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Everything posted by Doodad

  1. Doodad

    Savoy Cabbage

    I like to use it in place of anything bready for lower carb alternatives. Instead of tortillas, rice wrappers or burger buns.
  2. maybe the bag guage is better on the Ziploc brand?
  3. I have the reynolds one and we use it to break up bulk buys. I contacted the company regarding sous vide and they said the bags were not made for it.
  4. another vote for Herdez. One of the few canned products we buy. The salsa verde is great.
  5. Maybe salsa de fruta style with vinegar, salt and hot pepper flakes? Would make a good side with mex food.
  6. I used to work for a restaurant owner who always had "sober October" to get ready for the heady holiday season.
  7. I don't know their real name, but the ones out of the sandy soils in eastern NC aka Tobacco Road. Always heard those were the ones to make the dish and have seen them labeled as such in stores when they were in season. They are flatter than a regular yellow onion. Great for rings too. Maybe it is a marketing ploy, but they do have a distinct taste somewhere between a yellow and a sweet.
  8. I use reds for any spicy dish Asian or Latin. And pickles; they look too cool all pink. The plentiful vidalias here make up the bulk of onion use. I use whites for carmelization and onion soup as the sweets get too cloying in that usage. Tobacco onions, when I can find them, are immediately used in carmelization and frying.
  9. Yeah, I know Tom knew what he was making and had practiced a few times, but that was still impressive to me. Gathering mise, cookware, fileting, cooking etc in 8 minutes when you have not worked a line in years......I honestly did not think he would do it that quickly. and while none have worked in a turn and burn (except maybe as teens in the usual joints) they all own or aspire to high volume and the dollars they bring. Blais' place for instance is extremely high volume. Extremely.
  10. Very impressive of Collichio answering the critics and contestants and competing at their own challenge. That was awesome.
  11. Call some of your commercial realtors or property managers in your area. They should know how to contact any listing service that might be around.
  12. Kevin G here turned it down and explained on is facebook that he felt he had nothing to prove and was very busy with his restaurant and other projects.
  13. I think plan A already in progress will get you there.
  14. Doodad

    Christmas 2010 Menus

    Made my bacon jam and dr pepper glaze yesterday. Got all the sturdy or non perishables as well. Making spheres and tarragon butter today.
  15. Please enlighten us Yanks on what you mean by pop up restaurant.
  16. Doodad

    Christmas 2010 Menus

    I am gearing and getting ready. Fresh smoked ham with the cloves, pineapple rings and cherries at Dad's request. But, I am doing a coke/pom molasses glaze and pineapple gastrique spheres for plating to liven things up. acorn squash stuffed with wild rice/cranberries/walnuts topped with parmesan tuilles. greens of some kind topped with bacon jam asparagus and mushrooms with tarragon butter and mushroom powder. That should keep me busy. Mom and Dad are doing bread, wine and dessert.
  17. I don't get the science channel and to date there is no placeholder in the on demand section for it. comcast!
  18. That was ugly and I am hearing some rumors that the tirade that Jen went on was actually after the scene where the departing chef literally packs their knives, but the mic was still hot. And the editors then pasted it onto her departure from the stew room. If true, I say that is pretty low.
  19. Don't forget a new pair of sweat pants if you get that pasta maker. I swear we gained about ten pounds the year we got ours. Its final demise was a blessing in disguise. It was just too easy.
  20. I grew up with them made cloyingly sweet as mentioned. Never really liked it especially with marshmallows. Yuck. I have started making them dauphinoise style, but with coconut milk, little habanero and allspice for a caribbean kick.
  21. Doodad

    Christmas 2010 Menus

    Had to look up those cherries. Now I am wondering if I can make a retro dinner complete with jello mold and such. Anyone have some ideas for 70s style dishes for Christmas? I was a bit young then and threw out all my old books with that kind of vintage stuff.
  22. Sam Choy has a great Tahitian crab soup that is in one of his cookbooks and probably online somewhere. We have loved it for years and make it for special occasions. Very simple as well.
  23. Doodad

    Christmas 2010 Menus

    My Dad has requested retro ham with the pineapple slices and cherries. I have no idea why.
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