did them perfect right out of the gate with Martin Yan's version. Not sure if it is online or not.
  7. Doodad

    Surf and turf

    I would continue each course with the same ingredients in the dish. Whatever wine is in the risotto or if none perhaps a spicy Gewurtz. For the steak I would continue the beer theme with an IPA.
  8. On a whim one day while frying okra, we used the same breading and fried fresh nopales. Holy Cow!! Like crispy, citrusy green beans.
  9. Those things are in every quirky catalog we have gotten this season.
  10. So I ordered a kit last year from an online source that is not a cooking site, but had a good deal on a simplistic but fairly well stocked MG kit. So far no love. I have tried reverse spheres three times now with apple juice, cranberry juice and stock. None even began to form spheres. I have done them in a pro kitchen before so I know I can physically do it, but either my ratio or the kit is bad. I have tried three different ratios both from the kit and online. I could not even get agar to gel my cranberry when the spheres failed. Could the ingredients be bad?
  11. Doodad

    Corn season 2011

    Macque Choux. My favorite corn dish.
  12. My grandmother had condiment sets like that. Had a handled carrier to set the glass in. For pickles and such.
  13. I am growing them this year and curry is where I am looking. And hot sauce. Have to make it outside though.
  14. Doodad

    Pickled Pig's Feet

    You put them back in the jar at the gas station and get something else. But, not the pickled eggs. It is a rural Southern thing, but I swear I never have seen anyone buy one.
  15. Our garden is going great guns. Cool veggies still producing and summer crop in and flowering. I love Spring.
  16. Lemon pepper is widely used in cajun cooking. I have some in the pantry. Alternately, fine zest in the breading or sprinkled on would do the trick.
  17. Thanks to you both! Yeah he said guaje. That recipe sounds awesome Panaderia, it will happen.
  18. Most movies I see have the staff correct, but way too much space. The only one I saw with tons of space was at a country club I worked at briefly. At the very busy place I last worked we had more cooks than space which resulted in prep being done in the most precarious of places. The line had typically six guys working with a chef at the pass, two sous on the side and several preps/washers in the back. This all in maybe 1000 square feet taken up mostly by equipment and churning out 300 covers a service.
  19. Cilantro. Should be slow to bolt up there. Mexican oregano maybe?
  20. Doodad

    Mise en place

    I do. Almost always. I have a slew of pinch bowls and such just for this purpose. My first love was Chinese cooking and it teaches you quick to have everything ready. This morning for instance I was marinating bulgogi and had all the ingredients out before the first one went in the bowl. Force of habit I guess.
  21. Like this: http://www.pattayadailynews.com/images_feature/006_en/0000000282/p9.jpg
  22. They were very flat pods about and inch wide, 8 inches long and the inside bean would be flat and oblong about 3/4 inch long. They were not fuzzy, but not smooth either. Kind of rough textured. The carneceria was called San Miguel if that helps with some local dialect naming. Can you give me a salsa recipe that incorporates beans? I imagine as you said they are shelled and boiled. The lupine beans you mentioned look very similar.
  23. I don't know the color inside as I did not buy them.
  24. They were smaller pods than fava. The bean inside would be about the size of a baby lima. The pod was maybe six to eight inches long.
  25. At the carneceria yesterday they had these bean pods, but the guy at the counter could not tell me what they were. He called them guajilla or similar and said you put them in salsa? They are a long green pod with flat beans inside that you pop out. What are they and how do you cook them? Thanks.
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