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Everything posted by Doodad

  1. Doodad

    Christmas 2010 Menus

    There will be four of us and Mom is laid up after surgery so I am doing as my present. They have requested a whole ham which I ordered today. Have to think on sides tonight, but with just me cooking and my parents liking traditional American fare, I will probably err on the side of caution. A mussel app for sure as my Dad loves them.
  2. I saw this yesterday on Bizarre Foods. They stuffed it with offal, butter and bacon and placed it wrapped in foil on a fire pit and covered the whole thing. I assume for hours.
  3. Wanted to give all a heads up if you are interested. Yumbii and Westside Creamery (others maybe) will be at the Alpharetta Farmers Market today from 12-5. Come out if you can and help convince them that the burbs want them too.
  4. Shrimp. I am good at it and fast since I grew up getting tons at the beach and such. But I hate the tedium. I would almost rather make a shrimp boil because of it.
  5. Bud still has the ponies and many foreign beers, especially Belgian, come in smaller bottles.
  6. Think geek has a great little kit for $70 or so.
  7. Let's see. I made turkey tacos the day after. Reworked the cranberrry relish into a salsa with habaneros and orange juice. Yesterday was jambalaya with the turkey and sausage from the stuffing. Tonight the turkey stock from the bones and more turkey will be hot and sour soup.
  8. I have never heard of clearjel. Is it seaweed based like agar?
  9. Your local home brew store has them or one of the online brew vendors.
  10. Are you unemployed? I am and working through a program that pays me a stipend and covers workers comp.
  11. Yes twice now. Just approach the chef, they like free. I am supposed to be getting a stipend on this current job due to my working through a department of labor program, but that has not worked well. Don't forget clothes and gas will cost you. Good luck!
  12. Brittle. Put it in whole and let UPS doing the breaking!
  13. My first thought was he has a show coming soon to a Food Net Channel near you.
  14. We do jerk stuff all the time including turkey. I hit on a side dish last week of plantains dauphinoise with coconut milk for the cream and allspice instead of nutmeg. I use dry rubs, sauces like Pickapepper and wet rubs all the time. Grilled is how it is usually done.
  15. Replacements.com? They helped us identify and replace pieces on my grandmother's china set.
  16. I vote for oyster especially king oyster. You can peel it down like chanterelles and it has a similar texture.
  17. I vote for a porter. Just the kind of all around full body and some hops to keep up with stuffing and gravy.
  18. When we go to the beach or other rental, I pack because you just never know. I take a wok and fill it with my knife, peeler, cutting board, essential spices, wine opener (a must), spatula, small skillet and a few other knick knacks that I know won't be found in the kitchen like a small squirt bottle. I tape the lid on the wok and ready to pack.
  19. My Mom wants me to make pomegranate juice alginate spheres for her martini. Should be good.
  20. At work we have sesame crisps to top certain items with. Basically a savory bready thing deep fried in strips. They seem to keep fro several services so you could freeze them.
  21. My New England grandmother always cooked eggs this way. As for deep fried, only Scotch eggs that I know of are done that way. Whole nother beast though.
  22. That is what I did. Whenever the smoker is going I throw everything at it that I have on hand. Peppers, fruits etc. The peppers are awesome, but the peach was great with pork shoulder. Squash was pretty interesting too.
  23. Nowhere? Wow, that is even in the mainstream groceries down here.
  24. We call that last call and it happens the night before trash.
  25. The tops are not the tastiest thing to eat in my opinion. Look up Morrocan carrots. It is a great hot side dish and simple to make. Could easily keep in the freezer.
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